Favorite Forumite

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
appyday said:
Revised lists do not count.....
It wasn't revised. I just added MY personal list to the one ot-ta posted. :razz:

We still need a taller person on a bigger horse to clear the cob webs...come on down.. :lmao:
You are SUCH a beyotch. :smoochy:


Nothing to see here
One other thing

I've met Dems and found her fun, alot different than her forum personna.

Now will you send me the picture?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
otter said:
I've met Dems and found her fun, alot different than her forum personna.


:whistle: That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia.. That's a night that they hung an innocent mayun... :whistle:



New Member
Shutterbug said:

Kingvjack is crass, but I can’t help wondering what the heck he’ll think of next for shock value.

Crass? me? whatever. :ohwell:

crass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krs)
adj. crass·er, crass·est
So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility. :lmao:


New Member
jazz lady said:
Aw...thanks sweetie. :blushing: I still want to go trail riding with you. Maybe next week when I get back from Boston.
Some other forumites who are my favorites and I've met IRL:

Airgasm, BadGirl, RoseRed, Appyday, Vince, Morgie, migtig, mainman, BuddyLee, elaine, Ken King (my birthday buddy :huggy: ), DoWhat, chaotic, Ponytail, Katie, ylexot, huntr1, dymphna, Tomcat, AC/DC

All incredible people in my book that have added so much to my life and I'm so very blessed to know you all. :huggy:

:huggy: And have a great trip. We will need to "wine" soon!