citysherry said:The fed gov definitely closed for a day in honor of Reagan - I copies the following from OPM's Archives:
Federal Government Archived Operating Status in the Washington, DC, Area
Posted on June 11, 2004 at 12:00 AM
the following message applies only to Friday, June 11, 2004
Federal agencies are CLOSED as a result of the National Day of Mourning for President Ronald Reagan.
Well that would explain why most folks were pizzed. We had to work through it and the managing partner of the firm was a close associate of Reagans. The firm owed alot to Reagan. It's all coming back to me now... and oddly, the two admin. people that made it policy that we all had to all report to work, they took off, used it as a holiday time, and stood in line all day at the rotundra... I remember it now... folks were really ticked.