Ever get just - tired of a show?


I bowl overhand
Most GOOD shows start out with a great storyline, the writers and producers seem to do a lot of research to ensure they get details right.. after about 3 seasons they get lazy, and then they turn into evening soaps..

Grey's Anatomy, I'm not sure they made it to the second season..



They should all learn a lesson from Breaking Bad.. QUIT before you become a soap opera, and keep your fans coming back for more.


Well-Known Member
Most GOOD shows start out with a great storyline, the writers and producers seem to do a lot of research to ensure they get details right.. after about 3 seasons they get lazy, and then they turn into evening soaps..

One of my favorite shows - which for some reason I don't really enjoy much in reruns - Babylon 5 - was originally pitched as a five year story arc.
It was a novel idea at the time - he had the whole story mapped out and provisions in the event he would lose an actor or a season would be cut short. He even demonstrated that at the end, the station would be destroyed (which it is - but intentionally, due to a lack of need). He was clear - after five years - the story would END.

Buffy was the first show I can remember having season long arcs - however, they grew tiresome because they always followed the pattern of - there's a Big Bad this season that needs defeating, everything builds up to it - big battle last episode - lather, rinse, repeat.

Some shows I do tire of because the premise gets more - weird over time. "Blindspot" for example - a mysterious woman with no memory covered in tattoos which are clues to crimes - usually cracked just when they're going to happen. Well, she's regained her memory, the tattoos are dated and they caught the big bad - so they're onto MORE stuff. I like "The Blacklist" - but the 'mystery' about just who the hell Raymond Reddington IS, is wearing out my patience.

And some of the ones I watch - sometimes I know I am only pretending to know what the hell is going on, because the plots are just too complex. Other shows have such a huge ensemble cast, that I really can't get into the storylines behind each of their characters from week to week. If I am watching, say, S.W.A.T. - I don't want episode after episode focusing mainly on someone they usually ignore most of the time. I don't care.

One or two - I quit watching because - the storylines seemed like they were PREACHING something to me. I watched "Supergirl" for about a season until they kept preaching by equating prejudice against aliens as racism, and the stories that went with it. And I thought - hell, if I lived in a world where every other month, some world ending event caused by aliens was happening, I'd feel that way too.

So - I don't know. I actually watched very little television until about twenty years ago. Now I find myself slogging through a show and thinking - why do I watch this? I can't even remember if I saw this one before, because nothing is happening.


Well-Known Member
Finished it - sorta just watched the last two seasons. Thought I'd re-watch it, but meh - think I got the gist and I'm moving on to the guy in a kilt instead. I can't believe what they did to Jon Snow - every frickin thing he did for the Kingdom and they sent him to the Wall. and Bran as the new king. Are you kidding? Arya kills the Night King - brilliant - and Ser Bronn - love that guy - pure smartass. Good show - but I'm done, once was enough.
The thing with bastards - they always get the short straw no matter what. In the Game of Thrones world, if you're a bastard and you are born noble in certain regions - you're XXXXX Snow.

In the North they are called Snow. Ex. Jon Snow, Ramsay Snow.
In the Riverlands they are called River. Ex. Brynden Rivers.
In the Crownlands they are called Waters. Ex. Gendry Waters.
In the Iron Islands they are called Pyke. Ex. Veruca Pyke.
In the Vale they are called Stone. Ex. Mya Stone
In the Stormlands they are called Storm. Ex. Edric Storm.
In the Reach they are called Flowers. Ex. Robert Flowers.
In the Westerlands they are called Hill. Ex. Joy Hill.
In Dorne they are called Sand. Ex. Ellaria Sand, Elia Sand.

That's the way it is.


I bowl overhand
Most GOOD shows start out with a great storyline, the writers and producers seem to do a lot of research to ensure they get details right.. after about 3 seasons they get lazy, and then they turn into evening soaps..

Grey's Anatomy, I'm not sure they made it to the second season..



They should all learn a lesson from Breaking Bad.. QUIT before you become a soap opera, and keep your fans coming back for more.
We are hooked on historical series.. Tudors, The Crown, Elizabeth, Versailles..

We've over binged on all of these..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Started watching Hell On Wheels.

Four episodes in, promising.


PREMO Member

Finally found something to watch and it's on a short fuse.

Hey that's just my opinion ...... but after a great start the story line just got stupid ...

perhaps you are more forgiving

I also could not get past the Prison and the 3rd season of TWD ....

the convicts were IN JAIL For a Reason, you put them down or put them out, you do not play nice with them


Well-Known Member
Right now, The 100 is on its final season. It actually could have ENDED before the last season - it had reached a good enough point where they could just - END. I don't know how I managed to watch it past the first, but while part of me just wants to stop, part of me feels "you've made it this far, just see how it ends". It also has an ensemble cast that - fluctuates. There's about 5 cast members that have been since the beginning - but the next dozen or so - I really sometimes can't remember who is who.

One of the tough things about some TV series is - the seasons are very short. This is especially true on the streaming channel series - they're rarely more than a dozen episodes. Add to that at LEAST a year between seasons - and unless the characters are especially memorable - you can't remember crap. For example, my wife and I liked "The Last Kingdom". Aside from about five characters, the rest are sometimes hard to distinguish.

Then - two years goes by. My wife isn't sure she wants to watch, because she's forgotten everything.

Ditto Man in the HIgh Castle - short season, many characters, complex plot - and years between seasons. Lose interest.

Admittedly, we are looking forward to the next season of Stranger Things. We DO remember the cliffhanger - but can only vaguely remember what the whole previous season was about.


Well-Known Member
Now it's the news...tired of it!!!
It's the same damn thing, over & over...& over!!

I think I'll go into the archives...