Ex Speaker Of The House Says Trump Has To Prove His Innocence!


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PREMO Member
The Democrats have already proven that they don't care about law or justice. If they could get all those tards to impeach Trump
I guess what bothers me about politics in America is - when they were going to impeach Nixon, most of the House and Senate would have done it, Republicans and Democrats. And in retrospect, I think modern Presidents have weaponized government in a way that Nixon could only have dreamed of. Watergate level scandals, I believe, are far more commonplace.

But now, you know it's political theater when the votes almost always align straight up and down party lines. And I'm talking Bill Clinton too, although in the whole Lewinsky affair, even according to Byrd, he WAS guilty and worthy of removal from office.

With Trump, there were impeachment proposals that never went anywhere, because they were first-rate stupid, and clearly just spitballing with the hope of SOMETHING would hit. Reagan, they called him the Teflon President - with Trump, they were MAKING CHIT UP and couldn't get it to stick.

But we have a government so partisan, even impending disaster doesn't motivate them to do anything but vote along party lines. We don't have a Parliament - but we might as well have. The House and Senate don't speak for their constituents they speak for their party.


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PREMO Member
Dude. Come on.

Writing creative fiction, just making chit up out of thin air, is quite the thing here.
NIXON left the White House in disgrace - and is synonymous in American culture with criminality.
NONE of that chit happened to him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The House and Senate don't speak for their constituents they speak for their party.

And yet their constituents keep re-electing them. 🤷‍♀️

Make no mistake, American humans are partybots as well. More so than any politician because if there was no longer any money in belonging to a political gang, politicians would leave a skid mark they'd be gone so fast. But regular voter types will stick with the gang through hell and high water even when it's destroying them.


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PREMO Member
And yet their constituents keep re-electing them. 🤷‍♀️
And I'd consider this, if all elections in such districts were distinct landslides. While in most election cycles, 95%+ get re-elected in the House, the margins in most are not lopsided - just ENOUGH to keep incumbents in office. And therein lies the rub.

Incumbency is a huge home field advantage, especially in the House. See, most people have no damned idea what their rep does in the House. They SEE what their governor does, their mayor does and so on - but that representative usually doesn't do much, except show up in their district. So they don't typically get many strikes against them - they don't start wars and they don't tank the economy. They'll vote for a bill that ruins the district economy but it's named "SAVE THE PLANET", so if you don't really look at it, you're convinced that bills that claim to fight inflation actually DO THAT.

I do think THAT incumbency, especially in the House, is an advantage that needs to be challenged. I think there ought to be a SEASON for campaigning. You don't get a two year head start on campaigning because you're an incumbent. You start the race same as everyone else.

That said - incumbents running for re-election only ever have to do ONE THING - convince the voter that the OTHER GUY WILL BE WORSE. Paint him a racist, a warmonger, corrupt - whatever. You don't have to objectively take them apart.

And as I observed - you don't have to convince EVERYONE. Just ENOUGH, because MANY people will vote for the D or R in their House member no matter what. You just have to get the wavering voter to decide against risking anything.


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PREMO Member
Make no mistake, American humans are partybots as well.
And if we had something more resembling a parliamentary system, other parties would have some value. In many parliamentary systems, the voters vote for a party - and members are apportioned according to vote. If we did that in Washington, we'd have Libertarians and Greens and other parties - and they'd have to form coalitions which might make NO DIFFERENCE in the final tally.

But as Manchin and Sinema learned, you can have a LOT of power if YOU'RE the swing vote.


Well-Known Member
The best part of incumbency is not that they get a head start on their opponent.
It's a lot more than that. It's money and freebies. Incumbents have campaign war chests filled with money and they get franking privileges and they ride around the State in their Government car with their Government security force that we pay for. If they need more money they go to the political friends they have made by voting for their bills. It's you scratch my back and I scratch yours . Steny has ben making it work for years.

Pass a law that says that after the election any campaign funds not used go to the US treasury and see if that doesn't jerk a knot in their ass.


Just sneakin' around....
Pass a law that says that after the election any campaign funds not used go to the US treasury and see if that doesn't jerk a knot in their ass.
And used exclusively to pay down the debt they incurred with their free giveaways.


