Fallen Satellite could kill many if direct hit


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
...so just to add to this, it seems to me I recall that there was time, days, maybe a week or so to do something. I think I remember talk of the crew taking a look.

So, for those far more knowledgeable than me;

Is this something that could be patched in space?

Is it feasible to have another shuttle up in an emergency? How quick can one be put up in an emergency?

Again, my whole point is that the US doesn't just sit there and say 'Oh well, nothing we can do anyhow' when there's still time on the clock.

Now the missions carry on a tile repair kit and I know they are planning on having another shuttle at the alternate pad in case of an emergency needed mission, this is not the case with the recent missions because they were going to the ISS and could stay there in an event of a emergency. With other missions like the Hubble, at this point they are planning on a second shuttle in wait. They could not of had the time to get an emergency launch to Columbia, so much time goes into the prep for launch.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Navy Missile Hits Spy Satellite

"WASHINGTON (AP) - A missile launched from a Navy ship successfully struck a dying U.S. spy satellite passing 130 miles over the Pacific on Wednesday, a defense official said. Full details were not immediately available.

It happened just after 10:30 p.m. EST.

Two officials said the missile was launched successfully. One official, who is close to the process, said it hit the target. He said details on the results were not immediately known.

The goal in this first-of-its-kind mission for the Navy was not just to hit the satellite but to obliterate a tank aboard the spacecraft carrying 1,000 pounds of a toxic fuel called hydrazine. "

Navy Missile Hits Spy Satellite


Ubi bene ibi patria
Loon Report

Fallen Satellite could... 02-20-2008 05:46 PM :yay: !


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Ubi bene ibi patria
U.S. missile hits spy satellite

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A missile from a U.S. Navy warship hit a defunct U.S. spy satellite 133 nautical miles above the Earth in an attempt to blow apart its tank of toxic fuel, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

It was too soon to tell if the fuel tank had been shattered in the operation over the Pacific Ocean, the Pentagon said in a statement, but a senior military source said initial indications suggested that goal had been achieved.

"There's a good indication that the fuel tank was hit because there was an explosion," said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity."

U.S. missile hits spy satellite | U.S. | Reuters


Ubi bene ibi patria
China-Russia cry foul after over satellite shoot

"America's decision to destroy a defunct spy satellite orbiting Earth by firing a missile into outer space provoked a diplomatic row today, with both China and Russia accusing the US of having carried out a covert weapons test.

The Pentagon claimed that it had fired the missile from the Pacific Ocean to destroy the satellite - which was 133 miles above the Earth - purely because of potentially toxic hydrazine fuel on board the spacecraft which could harm humans.

However, Moscow and Beijing complained that the missile strike smacked of hypocrisy as the US had rejected a joint attempt by the two countries from banning weapons in outer space only a month ago. "

China and Russia cry foul after over satellite - Times Online


Well-Known Member
"America's decision to destroy a defunct spy satellite orbiting Earth by firing a missile into outer space provoked a diplomatic row today, with both China and Russia accusing the US of having carried out a covert weapons test.

The Pentagon claimed that it had fired the missile from the Pacific Ocean to destroy the satellite - which was 133 miles above the Earth - purely because of potentially toxic hydrazine fuel on board the spacecraft which could harm humans.

However, Moscow and Beijing complained that the missile strike smacked of hypocrisy as the US had rejected a joint attempt by the two countries from banning weapons in outer space only a month ago. "

China and Russia cry foul after over satellite - Times Online

look at the comments from Europe...

America will happily bomb Iraq with no remorse.... despite the innocent who are murdered daily. Yet, they want us to believe they shot down a satellite because of toxic fuels.

I don't believe for one second they had public safety on their mind, instead selfish needs of preventing competition getting hold of top secret remainders.

Jamie Kaufman, London,

So, the US 'think' they have hit the 'tank' of the missile! Consdering all their talk of 'colatteral' damage, in which they cannot even hit the 'right' targets on the ground, what a joke that is that they precisely 'managed' to hit the tank so far up in the atmosphere.

Arvin, London, GB

Since when does the USA care about our health???

Just a bunch of liars these dictators in the making.

laurent, london, uk

So, is it wrong to want to keep your secrets just that, secret? I would be perfectly fine if we blew up the sattelite JUST because there WAS something on it we didn't want getting in the wrong hands. Why would we WANT China or Russia...or anyone else to have access to any technological advances we have or know our methods of encrypting information??


Lovin' being Texican
"America's decision to destroy a defunct spy satellite orbiting Earth by firing a missile into outer space provoked a diplomatic row today, with both China and Russia accusing the US of having carried out a covert weapons test.

Sounds like the Commies are taking a page from the Democrats! How do you classifiy something that's been in the world news, with hourly updates, and film at 11 as a covert weapons test?

The Clintonistas were great at redefining common words like "Lie," "Adultery," "Perjury," etc.


In My Opinion
"WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said Wednesday that the window of opportunity is now open for it to try to shoot down a failing spy satellite.

The Navy is planning to hit the satellite with a heat-seeking missile as early as Wednesday night. But officials had been waiting for the space shuttle Atlantis to return to Earth so it would not be hit by falling debris.

"We're now into the window," a senior defense official told a Pentagon press conference minutes after the shuttle landed at 9:07 a.m. EST.

He said it will remain open until Feb. 29 or 30 and that the decision to attempt a shot will depend on conditions in the atmosphere, such as sea levels, winds and other variables.

"We're watching weather today," he said. The ground rules of the news conference were that the official could not be quoted by name.

The military will be making decisions each day on whether to proceed with an attempt or not _ and criteria could change several times each day, he said."

US Could Try to Down Satellite Wednesday - The Huffington Post
If sea level gets high enough to be a concern in shooting down an orbiting satellite, dont we have greater issues to deal with at that time?