Ever heard of prison penpals?



Just wondering if anyone in southern Maryland has ever used a prison penpal service or has ever written to anyone in prison. I have recently made a site for this use, but I do not know any state prisons in Maryland.

Anyone have any contact information for me?

Feel free to stop by my site and look around...


Ghetto Fabulous
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of! Why in the he!! would I pay money to get some sorry azz inmate's address? They're sniveling about not getting any mail????? WTF?


Originally posted by ememdee19
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of! Why in the he!! would I pay money to get some sorry azz inmate's address? They're sniveling about not getting any mail????? WTF?

The answer to your question is... YOU wouldn't. Plain and simple, you are not someone that would do something as selfless as writing to an inmate who is lonely and just wants some mail every now and again from a friend. Don't blame ya, cause well they're there to punished obviously.

BUT! I know from personal experiences that though just about every one in there is guilty of their crime ALOT of them sure don't deserve the punishment delt to them. If they would have had that extra $1000 - $2500 laying around that I am sure you do. They would have had an attorney available to ge them off light.

I sure hope you don't find yourself in a situation where you might be up on charges for some idle charge, but end up in jail 'cause the court appointed attorney was just fresh out of law school.

HEY if anythnig laugh at some of the carzy stuff these ladies write and pass out the website as a joke or a flame. It's all for fun...


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by ememdee19
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of! Why in the he!! would I pay money to get some sorry azz inmate's address? They're sniveling about not getting any mail????? WTF?

Doubtful that this thread will be here thru the day....looks like an ad to me..


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
1) Give an inmate my address - yeah sure.

2) Write to them so they can scam me - no way.

3) Pay for a penpal? (That's what I have you guys for) - strike threee! :cheesy:

I've seen a few of the court appointed attorneys in this county and they are not fresh out of law school. You just get what you pay for.

Any criminal in MD that finally gets their sorry azz locked up probably deserves it because MD is soft on crime. Most likely their butt landed in jail because they have a long criminal record and nothing else worked.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Newsflash - there's already a site where you can go to write to the lowlife scum in the MD jails.


Be about it
Originally posted by inmatesforyou
ALOT of them sure don't deserve the punishment delt to them.

If anything, I think that many people in jail don't get enough of a punishment and justice isn't 'really' served as it should be.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Is this what is now called doing time, wasting away hours on the internet instead of making gravel out of rocks. You all are guilty, you deserve your sentence, and you don't need the internet. And no intelligent person from this board will send you their address so you can call your buddies to come over and take that extra $1000 or two we have lying around.

Get lost :loser:


As far as court appointed attorney's go I'm pretty sure that all of the attorney's in the county are required to carry a percentage of the "appointed" load a year.

It's a luck of the draw thing.

As for the pen pal deal..... You're barking up the wrong tree.


Who WOULD write an inmate?

Well I never intended NOT to come back and respond to those that took the time to reply to my inital message.

Let's see, who WOULD? Well based on my little research I did before I started my site, ALOT! In fact one of the first sites I came across has over 40,000 unique visits per month. At $3.00 and address of net profit...YOU do the math if only 1% actually purchase only ONE address.

To be honest, yeah I actually fel for writing a few inmates just for the hell of it. I wanted to see what it was all about. I am the type of person to go all the way to solve my curiosity. I got a PO Box and went to writing. It was interesting to say the least. Plus, I have had my times when I was young where I was going to city jail every weekend for teenage mischief. LOL.

So though I am pretty sane, I make good salary a year (Paid $450 recently to upgrade my computer from a 300MHz all-in-one board to a 2.4 GHz screamin' machine, thank you) and was brought up by my family with good morals and what have you... I actually started liking one of the girls I wrote. Then I began visitng her every other weekend when I didn't have my son. Next thing you know we cared very much for each other.

I am happy to say that she was released a little while back and she and I are now happily together. Imagine that?!


1. If you feel unsafe giving your address to a convicted felon...I don't blame you...I didn't.

2. Are you so easily duped that you KNOW they will scam you if you write?

3. True email makes it easy for YOU to get a penpal, but I think a service such as mine is supposed to be helping those locked up get penpals. It kinda the whole helping others thing, maybe you've seen it happen before???

