Exclusive: Judicial watch investigating cost of sa


New Member
I care, I'm paying for this, and with things the way they are, I can barely afford to take care of my own, why should I have to pay for security for his brats?

I agree with Obama being a complete idiot and a waste of our hard earned money, but I don't get why would call his kids brats? They are kids. They didn't do anything wrong.


Lem Putt
It's so disappointing that so many are distracted by this. Yes, it matters, but by focusing on the minutiae you lose sight of the big picture.

This is the magician's assistant in the revealing outfit. You're staring at her and not noticing what the magician is doing.


Main Streeter
Are they paying their own hotel bill or are we paying for that? How about the cost of transporting everyone and all of their security gear? They could have kept the Whitehouse open to the public for what it will cost for this one trip.

Since this was not an official trip, the 1st Lady, the daughters, and all guests paid an amount equal to the average first class airfare between DC and MYNN. They also paid for their own accommodations, food, etc. As federal employees, the USSS agents' expenses were covered by the govt.


I bowl overhand
Since this was not an official trip, the 1st Lady, the daughters, and all guests paid an amount equal to the average first class airfare between DC and MYNN. They also paid for their own accommodations, food, etc. As federal employees, the USSS agents' expenses were covered by the govt.

You make it sound like a pittance.. where the pre work before anyone even step foot in the hotel or even got off the plane probably cost millions.

The cost of the "entourage" to be there was huge.. and the additional security cost v them staying at the white house was exponentially more. Who pays for all the local security whereever it is they are at while we are still paying for all the local security back in DC??

Local EMS, local hospitals.. traffic control.. local police.. Prescreening of anyone and everyone that MAY come in contact or be in the same building or be within 500 feet ...

The TRUE costs are astronomical.


I bowl overhand
That and they are DEMOCRATS.. they are supposed to CARE about the less fortunate and the poor...

You'd think they'd be 'vacationing' in Haiti.. or where-ever their names, and their "brand" may help the effort in some way.. Show the kids vacationing in New Jersey and helping with the locals..

The Obamas are raising them more like people would expect a Republican to.

I don't recall ANY extravagant vacations by Amy Carter..

Chelsea Clinton?? Not sure, but nothing jumps out at me ...

Trying to remember more kids in the White House in my time, but I don't remember any constantly going on extravagant vacations.


Well-Known Member

In my last post, I already said that there are additional cost involved due to travel.

And they ain't cheap. And usually, more security is required to accommodate the First Family, such as ensuring their privacy on beaches and in hotels.

It ain't cheap.

As you pointed out, federal workers have their travel covered by the government. Well, except for the bulk of us poor slobs who have had their travel, training and more cancelled for the fiscal year due to the sequester - and an additional furlough day or two.

Normally, I wouldn't be concerned about this kind of thing, because nothing will be done about it, even if they throw lavish parties and gallivant around the globe 24/7.

I just don't see why anyone would defend it.


New Member
And they ain't cheap. And usually, more security is required to accommodate the First Family, such as ensuring their privacy on beaches and in hotels.

It ain't cheap.

As you pointed out, federal workers have their travel covered by the government. Well, except for the bulk of us poor slobs who have had their travel, training and more cancelled for the fiscal year due to the sequester - and an additional furlough day or two.

Normally, I wouldn't be concerned about this kind of thing, because nothing will be done about it, even if they throw lavish parties and gallivant around the globe 24/7.

I just don't see why anyone would defend it.

I would defend this travel if we weren't where we are now. The sequester is what bothers me the most. I don't begrudge or even find it unusual a person who's father makes 400k a year going to the Bahama's but to do it at a time when other government employees are losing 20% of their pay is just arrogant.


Since this was not an official trip, the 1st Lady, the daughters, and all guests paid an amount equal to the average first class airfare between DC and MYNN. They also paid for their own accommodations, food, etc. As federal employees, the USSS agents' expenses were covered by the govt.

There is far more involved in transporting the first family on vacation than just getting on any airplane and flying there:

- They will fly on one of the Blue and Whites. If they are paying first class airfare, this doesn't even come close to paying the entire cost of fuel for a C-32 (which is what they flew).

- Some SS were probably on board, but there would have been a separate plane for the rest of security detail. There is an entire team that flies out ahead of time to secure the area that the Obama’s will be staying and moving around to.

- Then, if the Bahaman country doesn’t provide an armored vehicle for safe travel, another place is involved - a cargo plane - to transport an armored vehicle.

Most folks don’t have a clue of the logistics involved in moving the first family around, even just for a vacation. The cost is still enormous and WE – the tax payers – pay for it.

There is the principle involved here. I don’t think anyone has a problem with the first family having vacations; but when the president is implementing all these cuts that affect the wallets hard-working people of this country, then hop on their private jumbo jets for a vacation, it causes a lot of people (especially those that are about to get their pay cut) go “Now wait just a minute!” And I think it’s perfectly fair to do so.


Well-Known Member
I would defend this travel if we weren't where we are now. The sequester is what bothers me the most. I don't begrudge or even find it unusual a person who's father makes 400k a year going to the Bahama's but to do it at a time when other government employees are losing 20% of their pay is just arrogant.

Then we're mostly on the same page. For a President, vacations often aren't any such thing, because the country doesn't stop just because you want to shoot hoops or play golf.

We're in a slightly unusual situation where we don't have a First Lady insinuating herself into every political process (Hillary) or a President whose children are all grown up (pretty much everyone since Jimmy).

I guess I'm a little peeved that they're cancelling White House tours (and to my knowledge, the Easter egg hunt) because of the sequester, but there's plenty of money to take the girls from Atlantis in the Bahamas to this weekend in Idaho, to go skiing. I've always known that once the sequester was seen NOT to seriously hurt the public at large, they were going to try to hinder things the public wants, just to piss them off.

