Facebook & teenagers


Yae warsh wif' wutr
My 13 year old wants nothing to do with facebook. I've told him about it and I told him he could get an account and he said it was dumb and too many kids put too much info out there to the point of being unsafe and he had no interest.

It's also like pulling teeth to get him to check email. Lots of people want to communicate with him that way, but unless they copy me or my husband on the emails or tell one of us that he can expect a message, he won't check.

He also doesn't have a cell phone. None of us, him included, see the need for him to have one because even when he is at extracurricular activities, there's always and adult with a phone around. Plus he'd lose it.

Basically, my kid lives in a cave. High school starts in a few months, though. We'll see what happens then.

Honestly, I hope he stays that way. It will keep his mind growing instead of stagnating. FB is only drama. Keeping in contact with family/friends 1000s of miles away is the only honest way to use it...but even with this - it still sucks. Everything else FB is, is a lie and drama associated with that...


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...does either of his parents have a facebook? What about forwarding the messages to his parents and say just a heads up this is the type of #### your child is doing on his facebook.


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...does either of his parents have a facebook? What about forwarding the messages to his parents and say just a heads up this is the type of #### your child is doing on his facebook.

He has 900 "friends" and none of them are labeled family memebers. His settings are even set where his name does not appear when you search for it. I assume he has to friend request you or you can friend request him if he is a friend of a friend.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...does either of his parents have a facebook? What about forwarding the messages to his parents and say just a heads up this is the type of #### your child is doing on his facebook.

He has 900 "friends" and none of them are labeled family memebers. His settings are even set where his name does not appear when you search for it. I assume he has to friend request you or you can friend request him if he is a friend of a friend.

There are 50 million brazillion creeps out there... I don't see anything good coming out of a mom confronting this one. I see the line of defense is at your daughter... giving her the guidance and knowledge of how and why to deflect the creeps in the world and getting her to realize that though she may want attention from the opposite sex, she really does not want attention from those who lead off with a quiz about her sex life. That is where a mom's focus should be.


Well-Known Member
There are 50 million brazillion creeps out there... I don't see anything good coming out of a mom confronting this one. I see the line of defense is at your daughter... giving her the guidance and knowledge of how and why to deflect the creeps in the world and getting her to realize that though she may want attention from the opposite sex, she really does not want attention from those who lead off with a quiz about her sex life. That is where a mom's focus should be.

I am scared to death that I will have 4 little horn dogs on my hands in the near future :lol:
I am scared to death that I will have 4 little horn dogs on my hands in the near future :lol:
Tell them like I've told mine... he had better be choosy when it comes to who he beds because I'll be dayum'd if he picks a low class azz with issues and I have to go on Judge Judy just to get the right to see my grandchild.


My 13 year old wants nothing to do with facebook. I've told him about it and I told him he could get an account and he said it was dumb and too many kids put too much info out there to the point of being unsafe and he had no interest.

It's also like pulling teeth to get him to check email. Lots of people want to communicate with him that way, but unless they copy me or my husband on the emails or tell one of us that he can expect a message, he won't check.

He also doesn't have a cell phone. None of us, him included, see the need for him to have one because even when he is at extracurricular activities, there's always and adult with a phone around. Plus he'd lose it.

Basically, my kid lives in a cave. High school starts in a few months, though. We'll see what happens then.

My youngest is sorta the same way. He has a FB but only a few friends on it. I asked him about it and he said, the smaller the amount of people, the less he has to be concerned about drama. He said those on it are ones he totally trusts. I always thought of him being more social but I've learned he is rather private.

He has a cell but NEVER uses it or even carries it.


Well-Known Member
Facebook is the worst thing ever invented with the sole purpose of invading privacy. It is especially bad for young minds of mush that have no idea what they are doing when they post every facet of their lives for anyone/everyone to see and take advantage of.

The head guidance counselor at our youngest childs High School flat out told everybody at orientation that FB is the absolute worst thing for any high school or middle schooler to participate in.

I had already held that opinion, and I was surprised that there were a lot of parents in attendance that were in full agreement. I thought the counselor and I would probably be just two more old fogies......

Save it and other social networking sites for when they are adults, when they can drag themselves into and out of the muck they create without dragging their families and schools with them.


In My Opinion
Here is my theory on this subject.
as a past hacker, I can get into any server or account, including facebook.

I dont tell my daughter she cant, as a matter of fact, I like that she does.

I hacked her.

she has no idea

what I have learned from reading what she posts on various sites that she has no clue I know she posts to.

She uses language at times that I would slap the hell out of her for using around me.
She is well versed in human sexuality
she has some issues (that I can now look out for)
I also know this.
She is NOT going to do drugs with those that do, or is she friend with them.
She will personally castrate any guy that tries to have sex with her.
I have also learned that she Hates me and my wife, and we are #######s.
She will get over this one day. But in the meantime, I will continue to be an #######.
from her various websites I have raised a child that has morals, and a desire to succeed in life regardless of the fact that her parents are overbearing #######s that only wish to ruin her life.

Ive done good.

let your child express themselves however they want, just keep an eye on it so you know when to step in.
always remember, if you do step in, make sure she thinks someone turned you on to the information, Never let her think you might be hacking..


my war
as a past hacker, I can get into any server or account, including facebook.

:blowhard: They have software for this.

I have also learned that she Hates me and my wife, and we are #######s.

Can ya blame her?

I will continue to be an #######.

No doubt... Best comment I have seen you post!



Well-Known Member
pot meet kettle... I am not the one that makes up headlines, baby!

Yeah but you Hank are one of the most consistent asses on this forum. Go figure. You have an negative opinion on everything even if you know nothing about the subject or the issue.

It must be sad to live like you do.


my war
Yeah but you Hank are one of the most consistent asses on this forum. Go figure. You have an negative opinion on everything even if you know nothing about the subject or the issue.

It must be sad to live like you do.

:bawl: You just hurt my internet feelings! #skanklova


Well-Known Member
funny how you don't ever put me on ignore considering how much I bug you! I must be in your head... :smoochy:

Nope no low life like you could ever get into my head. Thanks for playing though ! Your karma will follow you without my help.


my war
Nope no low life like you could ever get into my head. Thanks for playing though ! Your karma will follow you without my help.

ha ha ha...ok, old man... Jealousy is a #####! I would love to sit and play with you but I am heading out with some friends...(something you know nothing about) :smoochy: Adios Douchebagos!


Kids these days grow up with computers and smart phones they know more about them and how to hide things then we ever will. How do you know if she or he doesn't have a separate account they use to go behind you back? I don't know I work with computers daily and honestly I'd be hard pressed to give or let my 14yo have a fb account.