Ever get just - tired of a show?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever faithfully followed a show and just realized over time - you just don't enjoy watching it anymore?

My wife is better at this than I am - I tend to have "loyalty" to a show long after I am just slogging through an episode of a show I no longer enjoy. She doesn't. We have any number of shows "we" watch that she eventually drifts away from. I've done the same for a very few number of "her" shows (and it always follows the same pattern - an interesting medical, lawyer or cop drama that turns into more or less a night-time soap focusing almost entirely on the relationships between the characters and almost nothing on an actual story line).

But I must have two or three shows which I watch because - I don't know why - I just have to finish it, even if it's no fun to watch at all.


Beloved Misanthrope
After Timeless got dropped I tried watching some of the netflix series and Arrow.

Didnt' take long to get bored with them either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If I know an end is in sight I'll keep watching through the last season if it's still somewhat interesting, but like American Horror Story - I skipped Roanoke and stopped watching altogether after Cult because it got dumb and boring.

Shows usually jump the fridge around season 4 when the writers run out of ideas. Exceptions are Modern Family and Seinfeld - they ran like 10 years and were great right up to the end.


Active Member
I've gotten sorta bored with Blacklist, but I keep watching because I wanna' know who Redmond is.

I was gonna say this. We watched the first few seasons and then just stopped.

I think it just gets to the point where there are too many things I want to watch, and not enough time. I dvr so many shows and eventually decide I'm never going to get to watch everything so I start deleting shows.


Throwing the deuces
I tend to watch the first season of a show and maybe a couple of the second season before I realize that it's not for me anymore.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I like bingeing on shows that the whole thing - all seasons - are available for streaming. Like, we were watching Ozark, Yellowstone, and now Dead To Me, and by the time they come out with a new season I'll have lost interest. Bosch, same.

I don't know how we used to do it back in the Stone Age, having to wait months to see who shot JR.


Throwing the deuces
I like bingeing on shows that the whole thing - all seasons - are available for streaming. Like, we were watching Ozark, Yellowstone, and now Dead To Me, and by the time they come out with a new season I'll have lost interest. Bosch, same.

I don't know how we used to do it back in the Stone Age, having to wait months to see who shot JR.
I don't use a streaming service but a good cliffhanger was always exciting and guaranteed viewers would tune in next season.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
And then there are the shows that don't last long enough. Freaks & Geeks was one of them.


Well-Known Member
After Timeless got dropped I tried watching some of the netflix series and Arrow.

Didnt' take long to get bored with them either.
Wife watched two seasons of Arrow - and got tired of it.
Ditto Blacklist - I stayed - because James Spader is just damned cool, even though he aged even worse than I have - but wife just got tired of the endless speculation.

Myself - I have a few shows I don't know why I keep watching. One of them is "Black Lightning". I have gone through whole episodes only to realize - by THE END - I've seen it before. It's just boring the hell out of me. Again, same thing with "Blindspot" - wife lost interest after one season, I kept on even realizing the tattoo riddles are just ridiculous. I've had a couple where I just can't stand either the endless PC "teachable moments" where I know I'm being preached to - or the avalanche of gay couples where - in real life I know just a few, on a TV show easily half are gay - part of me reacts with "enough is enough - I don't need to be 'enlightened' ".

AND - there's show whose plots became so complicated, I watched and sort of pretended to myself that I knew what was going on, even though I really didn't. Game of Thrones was like that.