It's generally been my point of view that Obama himself is sold a lot more on the celebrity of being President, than the hard knuckles job of actually doing it and being a leader. Even Clinton could be an ass when it came to arriving late and keeping people waiting, but it's clear he loved doing the work of being President. I think Obama would let someone else do it if not for the perks - he enjoys campaigning more.


New Member
Then we're mostly on the same page. For a President, vacations often aren't any such thing, because the country doesn't stop just because you want to shoot hoops or play golf.

We're in a slightly unusual situation where we don't have a First Lady insinuating herself into every political process (Hillary) or a President whose children are all grown up (pretty much everyone since Jimmy).

I guess I'm a little peeved that they're cancelling White House tours (and to my knowledge, the Easter egg hunt) because of the sequester, but there's plenty of money to take the girls from Atlantis in the Bahamas to this weekend in Idaho, to go skiing. I've always known that once the sequester was seen NOT to seriously hurt the public at large, they were going to try to hinder things the public wants, just to piss them off.

It's generally been my point of view that Obama himself is sold a lot more on the celebrity of being President, than the hard knuckles job of actually doing it and being a leader. Even Clinton could be an ass when it came to arriving late and keeping people waiting, but it's clear he loved doing the work of being President. I think Obama would let someone else do it if not for the perks - he enjoys campaigning more.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
What is wrong with Camp David? Is it too low class nowadays? Why do the current inhabitants of the WH need to be jaunting around the globe? Isn't Camp David the Presidential retreat? Why is it being maintained if it isn't being routinely used?


Lem Putt
What is wrong with Camp David? Is it too low class nowadays? Why do the current inhabitants of the WH need to be jaunting around the globe? Isn't Camp David the Presidential retreat? Why is it being maintained if it isn't being routinely used?

Is there a reason that the girls should not be allowed to spend their spring break like those of their classmates, assuming that they are being rewarded for doing well in school? Should they be confined to only going to Camp David?

As others have stated, it isn't what they are doing or where, as much as it is the apparently constant jetting around and the associated costs to do that.

I equate Camp David to hitching up the trailer and going camping for the weekend. Supposedly they do go to Camp David. But families who go camping do sometimes take vacations and go other places, like Disney, or even the Bahamas or Skiing.

My problem is not with where they are going. It is the fact that he is constantly bashing "fat cat" Wall Street types while acting just like them. He has persuaded so many of the "98%" that he is like them, yet this is the reality. He talks about belt tightening, yet is unwilling to do it himself. He is the epitome of the "entitled mentality." He wants others to sacrifice, and even sees them as evil if they resist, but he is unwilling to sacrifice anything that gets in the way of his quality of life.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
USSS agents are on salary. They get paid regardless.

Do you honestly think a SS agent sitting in DC costs the same as one working in the Bahamas?

Thinking about it further, the SS agents pay is probably the cheapest part of the whole trip.
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PREMO Member
Left Media Selectively Edit Steve King on Sasha, Malia Bahamas Vacation

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King questioned President Barack Obama’s decision to allow his daughters Sasha and Malia to vacation in the Bahamas for spring break this week during a Wednesday radio appearance.

King said that the president allowing Sasha and Malia to vacation in a luxurious Bahamian resort, Atlantis, is “the wrong image to be coming out of the White House,” especially when the administration is trying to make sequestration painful for ordinary Americans. Breitbart News broke the original story on Monday.
A caller who identified herself as Carla asked King:

I have a couple of things to say. First of all, my son is a Marine. He’s in TBS, Training Basic School for officers, and they have a celebration at the end of their graduation where the families can come and celebrate their success and kind of experience what they’ve been doing. Part of that is called "Warrior Day," where the families can come and they can either run the gauntlet or the endurance course, you know, eat the food, there’s tours and it’s kind of a party atmosphere. That has been cancelled, completely cancelled, wiped off, because of sequestration, which I could understand especially if they’re counting bullets but nonetheless, when I see the First Lady [sic] and the beautiful girls going off to the Bahamas waving goodbye to us, it’s really hard to stomach. When we’re tightening our belts, either all of us should do it or none of us should do it. This, I am pretty tolerant, I always have been, I usually shut my mouth. This is not acceptable.



Left Media Selectively Edit Steve King on Sasha, Malia Bahamas Vacation

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King questioned President Barack Obama’s decision to allow his daughters Sasha and Malia to vacation in the Bahamas for spring break this week during a Wednesday radio appearance.

King said that the president allowing Sasha and Malia to vacation in a luxurious Bahamian resort, Atlantis, is “the wrong image to be coming out of the White House,” especially when the administration is trying to make sequestration painful for ordinary Americans. Breitbart News broke the original story on Monday.
A caller who identified herself as Carla asked King:

I have a couple of things to say. First of all, my son is a Marine. He’s in TBS, Training Basic School for officers, and they have a celebration at the end of their graduation where the families can come and celebrate their success and kind of experience what they’ve been doing. Part of that is called "Warrior Day," where the families can come and they can either run the gauntlet or the endurance course, you know, eat the food, there’s tours and it’s kind of a party atmosphere. That has been cancelled, completely cancelled, wiped off, because of sequestration, which I could understand especially if they’re counting bullets but nonetheless, when I see the First Lady [sic] and the beautiful girls going off to the Bahamas waving goodbye to us, it’s really hard to stomach. When we’re tightening our belts, either all of us should do it or none of us should do it. This, I am pretty tolerant, I always have been, I usually shut my mouth. This is not acceptable.


And that is what makes me so mad about this. An example, many people look forward to air shows in the spring, I know the one in Tampa was canceled and I thought I saw in another thread there was another once canceled. I'm sure there are probably many more.