Not every anonymous forum poster can be as sophisticated a thinker as you consider yourself.
Religion is a threat to all humanity. Since it's inception, people are killed, enslaved, sexually assaulted, and tortured every day in the name of God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, etc..
Well, that's one opinion. Some may be of the opinion that more have suffered and died in the name of Atheism (Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Tito, Kim Sung, etc)
in the 20th century alone and therefore that is more of a threat to humanity than faith. But, so what?
And yes, at this point I do consider myself a more sophisticated thinker than you because you're spouting the same old drivel with no hint of engaging conversation. You're boring me.
I like the idea that "God" could be a singular point of energy. And he/she/it doesn't even need to reside in our universe, a parallel universe perhaps? Correlated with the Big Bang shows imaginative thinking on your part, but how so? If he was the singularity that the universe started from, that would make him part and parcel with all matter and energy (and dark matter) in the universe, including stars, black holes, planets, us...kind of a cool way to look at it I admit, but could also be just mental masturbation on our part.
Maybe, maybe not. :shrug:
My point is that those with faith
as well as those without, should stop thinking of God in the typical linear or anthropomorphic manner.
I have to beg to differ with you regarding faith and science's compatibility. I don't believe they are based on a number of reasons not the least of which is the Bible's errant passages with respect to scientific fact.
If the Bible was touted as a science book you'd have a point, but it's not so you don't.
And "how and why" are questions both answered by science, the "how" first and then the "why".
I can only accept that if and when science gives us an explanation for the purpose of existence. Until then, it sucks at the why part.
Einstein's general theory of relativity is still holding up quite well, btw, and answers the "why" regarding why gravity acts the way it does due to the interaction of space and time.
"Gravity" is due to a warping the fabric of space-time. You are not being pulled down into your chair due to the "pull" of earth's gravity. You are being pushed into it by the space-time interaction. Light would always remain in a straight vector if general relativity were incorrect. But, measurements of starlight during solar eclipses shows not only that light bends, but that Einstein's equation of general relativity describes exactly the magnitude of the angular displacement.
Einstein aside, my point was that scientific theories have been debunked. Are you denying that's the case?
We know from Hubble telescope data, the universe contains roughly 400 Billion Galaxies, in other words over 50 galaxies for every human on earth. Our galaxy would require 100,000 years to traverse if one could travel at the speed of light. So it appears god created a grand stage for such a small life-form.
According to science, one burst of energy and billions of random chances created a grand stage for such a small life form. Is that so different than saying God created a grand stage for such a small life form? Regardless of your answer, I have no problem with that. Do you? Man, that God Creator of the Universe Singular Point of Energy Thing Whatever the Hell It Is is fascinating, no?
While there is much left to be learned about the universe, there is much that already has been learned. And all the gods contemplated by man, are finding themselves confined to an ever decreasing pocket of scientific ignorance.
I will take this opportunity to tell you that your previous synopsis of history had quite a few holes and showed your lack of theological understanding. With that in mind, scientific ignorance or spiritual ignorance doesn't much matter, they're two sides to the same coin.
Some things I'd like for you to answer for me, Proxima, because I'm truly curious as to your answers, and by all means take some time to think about them if you have to. Since pre-history mankind has had faith in something that it calls "god", i.e. something other than mankind itself and an unseen world if you will. What makes you think that suddenly in the last couple centuries mankind knows better and is so much more enlightened than men in the previous, say, 1.8 million years? And, if the majority of mankind has faith of some sort, then does that not make existence of faith itself a concrete reality? And, what do you think of the scientists who also have faith? Those very same scientists who give you those theories you rely so heavily on for your world view?