Exclusive: Judicial watch investigating cost of sa


PREMO Member

Watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of President Barack Obama’s administration for expense details on first daughters Sasha’s and Malia’s spring break vacation, the organization’s president Tom Fitton told Breitbart News.
“The Obamas' unnecessary personal luxury travel is an abuse of office in this age of sequester, unemployment, and out-of-control government debt,” Fitton said, giving his reason for the investigation. “Taxpayers are right to wonder why the Obamas repeatedly take personal trips with seemingly little regard for the resulting drain on precious tax dollars."
Breitbart News broke the story Monday that Sasha and Malia are spending their spring breaks at the ritzy Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Secret Service spokesman Bryan Leary declined to answer when Breitbart News asked him for details on the cost of the trip and how many Secret Service agents or other resources are assigned to this trip, instead saying the agency would not confirm or deny trip details for anyone under its protection, including Sasha and Malia.


Well-Known Member
Five bucks says he claims executive privilege...after weeks of stonewalling on the FOI request.


No Use for Donk Twits
You can't post this article! Dipshlt will complain you're racist for complaining how the monarch's princesses go to Atlantis in the Bahamas while our unwashed brats go to Miedzinski Park and eat p&j sammichs.



If the Obama's are paying for this trip out of their own pockets and not using taxpayer dollars, I don't see the problem with the kids going to the Bahamas.

Somehow I don't think that is the case though. :ohwell:


PREMO Member
If the Obama's are paying for this trip out of their own pockets and not using taxpayer dollars, I don't see the problem with the kids going to the Bahamas.

maybe, except the 25 or more SS Agents to provide Security

Sweet 16

maybe, except the 25 or more SS Agents to provide Security


Don't forget the cost (fuel, crew, etc.) to fly them there and back which WE, not they, pick up the tab for. Not only that, but it's bad form for the king's family to take multiple lavish vacations while the peasants are furloughed or losing their jobs.


I bowl overhand

Don't forget the cost (fuel, crew, etc.) to fly them there and back which WE, not they, pick up the tab for. Not only that, but it's bad form for the king's family to take multiple lavish vacations while the peasants are furloughed or losing their jobs.

Would you like some cake??


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Good job Breitbart.com publishing the exact location of where the president's minor children are vacationing. Idiots.

And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Good job Breitbart.com publishing the exact location of where the president's minor children are vacationing. Idiots.

And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.

If their parents aren't going to worry about them being there "alone" why should anyone else?


In My Opinion
Good job Breitbart.com publishing the exact location of where the president's minor children are vacationing. Idiots.

And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.

here is the way I look at this.
obama does not care about the children in America.
Why the F should we give a crap about his?
I dont. not in the least.




mama to two
This is just another example of how Obama feels he and his family are entitled to anything and everything; a definite abuse of power. WH closed to the public, but send the daughters to Atlantis for freaking spring break; room and board there is skyhigh. Our fam went there ten years ago because hubby qualified through his company because of his production to win a trip. It was not all inclusive. A cheeseburger and fries at the resort was $25.00; just an example. :yikes: You go Obama, use us up, because what do you have to lose? I guess leadership and dignity do not factor into His agenda.


mama to two

Ok, I will put it this way; Obama's daughters' trip is a slap in the face to the "working" American people that are trying desperately to support our country (whether willingly or not), considering the circumstances. A misuse of taxes. Is that better?

I posted in another thread on this topic. Why couldn't the girls spend spring break in the US; at least the expenses not paid by the taxpayers would have been spent in the country of which Obama is POTUS; helping the economy and all.
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Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Ok, I will put it this way; Obama's daughters' trip is a slap in the face to the "working" American people that are trying desperately to support our country (whether willingly or not), considering the circumstances. A misuse of taxes. Is that better?

I posted in another thread on this topic. Why couldn't the girls spend spring break in the US; at least the expenses not paid by the taxpayers would have been spent in the country of which Obama is POTUS; helping the economy and all.

Who cares?

who's paying for this?

Who cares? If it was a Republican president, you'd have no problem with taxpayers paying for it.