Exclusive: Judicial watch investigating cost of sa


mama to two
Closing the WH to the public, cancelling ceremonies/celebrations, air shows, etc. with the excuse of sequestration, gives me a feeling like the powers that be are trying to undermine patriotism. JMO. What's next, cancelling the 4th of July?

I don't care if it is a R or D prez, an unecessary spring break trip to the Bahamas during economic stress is just downright ridiculous; an "in your face" insult to Americans.
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Keep Calm and Don't Care!
How about we make it a law that no president or his family can go on a tax payer funded vacation, be they Repuglican or Demoncrat, while the rest of the country is suffering in a down economy, unless the president and their family pay for the trip in its entirety out of their own pockets?

Andy, you are becoming one of the most partisan posters on here, you used to at least use some objectivism, but not much anymore.

I agree that they should have to reimburse Secret Service and transportation costs. Fact is, this wouldn't be an issue, at all, if the President was a White Republican.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Bush's daughters went on vacations to South America against the advice of the Secret Service and we paid for that. Why weren't Republicans outraged? Oh, right, they're Republicans.


Well-Known Member
Bush's daughters went on vacations to South America against the advice of the Secret Service and we paid for that. Why weren't Republicans outraged? Oh, right, they're Republicans.

The economy was in pretty good shape back then, and most people weren't paying that close attention.


No Use for Donk Twits
I agree that they should have to reimburse Secret Service and transportation costs. Fact is, this wouldn't be an issue, at all, if the President was a White Republican.

Why do you hate white people??

Constantly throwing the race card isn't working anymore. Guess you didn't get the memo. Check your mommy's email.

Chelsea Clinton visited poor villages when in Africa with her mother. Some Presidents (and their children) are really compassionate, not faux compassionate.


New Member
Bush's daughters went on vacations to South America against the advice of the Secret Service and we paid for that. Why weren't Republicans outraged? Oh, right, they're Republicans.

At the time this happened, were government workers losing 20% of their pay and did we have to close the "People's House" to tours because we couldn't afford to pay the secret service?


mama to two
I agree that they should have to reimburse Secret Service and transportation costs. Fact is, this wouldn't be an issue, at all, if the President was a White Republican.

Because Obama is black (actually, 50B/50W, but whatever), I had great expectations for him. Hope and change, and all that. Well, my hopes have been dashed, and the change is not what he promised. He had the opporunity to do great things, and go down in history as the amazing first man of color to be POTUS. Instead we got Obamacare, sequestration, a dead Ambassador and Navy Seals, increased taxes, increased gas prices, Fast and Furious, an attack on our gun rights, WH closed to the public that has no justification, cancelled military celebrations/events, etc. etc. etc. Oh, and, also, frivolous vacations taken during an economic crisis. I cringe to think about what is going on that we don't know about. He is not a patriot, he is a liar, and he will continue to try to destroy America as we know it. The saviour!! Yes, he is going to save us right into socialsim.


PREMO Member
Bush's daughters went on vacations to South America against the advice of the Secret Service and we paid for that.

was Bush furloughing Federal Workers at that time, were white house tours canceled because the FED could not afford salaries for SS Agents


No Use for Donk Twits
I agree that they should have to reimburse Secret Service and transportation costs. Fact is, this wouldn't be an issue, at all, if the President was a White Republican.

And if the nation had a Black Republican President, it wouldn't be an issue?

Sometimes your racist logic baffles me.