Favorite Forumite


fttrsbeerwench said:
Kizzy, Mig, VV, Penn, Wenchy, Dutch and Sweetpea are the nicest folks I have met so far.
Midnightrider and Pete are my fave guys. I have not met them but Pete makes me laugh at least once a week.
Pete is king. I am reminded of the who I'd have sex with thread. :lmao:
Vrai is great because she doesn't mince words and I have always appreciated her calm and controlled way of leading the herd. LOL
Most everyone on here makes me laugh. That is why I come here.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
My favorite is 2A! :love:
Feeling is mutual. :flowers:

I also like RailRoad & Dems (sometimes you can be so aggravating) and I haven't even met them.

IRL: Catt, otter, RoseRed, Jabba, Pixie, Jazz, Pete, Kyle, Vrai, Larry, and Vince. Have glanced off some others that I think I like: Airgasim, VV, mig (but you can be strange sometimes :huggy:) See you all soon. :cheers:

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
jwwb2000 said:
I was fond of Go Go Orlando and Big Bertha :lol:

May they both RIP :sad:

Honey child, Big Momma is here to brighten your little day up. Don't let the loss of those fine people get you down. Come to momma darlin' :poorbaby:


New Member
Big Momma said:
Honey child, Big Momma is here to brighten your little day up. Don't let the loss of those fine people get you down. Come to momma darlin' :poorbaby:
More all about me fat people :ohwell:

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
kingvjack said:

well honey I do believe you are as cute as a basket full of speckled puppies. You're gonna get my rolls shakin' like a hound dog shittin peach seeds. mmm mmm mmm. Let me tell you.


Big Momma said:
well honey I do believe you are as cute as a basket full of speckled puppies. You're gonna get my rolls shakin' like a hound dog shittin peach seeds. mmm mmm mmm. Let me tell you.

OMG!! :killingme :killingme :killingme I think Big Momma just became my fav!!!!

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
Jameo said:
OMG!! :killingme :killingme :killingme I think Big Momma just became my fav!!!!

Oh baby doll, aren't you sweet for thinking of me. You ever hear that ol saying about the donkey and vidalia onion?? Well my pappy would say it to my momma all the time ,bout her being a cross between a donkey and a vidialia onion, that her ass was so sweet it'd make your eyes water, well thats you too honey :huggy:


New Member
Big Momma said:
well honey I do believe you are as cute as a basket full of speckled puppies. You're gonna get my rolls shakin' like a hound dog shittin peach seeds. mmm mmm mmm. Let me tell you.
That's the best thing I've read all day :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
kingvjack said:
That's the best thing I've read all day :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love you too you little frog muffin :huggy: I just wanna grab your cheeks and wiggle. You're just cuter than a bugs ear you are.