Soul Probe
Of course, all theories that have not been proven via the scientific method of observation, test, measurement, and analysis would be 'suspect' as to their validity. Just remind yourself that a great number of theories in all areas of science, have been proven to be correct. And many eventually are discredited. This is natural as our knowledge advances.
Again, why do you reject God because God can't be proven scientifically, but yet accept theories (not FACTS mind you) that you admit are suspect because they can be disproven? This reeks of double standards.
I'll just remind you Rad1, that you also rely on "observations of men" to live your daily life. Otherwise, you can reject all advances mankind has made in physics, chemistry, medicine, technology, etc, and go live your life with some tribe in the amazon, and enjoy that! I suspect both of us could learn more about what man really understands about the universe at this point in time. Spectacular advancements in our knowledge have been made in the last 20 years. When we land an exploratory probe spacecraft on a comet hurtling through space, billions of miles away, humanity should celebrate this to the upmost. But it's a collective meh amongst the majority of humanity, as they are more interested in what Kim Kardashian is doing (Americans anyway) or devising new ways to kill each other in the name of their God.
1. No need to remind me, I never had a problem with relying on the observations of men. You, however, do, except where it comes to scientific theories of course, ones that you admit are suspect because you never know which ones will be discredited later. Again, this reeks of double standards on your part.
2. I hardly think you can speak for the collective. In addition, mankind was killing each other long before religion. That's a human trait period. And, science/technology goes a long way into finding new ways to kill people. Your double standards are still reeking.
You may. I'll put this on my list, which is growing quite long. Agree that the probability for organic life to evolve in any planetary (including moons) is low. However, we know the building blocks are strewn throughout the universe. Meteorites have been found to contain amino acids.
I won't hold my breath for you ever getting around to reading it. Why? I'm going to take an educated guess here and say because you're obviously indoctrinated to your atheistic point of view and have no real interest in doing so. So you agree that the probability of life as we know it is very low, but yet have a problem with the probability of the existence of a Higher Power we call God. There's those smelly double standards again.
Right, I do put more faith in astrophysics than I do in the soft sciences. Philosophy formed a basis or foundation for science. But there is good science to be found in some of the soft sciences, and some squishy stuff as well.
So you put faith in astrophysics (or cosmology if you will), which is a branch of metaphysics, but yet in a previous post held metaphysics to a different standard than the so-called hard-sciences (see post #63), interesting! In addition, you admit you have "faith" in something but yet disparage those who have "faith" in something else. We're now drowning in the funk of these double standards.
Indoctrination is far and away the primary way people of faith come to believe. What do you think the probability of your being a Christian would be if you were brought up in India with Hindu parents and over 1 Billion practicing Hindus? Religion is really more about geography and place of birth, than it is the permeation of some universal truth. And while scientists are susceptible, the number claiming faith in a personal god are far less than non-scientists.

We're definitely on different wavelengths of thinking here, but then again, we both knew that and that's why were debating. For me, I've come to an epiphany lately. It's sometimes more fun to try and understand why you think the way you do, instead of attempting to prove that I'm right.
Of course we're on different wavelengths because you are not open minded enough to entertain the notion that there is no dichotomy between faith and science. That's probably because you've been indoctrinated, or you have something to fear by it. Btw, I wasn't debating, I was dialoguing. There's a difference.