Favorite Redskin and Why

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Allow me...

an arrogant attitude.........to lead a team
even thought Montana did it better with a level head and polite attitude .....

...to clarify; of all the NON football, Joe and Jane Regular Citizen people I have ever known, chatted with in a bar or heard about second or third hand, all of them said the same thing; A hole. Go out of his way to be an a hole.

What, pray tell, does that have to do with leading a football team?


Okay, I'm ashamed to admit this, but... When I was little my Mother (die hard Skins fan, the same woman I got my love for the Skins from) got Art Monk to sign cards for me and my brothers. I don't know what happened to my card and I'm pretty sure my brothers no longer have theirs either. :frown: We were young. We didn't know! I kick myself to this day. :frown: Thanks for bringing up my regrets (my shame and regret is that I no longer have his signed card). :bawl: :otter:
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P.S. - I wear a Darrell Green Jersey on the days the Skins play. He stuck it out with the team through good and bad. Gotta love him!


Nothing to see here
sometimes that's what it takes to...????

Lead a team..arrogance.."I'm better than you and you better listen up"..With the right supporting cast, it goes a long way..Most of the greatest ballplayers(in any sport) have an arrogance that makes people believe in them on the field/floor. Thats why so many of them never make great coaches, they were able to 'will' themselves above everyone or were that much better than everyone.


Lead a team..arrogance.."I'm better than you and you better listen up"..With the right supporting cast, it goes a long way..Most of the greatest ballplayers(in any sport) have an arrogance that makes people believe in them on the field/floor. Thats why so many of them never make great coaches, they were able to 'will' themselves above everyone or were that much better than everyone.
Joe Had That !

an a-hole ? yep !

probably a real nice guy under all that bs :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He did...

:yeahthat: no doubt..Never liked Joe, but he brought us a SuperBowl.

...no such thing. That season was an asterisk and it deserves to be. Joe had guts and he played hard, yeah, but we didn't go that far, strike or no, due to Joe T bringing it to us.

The real shame is the following year when he was truly outstanding week in and week out and he, we, got SHUT down by Lester and Mike in XVIII.


Nothing to see here
...no such thing. That season was an asterisk and it deserves to be. Joe had guts and he played hard, yeah, but we didn't go that far, strike or no, due to Joe T bringing it to us.

The real shame is the following year when he was truly outstanding week in and week out and he, we, got SHUT down by Lester and Mike in XVIII.

I hate you raider fans..geesh


Well-Known Member
Met Riggins once... cool guy... He said his is favorite player was the kicker Mosley[?]...

Met Riggins back in the late 80's so I forget why he liked the kicker so much...

Met Riggo on a flight to Alaska back in the early 90's. He was on his way up there for a fishing trip. Fight departed Dulles at 7:00am on a Sunday. Let's just say it looked like he had a pretty rough night.


Happy Camper
Like everyone else, I can't settle for just one favorite. If I had to narrow it down, probably would be Green, Monk, Jurgens, Riggo, Butz. But, let's not forget ... Chief Zee.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p46/belvak05/chiefzee.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Most frustrating game...

I hate you raider fans..geesh

...of all time.

I'll never forget the introductions. The Skins were all happy and excited and full of exuberance after an awesome, record setting regular season . One by one, "hi mom! Hooray for us! Aw shucks, ain't we great!?" They had no business feeling that way after nearly giving the title game to the emerging
49'er juggernaut.

Then comes the poster children for San Quentin. No bravado, no back slapping, no spun up rage, no love, no smiles, just this quiet, menacing, ill intent. One by one. People who dispassionately take candy from babies. People who lay old ladies in the puddles so they don't get their shoes wet. People who tear mattress tags off without so much as a hesitation.

That's what I look for in big games, the 'look'; New England has it pretty regular. We had it in 1993 against the Bills. The Colts had it last year.

You don't think, you KNOW you're gonna win.


Nothing to see here
That's what I look for in big games, the 'look'; New England has it pretty regular. We had it in 1993 against the Bills. The Colts had it last year.

You don't think, you KNOW you're gonna win.

I look for that also in individual players, not so much teams..I remember the first time I saw Gale Sayers, introductions in the college all stars against the pros game YEARS ago. I don't know when they stopped it but there used to be a game between the all american grads against the previous years pro champ, usually in the beginning of August. Anyway, during introductions Sayers had that 'look' and I knew nothing about him except he was an all american. I remember saying to my father that I bet that guy is a great ball player.


In My Opinion
Cochise who was one of the most famous Apache leaders
He was able to resist both Mexican and American forces to maintain control of his borders.
So instrumental in forming and protecting the borders of what is known as Arizona, he was even honored with having a county in that state named after him, Cochise County Arizona.

Although I do not however recall any stories of his ability to play football, he was a fierce and successful hunter during times of peace.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I look for that also in individual players, not so much teams..I remember the first time I saw Gale Sayers, introductions in the college all stars against the pros game YEARS ago. I don't know when they stopped it but there used to be a game between the all american grads against the previous years pro champ, usually in the beginning of August. Anyway, during introductions Sayers had that 'look' and I knew nothing about him except he was an all american. I remember saying to my father that I bet that guy is a great ball player.

...I remember you were telling me the same thing about Thorpe the first time you saw him in Pee Wee!
