Explosion in UK Subway

vraiblonde said:
We're flying to Columbus tomorrow - it would really piss me off if I have to get an extra shakedown because of this. :mad:

That's something I can't figure out - terrorists hijack a plane and the rest of us get punished for it. :rolleyes:
Make sure you wear your prettiest thong for when they do your strip search.
itsbob said:
THIS would not be the day to screw up as a pilot and fly into restricted airspace..
We just today got a memo to add a new note to all aeronautical charts. It basically says "Fly where you don't belong, and you WILL be shot down."


jazz lady said:
From what I heard... the hallmark of Al-Qaida attack: it was well-coordinated, timed to happen during a major political event, and consisted of multiple attacks on a transportation system at rush hour.

I keep hearing that rationale everytime there's an attack, and I'm missing the validity of it. After 9/11, every media outlet in the World was reporting that Al Qaida attacks are marked by coordinated attacks at the same time. I'm sure that every nutjob in the World has heard this as well, and anytime that anybody wants to mount an attack and attribute it to Al Qaida all they have to do is buy four timers, build four bombs, set the timers to go off at the same time, spread the bombs around to the targets and voila! the media and their "experts" do the rest for you.


I happened across Frontline on MPT last night. I don't normally watch this show but their piece was on the Islamic Terrorists. It explained exactly why these nuts are doing what they are doing. It may be somewhat related to our Western culture but it is more about regaining the terrority they had over 1000 years ago when Islam was leading the world.

For anyone who is interested you can watch the program online here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/front/. It made wonder why the news media and even some of the politicans have never explained this to tha American people.


New Member
alex said:
I happened across Frontline on MPT last night. I don't normally watch this show but their piece was on the Islamic Terrorists. It explained exactly why these nuts are doing what they are doing. It may be somewhat related to our Western culture but it is more about regaining the terrority they had over 1000 years ago when Islam was leading the world.

For anyone who is interested you can watch the program online here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/front/. It made wonder why the news media and even some of the politicans have never explained this to tha American people.

These people suck! :spank:


Asperger's Poster Child
alex said:
For anyone who is interested you can watch the program online here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/front/. It made wonder why the news media and even some of the politicans have never explained this to tha American people.
Chilling. The only thing I've read that even comes close is this article from Rolling Stone on Dominionist Christians. I find ALL religious fanaticism to be scary to some degree. Even the messianistic fervor of groups like PETA and Scientology is disturbing.

But there's no question that the jihadists pose the biggest threat to America. The other groups want to change America to fit their beliefs. The jihadists want to destroy America.


Super Genius
alex said:
It may be somewhat related to our Western culture but it is more about regaining the terrority they had over 1000 years ago when Islam was leading the world.
:confused: When did Islam ever lead the world? Let's see...Muhammed was born in 570 AD and wrote the Qur'an in 610 AD, so Islam did not exist before then...

If you mean lead the Middle East...they've got that...except for that itty bitty strip of land called Israel. Gee, think that has anything to do with it?


ylexot said:
:confused: When did Islam ever lead the world? Let's see...Muhammed was born in 570 AD and wrote the Qur'an in 610 AD, so Islam did not exist before then...

If you mean lead the Middle East...they've got that...except for that itty bitty strip of land called Israel. Gee, think that has anything to do with it?

I was just restating the belief that was expressed by the Muslims in the tv piece as the reasons for their terrorist acts. I never agreed that it was a correct belief.

I just happen to find these reason, while flawed in historic truth, a more believable reason than what has been reported by the media so far. After all isn't this why the Palestinians and Isreal are fighting?
Last edited:


Super Genius
alex said:
I was just restating the belief that was expressed by the Muslims in the tv piece as the reasons for their terrorist acts. I never agreed that it was a correct belief.

I just happen to find these reason, while flawed in historic truth, a more believable reason than what has been reported by the media so far. After all isn't this why the Palestinians and Isreal are fighting?
So basically, they are fighting because they are ignorant of some pretty easy-to-prove facts (aka brainwashed). I think somebody should challenge some of these radical Muslim Imams to a debate and broadcast it worldwide (maybe a mainstream Imam). We need an injection of the truth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
think somebody should challenge some of these radical Muslim Imams to a debate
I don't think you can debate people who are operating on ideology. How do you argue against "God said"?


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
I don't think you can debate people who are operating on ideology. How do you argue against "God said"?
Simple. You argue using opposing ideology. You argue against "God said" with "but God also said ________". That's why I suggested that a non-radical Imam should debate...one of the ones that says that Islam is a religion of peace.


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
So basically, they are fighting because they are ignorant of some pretty easy-to-prove facts (aka brainwashed). I think somebody should challenge some of these radical Muslim Imams to a debate and broadcast it worldwide (maybe a mainstream Imam). We need an injection of the truth.
It would never happen, the people in charge of this "movement" know it's based in lies and fantasy.. they prey on the uneducated and the uninformed, the people that can't prove or wouldn't know the truth from a lie, and can't read and interpret the Koran themselves, THAT's how they do business.. it has nothing to do with Islam, or being Muslim or not, the religion is just another tool the real haters use...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Simple. You argue using opposing ideology. You argue against "God said" with "but God also said ________".
But we know how the extremists will reply: Nuh-uh. God didn't say that, that isn't real, that was added by some devil person. THIS is the ONLY true word of God and anything else is wrong and will make you go to hell.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
But we know how the extremists will reply: Nuh-uh. God didn't say that, that isn't real, that was added by some devil person. THIS is the ONLY true word of God and anything else is wrong and will make you go to hell.
If anything was added to the Qur'an, it was added by Muhammed, not some dev...sorry. Your statement is correct. :biggrin:


Thats Welsh for fox.
alex said:
I was just restating the belief that was expressed by the Muslims in the tv piece as the reasons for their terrorist acts. I never agreed that it was a correct belief.

I just happen to find these reason, while flawed in historic truth, a more believable reason than what has been reported by the media so far. After all isn't this why the Palestinians and Isreal are fighting?
I think there is a partial truth there. While Europe was wallowing in the dark ages Arabian culture was where all the knowledge and learning was.


Well-Known Member
Get your tinfoil hats out:


Here's part of the actual BBC transcript:

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now. HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.



Well-Known Member
Counter-terrorist officers tell the BBC they believe all four of the bomb suspects are British born. They suspect more than one died in the blasts.