Well-Known Member
The fat, 🍊 f*ck won’t spend any time in prison since that would require USSS protection, not that he deserves it.

His punishment will be far, far worse. He will spend the rest of his life tied up in criminal and civil litigation — a truly broken man. All of which is his OWN DOING.

He will die alone and penniless, sitting in his own wretched piss and sh*t, babbling and drooling about George Soros (who will outlive Donnie) and Alvin Bragg. He will continue to grift, or at least attempt to, but eventually even you mouth-breathers will give up on him. He will be too senile to even notice.

His kids will have long abandoned him too, since the only thing he will have left to bequeath is a lone, tattered MAGA hat.

That’s a better ending to his pathetic story arc than any prison cell could furnish.
Next you'll say Dementia Joe is coherent, nobody is pulling his strings and the economy is good. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
She said it, not me folks. I guess she was Mussolini's daughter.

  • Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, was criticized after she tweeted that former President Donald Trump will have a chance to "prove innocence" in court.
  • Republicans have spoken out against Pelosi's phrasing, saying that in America, a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Except the fact that in America, a person is innocent until proven guilty is no longer true, and has not been for quite a long time. That's especially true for our two-tiered justice system; one for the rich and their political favorites, and one for everyone else.

Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF) is a prime, and growing, example of this. The po-po can take your sh*t, with the mere suspicion that a crime may have, or might be committed, and tell you: "if you want to get your sh*t back, you'll have to sue us." Then they turn your sh*t over to the Feds, who kick cut back to the agency who stole your sh*t, as well as the court system to overlook such violations of the Constitution. They never even have to charge you with a crime, though people who have stood up to fight them have been charged retroactively with felonies. There's an example of one guy who was charged after the fact, not once, but twice; both times with ZERO evidence. Read that again.

I sound like George Carlin, talking about "your sh*t."

Besides, Trump has been tried in the media over and over, and in what passes for their minds, the sheeple all nod their heads in unitary agreement that he is, in fact, guilty of mean tweets and other high crimes and misdemeanors (all felonies, in their minds, of course).


Well-Known Member
Since 2015, I have never seen the kind of chit dumped on Trump on anyone else in my lifetime. Every move of his hand, every word uttered is parsed and scrutinized and every possible conjecture about him is immediately enshrined as indefatigible proof.

Which is why, from every angle, this current mockery of justice is baffling. Bragg himself gave up on this. There's no nuance that makes what is done a crime. This is political theater, and it's going to do something the Democrats aren't expecting.

It's going to generate sympathy from independents. You can REALLY NOT LIKE TRUMP and still vote for him, if it puts a nail in the coffin of venal, petty, vindictive Democrats, MANY of whom have gone on to say such great things as "the voters can't be trusted" to not vote for Trump - that the crime is irrelevant, they must stop him from going to the White House.

Because they know deep inside - there's no chance the public will CHOOSE their Weekend at Bernie's guy over Trump, if it has anything to do with running the country.
I didn't like Trump even before he announced that he would run for President in 2015. I still voted for him. I waited in line for 3 hours in 2020 to vote for him, and I'll do it again.

I'm not sure how much of my initial vote was against Hillary, but it certainly factored in. Beyond that, I learned decades ago that if the Demonrats are in favor of a thing, 99/100, it's bad for the country, and bad for Americans (but good for politicians).

Speaking of politicians, some of my reasoning for voting for Trump was as much against the parade of usual suspects the Republican'ts always trot out for our viewing (dis)pleasure. I still want a "None of the Above" option on every ballot for all public offices.


Well-Known Member
Ya know Trump was pretty good for the black man up until he ran for President and they crucified him.
It's ironic that a black man wants a piece of him this bad. Does this knee grow really think this will help him politically?
30 some charges. It's insane They must be charging him with just about anything they can think of.

Bit what I see as the bad thing is that this is a New York Grand Jury and he will be facing a New York trial, and if New Yorkers are stupid enough to charge him some are probably are stupid enough to convict. I feel that I could go to New York and find 12 Democrat idiots that would convict him within 2 hours.

New Yorkers have always known Trump for the conman he is. Which is why they didnt vote for him.

He took out a full page ad calling for the death of 5 innocnet black men in the paper. How was he good for the black man?

His company has been sued countless times for racial discrimination in housing practices?

Where do you get this stupidity from?


Well-Known Member
The Democrats have already proven that they don't care about law or justice. If they could get all those tards to impeach Trump it shouldn't be too hard to find 9 tards who'll convict and sentence him. It's not like the Republicans will step up and stop it.

As far as Trump enraging the left - they are so mindless and easily led that one word from their cult leaders will cause them to foam at the mouth with rage. Trump hasn't done one single thing to deserve any of this, but that doesn't stop your average Democrat voter from becoming a sputtering spittle flinging mess at the very mention of his name. Hell, they go berserk and physically attack people over a *hat*.

This is not your father's America. This is a Brave New World where the party in power takes political prisoners and literally incarcerates them for absolutely nothing more than being somewhere in the general vicinity of people who are protesting a stolen election. And make no mistake, they did in fact steal that election. There is no way in hell that Joe Biden got 81 million votes, the most votes in history. No way. It's too absurd to even entertain that idea.

This is what Nazi Germany was like in the beginning. If you watch any documentaries about the Holocaust, this is exactly how it started and exactly how German citizens allowed it.


I really want some of that meth you are huffing.

34 separate indictments. and you guys couldn't even come up with a single charge against Hillary but were ready to jail her.

You guys are so embarrassing for this country.


PREMO Member
a single charge against Hillary

Trump Refused To Prosecute Hillary Clinton. Democrats Have No Such Restraint

It is by now well-established that Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid various actors to lie to U.S. intelligence agencies about Trump in an operation that eventually essentially negated the 2016 election — including encouraging federal employees’ treasonous behavior and two falsely predicated impeachments — and helped lose Republicans the 2020 election. Her campaign even tacitly confirmed this by paying a slap-on-the-wrist Federal Election Commission fine while still refusing to admit guilt for it a few weeks ago, seven years after the fact.

Did FBI agents ever show up at Hillary Clinton’s house over her clearly criminal and treasonous “documents dispute”? Nope. The FBI’s director instead essentially confirmed she had committed multiple felonies but decided not to investigate or prosecute her for it because she was a presidential candidate for a major political party.

Hillary paid to have Trump falsely smeared as a traitor, laundering the slander through U.S. agencies that are supposed to provide equal justice under the law but now function as weapons to damage Democrats’ political opposition. In conjunction with others in the Obama administration that likely include Obama himself, she colluded with multiple security-state agencies to slander, undermine, hamper, and now threaten with jail time Democrats’ top political opponent.

That’s treason. It’s election erasure. It’s ongoing. And these traitors are all running about totally scot-free, while they jail their political opponents for what at best are misdemeanors, and for which they refuse to prosecute anyone on the left who perpetrates them — from street rioters all the way up to their presidential candidates.


Well-Known Member
That's the truth if truth was ever stated. Hillary committed treason and that dingleberry Schiff was part and parcel of it.
That's not bad enough she is still mouthing off.
Trump decided it was best for the country not to try to imprison her. perhaps a mistake.
Maybe now if elected again after he has been scourged over and over by the Democrats he will come out fighting.


Well-Known Member
That's the truth if truth was ever stated. Hillary committed treason and that dingleberry Schiff was part and parcel of it.
That's not bad enough she is still mouthing off.
Trump decided it was best for the country not to try to imprison her. perhaps a mistake.
Maybe now if elected again after he has been scourged over and over by the Democrats he will come out fighting.


Who told you that is what happened?


Well-Known Member
That's the truth if truth was ever stated. Hillary committed treason and that dingleberry Schiff was part and parcel of it.
That's not bad enough she is still mouthing off.
Trump decided it was best for the country not to try to imprison her. perhaps a mistake.
Maybe now if elected again after he has been scourged over and over by the Democrats he will come out fighting.
Reason he didn't pursue is because Sessions is a pos