Ethics complaint on Schiff


Well-Known Member

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is now taking action.

He’s filed an ethics complaint after the Star Chamber leader, House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). Normally, actual impeachment proceedings would proceed out of the Judiciary Committee, which would have been under that Chair, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY). But Pelosi delegated it to Schiff instead, another break from precedent and proper procedure.

Gaetz’s complaint alleges that Schiff’s handling of the proceedings has been full of unethical actions, including
“distorting @POTUS ’s call with President Zelensky, lying to the public about ‘Russian collusion’, and blocking members of Congress from attending impeachment depositions,” according to Townhall.
“Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment resolution gives unprecedented power to the Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff,” Gaetz told reporters ahead of filing his complaint. “That’s deeply troubling to me for a few reasons. First, Adam Schiff has proven in this process that he cannot adhere to the fundamental principles of fairness. Second, and I would say most important for my work today, is that Adam Schiff has violated the ethical rules of the House of Representatives.”​

Gaetz point out how Schiff had deceived the public about what was said on the Trump phone call with Ukraine’s President Zelensky, making up things that were not in fact said and claiming Trump’s words were “‘like a classic organized crime shakedown’” on the call. Gaetz also referenced the lie that Schiff told about the Russia investigation claiming that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” that Trump had colluded with Russia.

Additionally, Gaetz noted rules Schiff was in violation of including, “A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not be excluded from nonparticipatory attendance at a hearing of a committee or subcommittee […] unless the House by majority vote authorizes a particular committee or subcommittee, for purposes of a particular series of hearings on a particular article of legislation or on a particular subject of investigation, to close its hearings to Members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner by the same procedures specified in this subparagraph for closing hearings to the public.”

Holding a closed hearing for impeachment hearings that do not contain classified information or have any specific reason to be closed is outrageous.

Schiff also didn’t tell the truth about prior contacts that he and his aide had had with the Ukraine whistleblower. On that basis alone, he really should recuse himself from the matter.

Gaetz’s filing comes the day after a big dust-up when Schiff intervened during a hearing and wouldn’t let Republicans ask questions of Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. Schiff stopped Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) from asking Vindman who he had spoken to about the matter. According to Jordan, Schiff said, “No, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer that question,” as though he were Vindman’s lawyer and not the head of a committee which is supposed to be impartial and getting at the truth.

Rep. Steve Scalise told Fox News that Pelosi needed to declare a “mistrial.”
“This has been a tainted process from the start. What happened today confirms even worse just how poorly Adam Schiff is handling this process, denying the ability for Republicans to even ask basic questions that are critical to the heart of whether or not a President of the United States is impeached.”​


Well-Known Member
...and who gets to judge this ethics complaint? Another Dem-led committee which will find no wrongdoing...
I hope when the GOP takes back the House they become vindictive and retaliatory against these guys. Can you imagine if the GOP were to hold secret hearings and vote to censure and expel some of these guys? "Sorry Adam, we had overwhelming proof, and since you like secret hearings where only one side is discussed, we decided that you had to go..."


Well-Known Member
...and who gets to judge this ethics complaint? Another Dem-led committee which will find no wrongdoing...
I hope when the GOP takes back the House they become vindictive and retaliatory against these guys. Can you imagine if the GOP were to hold secret hearings and vote to censure and expel some of these guys? "Sorry Adam, we had overwhelming proof, and since you like secret hearings where only one side is discussed, we decided that you had to go..."
It's a 50-50 committee.


Well-Known Member
It's a 50-50 committee.
I didn't know that, but it makes sense on a certain level. But it still would have the same effect...anything coming out of the committee requires a majority, so with 5D/5R and any vote goes down party line (i.e., 5/5), then the complaint won't investigated.


God bless the USA

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is now taking action.

He’s filed an ethics complaint after the Star Chamber leader, House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). Normally, actual impeachment proceedings would proceed out of the Judiciary Committee, which would have been under that Chair, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY). But Pelosi delegated it to Schiff instead, another break from precedent and proper procedure.

Gaetz’s complaint alleges that Schiff’s handling of the proceedings has been full of unethical actions, including
“distorting @POTUS ’s call with President Zelensky, lying to the public about ‘Russian collusion’, and blocking members of Congress from attending impeachment depositions,” according to Townhall.
“Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment resolution gives unprecedented power to the Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff,” Gaetz told reporters ahead of filing his complaint. “That’s deeply troubling to me for a few reasons. First, Adam Schiff has proven in this process that he cannot adhere to the fundamental principles of fairness. Second, and I would say most important for my work today, is that Adam Schiff has violated the ethical rules of the House of Representatives.”​

Gaetz point out how Schiff had deceived the public about what was said on the Trump phone call with Ukraine’s President Zelensky, making up things that were not in fact said and claiming Trump’s words were “‘like a classic organized crime shakedown’” on the call. Gaetz also referenced the lie that Schiff told about the Russia investigation claiming that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” that Trump had colluded with Russia.