True the attorney babble was a bit of an exageration, but you caught my drift. You get what you pay for and sometimes that is 3 years of served time for something small. Not that these people did no crime, but maybe not something you would feel was all that bad if maybe someone close to you found themselves in the same position.

True MD proabably is ALOT more lenient than Texas.

Because there is already a site to write inmates in MD I guess I should give up? That would be kinda like "OH there already IS a website to get PORN on....SHEESH well then forget MY idea I better think of another type of site to make that offers something other than nudity."

I would have to agree with punishment not being as much as it should, but I almost would bet you talking about the crimes you see on TV NEWS where someone outright kills someone and gets 3 years or some football start gets probation for killing somone in a hit and run, but didn't stop cause they had cocaine all in the car (happened here in Dallas not too long ago).
BUT, I am more refferring to small crimes that didn't exactly cause some sort of major damage to someone else's person or property. We'll use my own mistakes as an example. I was 20 y/o and still alittle stupid. I stole a car stereo out of a car. Yes stupid and yes I know how it feels cause I have had it happen to me even before I did it myself. Anyways, I was in the US Army at the time and their law books say maximum sentence 12 years! For stealing a car stereo, yes. That would be an excessive sentence for what I did. BUT I am fairly educated and intelligent and I worked out a deal with my attorney and served 3 months of a 6 month sentence in a Military Correctional Facility and I went on with my life. Others have not been as lucky as I.

SO, if writing inmates isn't your thin I understand. Not everyone is as adventurous as I. No problem I understand and empathize. I agree with alot of the things you guys....um, ladies are saying. I just happen to have some other things I'd like to interject into them.

By they way, some responses have been kinda like flames about how stupid it is and such, so I know that those of you who would agree don't ever go to one of those heavily passed around sites that has dancing gerbils or some other funny or ridiculous subject matter, right? You probably also don't watch the Jerry Springer Show because it is just SO absurd. Point being I got to have a great discussion with you guys about the subject and yes I have gotten about 10 unique visits to my site just from the initial message.

Everyone is cool in my book, take care. Reply back...I know I will.


Originally posted by Ken King
Is this what is now called doing time, wasting away hours on the internet instead of making gravel out of rocks. You all are guilty, you deserve your sentence, and you don't need the internet. And no intelligent person from this board will send you their address so you can call your buddies to come over and take that extra $1000 or two we have lying around.

Well obviously as lax as jail time may be getting inmates don't as of yet have access to the Internet, that is why I am offering Mailing Adresses.

I am sure many unsavory people drive by your house as well as every other house that isn't their own thinking about how they could barge in and take the $1000's that person/family has stashed inside. YEAH, that's it.



Originally posted by Kain99
As far as court appointed attorney's go I'm pretty sure that all of the attorney's in the county are required to carry a percentage of the "appointed" load a year.

It's a luck of the draw thing.

As for the pen pal deal..... You're barking up the wrong tree.

This is what I mean...alot of people THINK they know about something, but until you actually get involved and find out you remain clueless.

I am sorry, but if I go to law school and am lucky and good enough to go to work for a firm I will be damned that the county require me to take pro-bono cases!!!

No there is no luck of the draw, but some attorneys have that which is inside them to want to help those that can't help themselves and they will work for the small pennies the county/state pays them to take cases as public defenders.

True the wrong tree is an understatement, but as someone else said...Like roadkill they will come back and read this. I'd bet money that PFgal and Ken write something else and they both have been the most defiant with their LOSER smileys...let's see if I am right?


Re: Re: Who WOULD write an inmate?


One of the visits was from me. It's called morbid curiosity.

I think it's sick that you would try and dupe law abiding, tax paying citizens by getting them mixed up with criminals. [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL! I have now 'DUPED' law abiding citizens! So you have never made a U-turn when you weren't supposed to or maybe go 70mph on the highway when it is posted at 60mph??? Cause then you WOULd technically be breaking the law, but then if you got a $200 fine with a ticket would THAT be an exciessive sentence for your crime???

Anways, so I have 'DUPED' others by offering a website where your OWN fingers do the clicking to make a purchase decision. Man I hate to think what you call that person kneeling before you at the shoe store telling you how good you look in those heels....:razz2: