Feminists Reality On Dating

I can barely get through 1 minute of these videos because of all the boring lead-in. Who has time to watch all this sh*t?

This is what's wrong with the internet. Nobody just wants to say what they have to say; they have to create a freaking hour long video with their whole life story and every brainless meandering to finally say what should take one or two sentences.

:clap: Why are we (collectively) giving any of these narcissistic mentals an audience? Just so we can point and say “see… see batshit crazy”? If a video falls on the interweb and nobody watches, does it make a sound?


PREMO Member
I agree 100% ,if Gurps is actually watching all of this crap, he has way too much time on his hands.

Oh Really, and what exactly should I be doing - late 50's Arthritis, ..... this crap is funny

I read 4 - 6 hrs a day, play video games with my daughter and let these stream, in the back ground with my feet up on the desk.


Well-Known Member
Oh Really, and what exactly should I be doing - late 50's Arthritis, ..... this crap is funny

I read 4 - 6 hrs a day, play video games with my daughter and let these stream, in the back ground with my feet up on the desk.
I agree they are funny, I was wondering how you could possibly have that much down time. But being disabled brings quite a bit of it. My other question is how can you stand being inundated with that much of it, even in the background it would drive me crazy after a time.


PREMO Member
But being disabled brings quite a bit of it. My other question is how can you stand being inundated with that much of it, even in the background it would drive me crazy after a time.

Easy, I only have 1/2 an ear listening what is being said, until something really spectacular pops up, the I tune in and listen. A lot of this has become redundant .....

I'm more listening to News and Cultural Commentary then this feminist fail dating nonsense

Podcast of the Lotus Eaters, Black Conservative, Clownfish TV and a few others .... along with a bunch of Restoration Channels


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree 100% ,if Gurps is actually watching all of this crap, he has way too much time on his hands.

I know what he does for a living so it's understandable. I'm more thinking of me, who doesn't have that kind of time and doesn't want to listen to a lot of blather.


PREMO Member

She Went On A $1000 First Date. The Internet Says She's An Escort.​

Young 21 yr old Girly going out with an Older Gent Getting that Princess Treatment ....

oh you are so much more mature for 21 yr old 🤣

' Buying ' access with gifts .... sell that ass for a new Gucci Hand Bag

Work while you have it ... girly will be all sad and crying in her $ 200 hand bags when she hits the wall at 30 and Chad Quits Calling heel she might stop getting calls at 25 ....

Leonardo DeCaprio dumps his girls when they hit 25


PREMO Member
PROOF MGT0W Is Working: FEMINIST GOING INSANE on Social Media OVER RISE In Lonely Women


Delusional ..... well guys do not want women with blue hair and septum rings

this one female person - divorce your dieting - dieting is abelist, rooted in misogynist
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PREMO Member

Woman DESTROYS Her Own Marriage And CRIES On The Internet When Her Man Finds Another Woman​



PREMO Member

FEMINIST Going INSANE Over MGTOW: Can't HANDLE The FACT, Men Can live HAPPILY with no female contact​


the woman @ 3 min ..... with hold your cookie until you get what you want .. guys will be begging to get it - Sex Strike to END THE HOOKUP CULTURE

Based .... women started the HOOKUP Culture to BE LIKE MEN, now the are salty for getting what FEMINISTS Told them Women DESERVED
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PREMO Member
Feminists are running out of things to complain about so now the AC is sexist because men CONTROL the thermostat

[ video starts at that point ]



PREMO Member
I'm divorcing my husband ..... I'm losing my friend, he doesn't want to rescue me any longer, I am suffering the loss of my best friend


"I Can't Get A Date Anymore!" | When Single Mothers Get REJECTED By Men | The Wall​



PREMO Member

"MEN NEED TO STAY IN AMERICA" Modern Women Are Having MELTDOWN Over The Rise Passport Bros​



PREMO Member
Make men homeless for a year to make them figure shite out make men toughen up

[ video starts at the relevant time stamp ]
