Esperanza Middle school Stabbing?


Azzy said:
:rolleyes: I wouldn't have said a word to the idiot if she hadn't been all up in my ass the other day being a judgmental ass wipe. Besides, I'm not an ass, I just play one on the forums :banana: and I have NEVER forgotten to send lunch money with my kid.

so if someone gets on your're admitting that no matter what the subject matter thats current you're just going to jump on their ass just as "payback"? I know you live with mommy and daddy still, but I had at least given you the credit of being an adult.
meangirl said:
I'll be slammed for this but I've forgotten a few times too. AND I called the school about it because boy said they wouldn't let him eat. They did tell me he had the option of a cheese sandwich but chose not to eat that. :jameo:

that was one of the points i was trying to make earlier too...there may be some lunch ladies that let them slide and let them eat, but i know there are a couple that won't let you get away with it.
mehlert74 said:
i blame the school for not being kind enough to let the child eat for my mistake...they could have just let him eat, send me home a note or what not, would have been paid and the issue could have been resolved right then and there, not later on down the road
IMO, that is a good mindset for elementary school, but not for middle school and up. Think of it from the lunch lady's perspective having to deal with an entire school full of pre-teens. At that age, you give them an inch and they naturally take a mile. I see the consequence of having to do without to be incentive to remember the next time. We aren't talking about just your kid forgetting. I see it as the school setting a standard and sticking to it, thus putting the responsiblity where it belongs, on the kid and secondarily on the kid's parent. I don't want to see my kid go without, but I agree with the policy. Again, I'm talking middle school and up.
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New Member
meangirl said:
I'll be slammed for this but I've forgotten a few times too. AND I called the school about it because boy said they wouldn't let him eat. They did tell me he had the option of a cheese sandwich but chose not to eat that. :jameo:
No you won't everyone likes you. But SEE, it's not like they send them back to the cafeteria empty handed so everyone can make fun of them. They DO offer them something. If they choose not to take it, it is not the school's fault. :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
1. I have two illegitimate children. Took me more than five minutes to pop them out.
2. I prefer not to have a husband, TYVM. My children get fed without one.
3. My house is clean.
4. No, I will not shut the #### up. This is an open forum.
5. Just an hour ago you too were posting in this very same thread about the very same subject.
YOU, of all people, have no right to lord yourself over ANYONE as a better or more responsible mother. The very idea of that is ridiculous.

At least all she forgot was lunch money - YOU forgot to give your kids a father who'd stick around.

Still want to toss some stones, Miss Thang?


New Member
nomoney said:
so if someone gets on your're admitting that no matter what the subject matter thats current you're just going to jump on their ass just as "payback"? I know you live with mommy and daddy still, but I had at least given you the credit of being an adult.
I do what I have to do to entertain myself when I have nothing else to do. But no, I'm pretty childish, I thought this thread was hilarious, WAY before I jumped into it :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
YOU, of all people, have no right to lord yourself over ANYONE as a better or more responsible mother. The very idea of that is ridiculous.

At least all she forgot was lunch money - YOU forgot to give your kids a father who'd stick around.

Still want to toss some stones, Miss Thang?

talking about being a little catty. Come on vrai, yes she's made bad choices but to throw that in her face because she didn't agree on a subject as stupid as this? Seriously? Ya they all went a little over on the poor lady - but pulling that crap out was just as childish.

ps...don't ban me.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
YOU, of all people, have no right to lord yourself over ANYONE as a better or more responsible mother. The very idea of that is ridiculous.

At least all she forgot was lunch money - YOU forgot to give your kids a father who'd stick around.

Still want to toss some stones, Miss Thang?
So, you're saying that she can't be productive and raise her kids without a man? Funny, all this time I'd been giving her credit for working her ass off as a single mother just to take care of her children and not end up on welfare. Maybe I have it all wrong.

Socki, without a man, you are nothing :poorbaby: I still love you and I'm more than willing to be your bebe daddy :flowers:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
YOU, of all people, have no right to lord yourself over ANYONE as a better or more responsible mother. The very idea of that is ridiculous.

At least all she forgot was lunch money - YOU forgot to give your kids a father who'd stick around.

Still want to toss some stones, Miss Thang?
Dear Vrai,
My kids are well taken care of. They get fed multiple times a day.
Miss Thang
kwillia said:
IMO, that is a good mindset for elementary school, but not for middle school and up. Think of it from the lunch lady's perspective having to deal with an entire school full of pre-teens. At that age, you give them an inch and they naturally take a mile. I see the consequence of having to do without to be insentive to remember the next time. We aren't talking about just your kid forgetting. I see it as the school setting a standard and sticking to it, thus putting the responsiblity where it belongs, on the kid and secondarily on the kid's parent. I don't want to see my kid go without, but I agree with the policy. Again, I'm talking middle school and up.

i understand that as well, and i know that is theri "policy", but it's not the law. i have talked to the principle and everyone i had to in regards to this, they realized i was right and that they should not do it again, and that is why i said, if god forbid i forget to look at his account and he doesn't have to money in it and he goes one more time without being able to eat, that i would take it higher up. Take it out on me for MY mistake, do not take it out on the kids....and don't take away from them


mehlert74 said:
i understand that as well, and i know that is theri "policy", but it's not the law. i have talked to the principle and everyone i had to in regards to this, they realized i was right and that they should not do it again, and that is why i said, if god forbid i forget to look at his account and he doesn't have to money in it and he goes one more time without being able to eat, that i would take it higher up. Take it out on me for MY mistake, do not take it out on the kids....and don't take away from them

again with the responding :duh:
mehlert74 said:
i understand that as well, and i know that is theri "policy", but it's not the law. i have talked to the principle and everyone i had to in regards to this, they realized i was right and that they should not do it again
Gotcha. That's probably where this "cheese sandwich" thing everyone keeps talking about comes into play. Based on several posts, that seems to be the standard across various school districts.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
This is going to sound a little anal... Well maybe a lot anal, but I recall making my own lunches from the get go - like 3rd grade at least. I liked doing my own sh!t - my own laundry, my own organizing - I'm pretty sure my mother NEVER made my lunch - but would offer to give me $ to buy the hot lunch, which I did occaionally. The point of me stating these facts is that I only knew of the underpriviledged who were in a breakfast and lunch program - not necessarily the types of programs of which you speak.


Nice lady!
Azzy said:
No you won't everyone likes you. But SEE, it's not like they send them back to the cafeteria empty handed so everyone can make fun of them. They DO offer them something. If they choose not to take it, it is not the school's fault. :huggy:

Right. He didn't tell me they offered or that he refused it though. Typical boy. What really riled me up though is I have two kids with lunch accts there and they wouldn't let him use his brothers acct. Anyway, they were very nice but let me know a cheese sandwich is IT if you (me/them) forget their lunch money.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
talking about being a little catty. Come on vrai, yes she's made bad choices but to throw that in her face because she didn't agree on a subject as stupid as this? Seriously? Ya they all went a little over on the poor lady - but pulling that crap out was just as childish.
Oh bull####. :rolleyes:

Socki wanted to get all high and mighty and bust on someone else to make herself feel like she was better. Merely bringing her back to reality. :kiss: