I guess what bothers me about politics in America is - when they were going to impeach Nixon, most of the House and Senate would have done it, Republicans and Democrats. And in retrospect, I think modern Presidents have weaponized government in a way that Nixon could only have dreamed of. Watergate level scandals, I believe, are far more commonplace.The Democrats have already proven that they don't care about law or justice. If they could get all those tards to impeach Trump
But now, you know it's political theater when the votes almost always align straight up and down party lines. And I'm talking Bill Clinton too, although in the whole Lewinsky affair, even according to Byrd, he WAS guilty and worthy of removal from office.
With Trump, there were impeachment proposals that never went anywhere, because they were first-rate stupid, and clearly just spitballing with the hope of SOMETHING would hit. Reagan, they called him the Teflon President - with Trump, they were MAKING CHIT UP and couldn't get it to stick.
But we have a government so partisan, even impending disaster doesn't motivate them to do anything but vote along party lines. We don't have a Parliament - but we might as well have. The House and Senate don't speak for their constituents they speak for their party.