Fat clothes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?


vraiblonde said:
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?
I came to the conclusion I was not going to fit in the 32 inch waist Levi's ever again last year so I donated them.


I am so very blessed
I recently gave away 6 large trashbags (and I'm talking the 55-gallon sized bags) of clothes. There was no point in me hanging on to all those items anymore. Dressy work clothes, comfy clothes, 37 (yes 37!) pairs of jeans, etc.

And my closet is still packed with stuff I don't wear. :ohwell:


BadGirl said:
I recently gave away 6 large trashbags (and I'm talking the 55-gallon sized bags) of clothes. There was no point in me hanging on to all those items anymore. Dressy work clothes, comfy clothes, 37 (yes 37!) pairs of jeans, etc.

And my closet is still packed with stuff I don't wear. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:
I recently gave away 6 large trashbags (and I'm talking the 55-gallon sized bags) of clothes. There was no point in me hanging on to all those items anymore. Dressy work clothes, comfy clothes, 37 (yes 37!) pairs of jeans, etc.

And my closet is still packed with stuff I don't wear. :ohwell:
My girlfriends and I used to have a swap day, where we'd clean out our closets and bring everything in, then dig through and take what we wanted of each others' stuff.

I need to clean out my closets and drawers - I've got stuff I haven't worn in years.


Nice lady!
vraiblonde said:
My girlfriends and I used to have a swap day, where we'd clean out our closets and bring everything in, then dig through and take what we wanted of each others' stuff.

I need to clean out my closets and drawers - I've got stuff I haven't worn in years.

My sister and her friends do that. They do it with purses, stuff like that, too.


Where are my pants?
I gained 50lbs. with my pregnancy; and have only lost 30 of it so far. By the time I had to return to work, nothing but a few old stretched out sweaters fit me....so about two weeks ago I bagged my entire closet (nine huge black hefty's worth, stuffed to the point of bursting), and donated everything. Then I went straight to the stores and took advantage of the MLK Day sales to accomodate my new flab. I have the unfortunate feeling that it's here to stay.


Well-Known Member
cattitude said:
So Vrai...how fat and how skinny? :lmao:

I cannot have a swap day with any of my friends. I have an odd shaped body. Or atleast it seems that way because I cannot find any clothes to fit me. :ohwell:


Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?
I recently gave away a bunch of clothes - most that were too big. Now everything in my closet and drawers fit, with the exception of 2-3 pairs of jeans that I could go up/down a size.


professional daydreamer
If it doesn't fit, I throw it away after a year. Unless it's a classic and won't go out of style. Jean styles are in out and out in a matter of months, then in and out again, so I hang on to those, too.


Salt Life
elaine said:
If it doesn't fit, I throw it away after a year. Unless it's a classic and won't go out of style. Jean styles are in out and out in a matter of months, then in and out again, so I hang on to those, too.
You will not catch me wearing those tacky, skinny, ankle tight jeans the teeny boppers are wearing now! They are just icky!! :eyebrow:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I recently donated a lot of clothes when I swapped out summer and winter. I have been every size from 14 to 0 and refuse to hang on to the 14s. Even at a decent weight, I have a 36 back size, so I can always keep large tops and sweaters, but will tend to put them towards the "good riddance" pile if I find I just don't wear them.

In all honesty, I am more apt (and retarded) to keep skinny jeans than I would EVER do fat jeans. During periods where I've put on weight, I would hang my favorite skinny pants on my bedroom door ( :crazy: ) ...

Usually, I will find out if my niece is in need of clothes or a friend and so on - and let them try the clothing on before I donate them. I keep my clothes well maintained - IMHO - so that even jeans that are a few years old look practically new.

Since I've been ordered to limit my activity and can tell that I''ve put on some weight, I guess I should be glad that I kept a size or two up in a couple of pairs of my pants to fit my new found belly...:frown:


24/7 Single Dad
elaine said:
Jean styles are in out and out in a matter of months, then in and out again, so I hang on to those, too.
:lol: It's good to be a man.
I've been wearing Levi 505s for 30 years


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?

I've kept a few that I wear around the house when I want to relax. On cold nights, I wear a shirt to bed, and an oversized t-shirt is perfect. Also, I've kept my 4XX Hawaiian shirts - for some reason, they look like they're supposed to be huge on you.

Most of them I pitch and Bluejay has done the same, although on Obesityhelp.com - the site for WLS patients - there are clothing exchanges. Just because they're too big for you doesn't mean they wouldn't be perfect as transitional clothing for someone who began their weight loss MUCH bigger than you. It's kind of weird giving your clothes from when you were 370 pounds to a guy who has LOST 300 pounds just to get to 370!