Additionally, Gaetz noted rules Schiff was in violation of including, “A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not be excluded from nonparticipatory attendance at a hearing of a committee or subcommittee […] unless the House by majority vote authorizes a particular committee or subcommittee, for purposes of a particular series of hearings on a particular article of legislation or on a particular subject of investigation, to close its hearings to Members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner by the same procedures specified in this subparagraph for closing hearings to the public.”

Holding a closed hearing for impeachment hearings that do not contain classified information or have any specific reason to be closed is outrageous.

Schiff also didn’t tell the truth about prior contacts that he and his aide had had with the Ukraine whistleblower. On that basis alone, he really should recuse himself from the matter.

Gaetz’s filing comes the day after a big dust-up when Schiff intervened during a hearing and wouldn’t let Republicans ask questions of Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. Schiff stopped Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) from asking Vindman who he had spoken to about the matter. According to Jordan, Schiff said, “No, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer that question,” as though he were Vindman’s lawyer and not the head of a committee which is supposed to be impartial and getting at the truth.

Rep. Steve Scalise told Fox News that Pelosi needed to declare a “mistrial.”
“This has been a tainted process from the start. What happened today confirms even worse just how poorly Adam Schiff is handling this process, denying the ability for Republicans to even ask basic questions that are critical to the heart of whether or not a President of the United States is impeached.”​

Thanks for posting. :patriot:


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that, but it makes sense on a certain level. But it still would have the same effect...anything coming out of the committee requires a majority, so with 5D/5R and any vote goes down party line (i.e., 5/5), then the complaint won't investigated.
Then it will be a 50-50 vote. :bigwhoop:
That's certainly possible, but I hope not. It's pretty much the only committee left that even tries to be non-partisan.


Well-Known Member
Does kind of set the lie to the story that everything is above board and transparent, when in fact it's not even close?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I doubt Adam Schiff cares about some ethics complaint. He lies and abuses power for a living; some piddling complaint isn't going to phase him.


Beloved Misanthrope
I doubt Adam Schiff cares about some ethics complaint. He lies and abuses power for a living; some piddling complaint isn't going to phase him.
Akin to giving a mafia boss a parking ticket.... Although he's not intelligent enough to be a mafia boss.... Maybe Fredo.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This just plays into the whole "they think we're too stupid to see what's going".

We largely are too stupid to see what's going on. That's how the AOCs and Adam Schiffs get elected to power in the first place. Batshit crazy Maxine Waters and drooling moron Hank Johnson got elected to their office, and they continue to get elected every 2 years. Half this country voted for Hillary Clinton. AND they're excited at the thought of her running in 2020, even though we've had 3 years to watch her go off the rails.

So there's a reason why they think we're stupid.


We largely are too stupid to see what's going on. That's how the AOCs and Adam Schiffs get elected to power in the first place. Batshit crazy Maxine Waters and drooling moron Hank Johnson got elected to their office, and they continue to get elected every 2 years. Half this country voted for Hillary Clinton. AND they're excited at the thought of her running in 2020, even though we've had 3 years to watch her go off the rails.

So there's a reason why they think we're stupid.

Ok, half of the country is stupid. :sarcasm:

You know what I think? I think these "stupid" people know what's going on and approve. While that may be a stupid position to hold, these people aren't too stupid to know what's going on. They just simply agree with what's going on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know what I think? I think these "stupid" people know what's going on and approve. While that may be a stupid position to hold, these people aren't too stupid to know what's going on. They just simply agree with what's going on.

That also makes them stupid. Democrat politicians have been promising them stuff ever since I can remember, and all those things have yet to materialize. AND not only have their communities not gotten any better, they've gotten worse. I think that's the height of stupidity.


Well-Known Member
LOL,...............sounds like trump.

Guess what Boo Boo!?!?!
You've made it to my new friends list!!!
Guess what you get for your genius posts?!?!


Well-Known Member
LOL,...............sounds like trump.
So, your defense of Schiff's illegal, improper, immoral, and unethical behavior is "yahbuttrump!!!"?

You're not helping your case that you have thoughts here. You're not showing them. Pretty much ever.

The Boss

Active Member
So, your defense of Schiff's illegal, improper, immoral, and unethical behavior is "yahbuttrump!!!"?

You're not helping your case that you have thoughts here. You're not showing them. Pretty much ever.
LOL, my response is that it's not worth the paper it's written on. My case hase been made page's ago. You and others still can't justify trumps complete trashing of the U.S. Constitution.