Exclusive: Judicial watch investigating cost of sa


Who cares?

Who cares? If it was a Republican president, you'd have no problem with taxpayers paying for it.

I care, I'm paying for this, and with things the way they are, I can barely afford to take care of my own, why should I have to pay for security for his brats?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I care, I'm paying for this, and with things the way they are, I can barely afford to take care of my own, why should I have to pay for security for his brats?

So the President of the United States and his family should never go on vacation?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I have an idea :jet: Let's write a law that states that a Democrat President and a Democratic President's family can never go on vacation because they should have to share in the sacrifice but Republicans, who bark the most about government spending unless their guy is in office, should be allowed to go on vacation almost twice as much as Obama likely ever will. :yay:

Problem solved.


I have an idea :jet: Let's write a law that states that a Democrat President and a Democratic President's family can never go on vacation because they should have to share in the sacrifice but Republicans, who bark the most about government spending unless their guy is in office, should be allowed to go on vacation almost twice as much as Obama likely ever will. :yay:

Problem solved.

He's the one that said we have to tighten our belts, he should practice what he preaches. What's wrong with his girls taking a trip to Ocean City?


mama to two
Who cares?

Who cares? If it was a Republican president, you'd have no problem with taxpayers paying for it.

You are wrong, period. If a Repub prez was abusing his office as Obama does, I would speak out just the same. For example, I think Clinton was overall a good prez despite his indescretions and shady links to death of others; Bush 43 not so good of a POTUS, but, heck, you can't deny he and Laura are good people; JFK was awesome, but he died (I was 7 when he was assassinated, but I have learned his history). My political views are not constrained to one side, just because I am registered Repub; which I am changing to Independent. I care.
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In My Opinion
So the President of the United States and his family should never go on vacation?

Not until he does his damn job and makes it so real Americans can do the same.
But its typical of his type, always thinking its ok to live off of someone elses hard work while he does nothing.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Good job Breitbart.com publishing the exact location of where the president's minor children are vacationing. Idiots.

And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.

Pretty sure that's why there's SS protection which the righty blogs are sniveling about.

So you don't think there's a security issue because of the SS protection, but you object to Brietbart for letting anyone knowing that they're there? That makes it sound like you want people to ignore the enormous waste of money.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So the President of the United States and his family should never go on vacation?

I'm guessing you're bored tonight and just trying to stir things up because you're using some piss poor arguments tonight.


New Member
People don't mind it when R's go on vacation because most likely We The People can afford to do the same when the R's are in office, not so much for most when D's are in office.


I have an idea :jet: Let's write a law that states that a Democrat President and a Democratic President's family can never go on vacation because they should have to share in the sacrifice but Republicans, who bark the most about government spending unless their guy is in office, should be allowed to go on vacation almost twice as much as Obama likely ever will. :yay:

Problem solved.

How about we make it a law that no president or his family can go on a tax payer funded vacation, be they Repuglican or Demoncrat, while the rest of the country is suffering in a down economy, unless the president and their family pay for the trip in its entirety out of their own pockets?

Andy, you are becoming one of the most partisan posters on here, you used to at least use some objectivism, but not much anymore.


No Use for Donk Twits
And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.

See post #3. You're getting entirely too predictable. :killingme

So the President of the United States and his family should never go on vacation?

Instead of a vacation every month this year, how about a flat two weeks or a month like the rest of us peons?

More than a Vacation a Month for Obamas in 2013 | The Weekly Standard


I have an idea :jet: Let's write a law that states that a Democrat President and a Democratic President's family can never go on vacation because they should have to share in the sacrifice but Republicans, who bark the most about government spending unless their guy is in office, should be allowed to go on vacation almost twice as much as Obama likely ever will. :yay:

Problem solved.

You’re being disingenuous for the sake of trying to win the unwinnable. This is a matter of principle. We already know the president doesn’t believe we have a spending problem; of course now that he’s president and has to answer for HIS spending. I’m sure you remember this:

The problem will be solved when we get leaders in there that are honest enough to recognize the problem and actually address it. Far too much to expect you to have an honest assessment of this president and realize he is only interersted in casting stones, not solving problems.


b*tch rocket
USSS agents are on salary. They get paid regardless.

Are they paying their own hotel bill or are we paying for that? How about the cost of transporting everyone and all of their security gear? They could have kept the Whitehouse open to the public for what it will cost for this one trip.


Obama destroyed America
Good job Breitbart.com publishing the exact location of where the president's minor children are vacationing. Idiots.

And yes I call it as I see it, a whole lot of "uppity black people" talk and a whole lot of denial about it going on.
You really need to stick to sports and stay out of politics.

Sports you know about, politics, not so much. :lmao:


Main Streeter
But it costs less to pay them when they're at the White House, and not being sent all around the Caribbean.

The agents are paid the same regardless of their location. Yes, there are other costs involved due to travel; however, their salary is the same.


Well-Known Member
The agents are paid the same regardless of their location. Yes, there are other costs involved due to travel; however, their salary is the same.

I think you missed my point.

When the SS are at the White House, it costs taxpayers nothing for them to go home at night. It costs no extra dollars to guard the family while they are on the premises. It costs no extra tax dollars to transport SS around, because presumably they drive themselves home.

It's added cost every time they go jaunting around the globe. They get paid the same, but taxpayers pay more than just their salary.

It's like saying war doesn't cost anything, because soldiers get paid anyway. There's more cost than just salary.