Esperanza Middle school Stabbing?

nomoney said:
i think it wasn't that you forgot I think it was that you were so quick to jump onto the school board for something that was your mistake. It's not as big of a deal as others seem to be making it but on the other hand you coulda let this go 3 pages ago with a simple...It's taken care of now ; so no biggy. :shrug:

i said a while back that i had the issue resolved, but that wasn't good enough for anyone
Pete said:
Not yours in particular but the raging biatch gangbang pile and condescension festival that seems epidemic here the nanosecond someone makes a admission of a perceived failing no matter how minuscule it may be.

A person, totally unknown says in passing they were mad their kid went hungry because they forgot lunch money and within an hour they are lectured endlessly (even by people with no kids/school age kids) about "parental responsibility", said to be uneducated, on welfare, an a-hole, and a deadbeat.

The cherry on top is how people who's ability to pour pizz out of a boot if the instructions are printed on the heel is highly suspect, want to point to a typo, dangling participle or a misplaced modifier as vindication.
Oh, I pretty much ignored the gangbag pile on bunch so I thought you were mad at me for saying middle schoolers are primarily responsible for whether or not they get fed on any given day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
Perhaps your husband should take over some of your motherly duties if you cannot handle all of them. :shrug:
Perhaps you should consider getting a husband of your own instead of popping out illegitimate spawn every five minutes. Until your own house is clean, shut the #### up.


Well-Known Member
mehlert74 said:
I said a while back that I had the issue resolved, but that wasn't good enough for anyone
Not when you are still blaming the school for your errors as a parent. :shrug:
nomoney said:
then why respond to those that it wasn't good enough for? :shrug:

you are right, i probably should have just dropped it, but i was being judged in a very, very hard way for someone they do not know much of anything about for a simple opinion of issue i thought should have been addressed...but i guess i was wrong


Geek said:
You know what is serious business, if a school policy is offensive to you, you need to address it. If you want the school to feed your child, money or not, then you need to seek to change that policy. If the OP thinks that the school needs to change, then she needs to stand up and fight for it. "Let no Middle schooler be without lunch". Assuming that she might forget in the future, she needs to insure that her child will be feed. She should not leave the school office until she has an answer that is satisfactory.
There is no such word as "schooler" and "insure" is incorrect, it should be "ensure". :jameo: :jameo:

Because of these grammatical errors I have to assume you are an uneducated twit and since I do not feel compelled to provide you with a reasonable answer I am just going to belittle you, your kid, and your husband.


My kid goes negative from time to time in his lunch account. If I had to I would drive over and take him to lunch if I had to. The point here is she did say she would go to the school board and the masses erupted in an orgy of condescension.
sockgirl77 said:
Not when you are still blaming the school for your errors as a parent. :shrug:

i blame the school for not being kind enough to let the child eat for my mistake...they could have just let him eat, send me home a note or what not, would have been paid and the issue could have been resolved right then and there, not later on down the road


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Not yours in particular but the raging biatch gangbang pile and condescension festival that seems epidemic here the nanosecond someone makes a admission of a perceived failing no matter how minuscule it may be.

A person, totally unknown says in passing they were mad their kid went hungry because they forgot lunch money and within an hour they are lectured endlessly (even by people with no kids/school age kids) about "parental responsibility", said to be uneducated, on welfare, an a-hole, and a deadbeat.

The cherry on top is how people who's ability to pour pizz out of a boot if the instructions are printed on the heel is highly suspect, want to point to a typo, dangling participle or a misplaced modifier as vindication.

The little glass house girls sure do like to throw stones, don't they?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Perhaps you should consider getting a husband of your own instead of popping out illegitimate spawn every five minutes. Until your own house is clean, shut the #### up.
1. I have two illegitimate children. Took me more than five minutes to pop them out.
2. I prefer not to have a husband, TYVM. My children get fed without one.
3. My house is clean.
4. No, I will not shut the #### up. This is an open forum.
5. Just an hour ago you too were posting in this very same thread about the very same subject.



New Member
Pete said:
The cherry on top is how people who's ability to pour pizz out of a boot if the instructions are printed on the heel is highly suspect, want to point to a typo, dangling participle or a misplaced modifier as vindication.
I'm actually an expert at poring pizz out of a boot :duh: What do you think I learned at the 'college of pizz pouring?' Who are you to judge? :bawl:



Nice lady!
mehlert74 said:
i blame the school for not being kind enough to let the child eat for my mistake...they could have just let him eat, send me home a note or what not, would have been paid and the issue could have been resolved right then and there, not later on down the road

I'll be slammed for this but I've forgotten a few times too. AND I called the school about it because boy said they wouldn't let him eat. They did tell me he had the option of a cheese sandwich but chose not to eat that. :jameo:


New Member
Pete said:
There is no such word as "schooler" and "insure" is incorrect, it should be "ensure". :jameo: :jameo:

Because of these grammatical errors I have to assume you are an uneducated twit and since I do not feel compelled to provide you with a reasonable answer I am just going to belittle you, your kid, and your husband.


My kid goes negative from time to time in his lunch account. If I had to I would drive over and take him to lunch if I had to. The point here is she did say she would go to the school board and the masses erupted in an orgy of condescension.

No, my point is she should go into the school and talk with the Principal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
My kid goes negative from time to time in his lunch account.
Well, aren't you just the unfit parent? Not nearly as fabulous as all these little perfect Mommies on here. :rolleyes:


Like I said before.
Vince said:
Oh for Pete's sake! (I didn't mean you Pete) So the kid missed lunch. It won't kill him. Just don't forget again. Ya'll make a big deal out of nothing.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
No YOU STFU. Look who's talking about someone ELSE being an azzhole or a bia. :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: I wouldn't have said a word to the idiot if she hadn't been all up in my ass the other day being a judgmental ass wipe. Besides, I'm not an ass, I just play one on the forums :banana: and I have NEVER forgotten to send lunch money with my kid.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Not yours in particular but the raging biatch gangbang pile and condescension festival that seems epidemic here the nanosecond someone makes a admission of a perceived failing no matter how minuscule it may be.

A person, totally unknown says in passing they were mad their kid went hungry because they forgot lunch money and within an hour they are lectured endlessly (even by people with no kids/school age kids) about "parental responsibility", said to be uneducated, on welfare, an a-hole, and a deadbeat.

The cherry on top is how people who's ability to pour pizz out of a boot if the instructions are printed on the heel is highly suspect, want to point to a typo, dangling participle or a misplaced modifier as vindication.
Looks like I hit paydirt...