Lawful neutral
This is probably the next option.
Seriously though, sounds like you're doing a good job raising a good kid.
That was freaking funny! It's just like my house!
This is probably the next option.
Seriously though, sounds like you're doing a good job raising a good kid.
or girls coerced into giving up photos
I get to have an uncomfortable conversation with an ex GF and my 17 yr old about the company she is keeping and the photos and videos he is demanding she send - this weekend
I may be in the minority here, but I think that spying software is wrong. Yes, monitor the facebook, be friends with them(on facebook, I mean), have open dialogue..but to install software on them that sends you all their mail and stuff..its just..wrong. I understand the desire to know everything..but your kid deserves some privacy. and if you have a good relationship with them, they will tell you important things. At the very, very least if you have a younger teen and want the software, let them know it is there.
Bann said:Hank, eff off. And keep your freaking comments about my kid(s) to yourself, jerk.
This was a thread started by a concerned parent about a very serious topic she wanted advice on. You have nothing positive or constructive to add to this topic (or many other topics on the forums for that matter), so why don't you just leave it?
Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And I actually respect your opinion and understand your feelings. I monitored for a short amount of time because I knew something was wrong and wasn't sure what it was.... I no longer do that now and will tell anyone to proceed with caution. It is an option if you have a reason to use it. It helped me get to the bottom of a problem.
Contact his Parents through the school
and if he is soliciting nude photos, that enters the realm of Child Porn
I am a "trust but verify" monitor... my kids understand that it means I give them their space and their privacy, but reserve the right to totally intrude should I feel their is a need to do so.And I actually respect your opinion and understand your feelings. I monitored for a short amount of time because I knew something was wrong and wasn't sure what it was.... I no longer do that now and will tell anyone to proceed with caution. It is an option if you have a reason to use it. It helped me get to the bottom of a problem.
I am a "trust but verify" monitor... my kids understand that it means I give them their space and their privacy, but reserve the right to totally intrude should I feel their is a need to do so.
I do not regularly "creep" my daughter's FB, but she also knows that at any time of my chosing I can say, "Log in and let me sit down." and then I can and will browse whatever I chose. And I do this at times because I see FB as being public and anything she post or sends in private message should be considered 'public knowledge'.
Up to this point, I have never browsed my daughter's text messages as see those to be private conversations. But she also knows that if she ever gives me a reason to do so, I will grab that phone in a heartbeat to get to the bottom of something. I believe that this gives her her privacy and space, but also makes her think twice when she carries on a conversation.
Her and I have an awesome relationship because we have established expectations and boundaries set... so far so good.
I am a "trust but verify" monitor... my kids understand that it means I give them their space and their privacy, but reserve the right to totally intrude should I feel their is a need to do so.
Put me on ignore. Simple as that, dummy....:shrug:
I'm a big girl, so you can say whatever you like about me - I really could care less.
Leave my (anyones') kids out of yourIt's the lowest form of pondscum.
Actually you couldn't care less. Saying you could means you in fact care.
whatever.He can lay off the kids - that's my point.
Bann said:whatever.He can lay off the kids - that's my point.
I never mentioned your damn kids... I was referencing the hot tub, as you insinuated that there was a story about it... #drama
but your kid deserves some privacy.