Fat clothes


Cowgirl Up
vraiblonde said:
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?
I say ditch them! That way you'll be determined not to ever pull them out. One sure way I know when I need to push the plate away is when the pants/skirts start feeling a bit tight. JMO


Well-Known Member
baileydog said:
First of all, she needs 14-16 sizes. That aint FAT.
Yes and no. If she was 5'7 than no. However, at 5'2, I was huge as a 14/16. People carry their weight differently. :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
Pete said:
I came to the conclusion I was not going to fit in the 32 inch waist Levi's ever again last year so I donated them.
I was 32" in high school and I've bloated up to 33 :bawl:


Now a 34" waist. Dieting and exercising to get back to a 32. Lost 5 lbs and need to lose about 10 more. Probably take me another 10 years.


I wanna be a SMIB
Hubby been 30-30 since I met him, now he wears a 31-32 jean and acts like he needs a whole new wardrobe. He has gained about 8 pounds since I met him 14 years ago. I on the other hand watch him pig out and gain wight. Is it legal to cut the excess weight off him with a sharp knife?


I donated my fat clothes to friends who where losing weight.

Now I don't go through sizes quite as fast, but rather I get bored with my clothes.

Another 5 lbs, and I will give away my current fat clothes which are a 10.

Considering I started off in a um 26/28 that is not bad for size dropping.

14/16 is not fat, I was that size for a long time.


Back in the saddle
JabbaJawz said:
Beefarilla is just about the coolest word I've heard in a long time. I will surely reuse it. :high5:

I got rid of all my fat clothes, once I realized I was maintaining my new weight. They were taking up to much room for all my new clothes.

Chasey~ those skinny jeans :barf:


vraiblonde said:
What do you do with them? Do you pitch them or give them away? Or do you hang onto them in case you gain the weight back (or hold onto them like a talisman, similar to maternity clothes)?

Also, skinny clothes - ones you used to wear and hang onto with hopes that you will fit into them again, although it seems very unlikely?

I know as soon as I get rid of my SKINNY clothes, I will lose weight and have nothing to ware.

Be right back, going to clean my closet and dressers..................................


New Member
I just cleaned out my closet. :faint:

Around Christmas time, I cleaned out about 10 bags, today, 6 bags of clothes and 1 bag of shoes.

I want to be on "What Not to Wear." I will gladly toss all my threads and go to New York and shop. :diva:

Has anyone ever thrown anything away, not because it doesn't fit, but because you wore it somewhere and don't have fond memories of that event? :eyebrow:


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
:lmao: I never throw clothes away, I give my clothes to the local thrift stores. I'm sure someone else will get more use out of them then me. I think of it has a good dead for the less fortunate :yay: Plus while I'm there I can pick up odds n ends and work on my crafts. :getdown:


New Member
:howdy:If you ladies are getting rid of work type clothes, you can donate them to Dress for Success. The donations go to a good cause, and helps less fortunate women get a jumpstart on a better life. I don't know if we have a donation site in Maryland, but with all the big cities around us I'm sure there's one somewhere. Maybe a bunch of people can get together and make a big donation.



New Member
Seraphim said:
:howdy:If you ladies are getting rid of work type clothes, you can donate them to Dress for Success. The donations go to a good cause, and helps less fortunate women get a jumpstart on a better life. I don't know if we have a donation site in Maryland, but with all the big cities around us I'm sure there's one somewhere. Maybe a bunch of people can get together and make a big donation.

The last thing in my closet is work type clothes :ohwell: I hate them, maybe thats why no one gives me any kinda professional job :lol:


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
Seraphim said:
:howdy:If you ladies are getting rid of work type clothes, you can donate them to Dress for Success. The donations go to a good cause, and helps less fortunate women get a jumpstart on a better life. I don't know if we have a donation site in Maryland, but with all the big cities around us I'm sure there's one somewhere. Maybe a bunch of people can get together and make a big donation.


Dress for Success. I like that idea.. :flowers: I am all for helping that cause. I am glad you brought that to our attention. :love: I heard of this Organization before but never took the time out to find out more about it. I always just went to the thrift store to drop them off and got my little paper for my taxes.. :yay: I might not have a lot of money, but I do try my hardest to help out others who are in a worst boat than me. I was there once needing help so I know how much it is need to help out others. :huggy:


Pandora said:
Has anyone ever thrown anything away, not because it doesn't fit, but because you wore it somewhere and don't have fond memories of that event? :eyebrow:

UH yeah..

I also will chuck something if I wore it once and I hated the way I looked in it.

I also have a hard time parting with stuff that has sentimental meaning.


New Member
I have a shirt that my best friend gave me after returning from Ocean City. I'll never fit in it again, but I've kept it because it did mean so much to me. She is deceased now.

My husband dropped off several dresses to "Dress for Success" for me around the time we moved. I think I had 12 dresses/suits that were still in the dry cleaning plastic that were sizes 14, 16 and 18. But unless the stuff has been to the dry cleaners, they do not want it. It is a great organization.

Right now, I have gathered a pick-up truck load of women's, boy's, men's clothing for the Salvation Army. There main office is next door to my husband's office.