Favorite Redskin and Why

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Can't do 10...

Hey larry, I tell you what - can you give me 10 names and then I can make a poll and see how ours matches up to whatever Redskin show's having theirs. Just make sure Darrell Green is one of em or I'll have to knock off one of your choices :lol:


My all time;

QB; Sonny, Doug Williams #2
RB; Larry Brown, Riggins
FB: Charlie Harraway
WR; Art Monk, Charlie Taylor, Gary Clark
TE: Don Warren, Jerry Smith, Cooley
T: Terry Hermeling, Jim Lachey, Jake
G; Grimm, Randy Thomas, Mark May
C; Len Hauss, Bostic

K: Mosely
P; Mike Bragg
KR; B Mitch, Mike Nelms, Speedy Duncan

DE: Dexter, Charles Mann
DT: Butz, Ron McDole
subs Bill Brundige, Diron Talbert, Darryl Grant

LB; Hanburger, Olkewicz, Wilbur Marshall, Harold McClinton, Monte Coleman

CB; Darrel Green, Shawn Springs, Vernon Dean
Safety; Ken Houston, Mike Bass, Mark Murphy, Brad Edwards

other/spec teams; Pete Cronin, Joe Lavender, Rich Milot, Tony Peters, Otis Wonsley, Jeris White

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You sure???

Monday night slop...total turnovers for the game was well over 10, with the Cards having most of them. Brown's return won the game but it took all of the 4th quarter for him to pick his way thru the cards to score..I remember it well, cost me 100 cuz it hosed my numbers in a block pool. Slowest run back of a punt I have ever seen.

...of course you are. Look who I'm talking to.



I never saw a more pathetic expression when Danny was sitting on the bench after that. He had no clue who or where he was. :lol:

I think he said his name was Tuesday on the interview... I'm not sure.



Set Trippin
I never saw a more pathetic expression when Danny was sitting on the bench after that. He had no clue who or where he was. :lol:
:roflmao: :high5: He was totally out of it...

Was it Hogeboom that came in to replace white? :lmao: Manley ran over dude like a freight train...

He is on the 75th anniversery DVD talking about that hit... How he is glad he hit White that hard....:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The only other ...

:roflmao: :high5: He was totally out of it...

Was it Hogeboom that came in to replace white? :lmao: Manley ran over dude like a freight train...

He is on the 75th anniversery DVD talking about that hit... How he is glad he hit White that hard....:killingme

...Redskin on Cowboy hit that compares is Harold v. Roger at the goal line.

Roger got headache.



Nothing to see here
...ringing any bells...?

Played for Allen..think he blocked like 4 punts in 72 when they went on to lose to Miami in the Superbowl. One of the best special teams players the skins ever had..Was a wide receiver from 69 to about 77, I believe.


Well-Known Member
How about Ken Houston hit on that Cowboy running back on the goal line Monday Football.

I always liked Brig Owens and Jim Snowden, they both lived in in Hillcrest Heights when they played for the Skins.