Feminists Reality On Dating


PREMO Member

She Ended Things & Blocked Him 4 Days Before Girls Trip Then This Happened​

She ends the relationship 4 days before going on a ' retreat ' to clear her mental space while she is gone ...
She also blocked him so there would be NO Distractions either.

She was ' expecting [ dreaming or has some romantic notion ] ' the now Ex would be waiting for her at the Airport, then when he was not there, he would show up at her apartment*

She cannot understand why he didn't ' fight ' ** for her ...

* Wouldn't this be labeled creepy stalker behavior :sshrug:
** What the Actual Fuk is he supposed to ' fight ' for ... she breaks up and blocks him, that kind of ends all communication, goes on a GIRLS TRIP

A girls trip 🤣 every dude KNOWS these are 304 trips to drink and fuc k a few random dudes put of town


Normally in Nature brightly colored creatures are a warning sign .... but this girl is Based AF

and the GF disrespecting the boyfriend and turning off the video game, might find her sit on the front porch and the locks changed

Put her out with the trash, otherwise I might misbehave


PREMO Member
Hey Bro's ... ya'll be gay

you may date women and have sex with them, but deep down you are GAY because ALL of your self improvement / education is to impress OTHER Men

From men you want respect, admiration and what is essentially loved
From Women they want submission, intimacy and a baby

... is that love to you, is that a man who likes women ?
