Feminists Reality On Dating


PREMO Member

Women Realizing "CHIVALRY IS DEAD" | Men Don't Court Women Anymore , Splitting the Bill -Kozmicverse​

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Women Are "DONE WITH WORKING" | I'm No Longer A Feminist | Come "SAVE US" - Kozmicverse​

I may have watched this one already, but there are so many videos out there with so many women who want to opt out of the workforce entirely. That's something I noticed in the late '70s; that women want to be able to move into and out of the workforce at will. Even back then, they had no real conception of what it takes to take their place in the workforce and compete with men on an equal footing with them. And this is a time when men were expected to pursue women, become the protectors and providers for women, give them children, and do all the things.


PREMO Member
I may have watched this one already, but there are so many videos out there with so many women who want to opt out of the workforce entirely.

Yeah, the problem being, these ' reaction ' channels are stumbling over the same content or a similar mix of Tiktok and Isnta Reels

React 1 looks at A, B, C, D, E, F, G
React 2 looks at C, D, E, R, S, T, U

and so on

The sentiment is universal a collection of Alleged Former Feminists are tired of punching a time clock ' for the man '

They want to be home taking care of a household and raising children, sure ok, but you are NOT going to be sitting on your fat ass all day doom scrolling TikTok

Cooking, Cleaning, Laundry, Wrangling the Children ... sure you don't have to dress up to do this work ...
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PREMO Member
It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out what was going on, but apparently, she never did figure it out.

I'm not sure, but yeah maybe 15 / 20 seconds ... then frustration sets in as the clueless bint FAILS to grasp the situation
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PREMO Member
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This is where I got that calculator from. From the comments, a great many people don't get it.

You can almost always tell who the female commenters are, because they CLEARLY don't like the calculator. Same goes for the simps as well.

The thing is, people don't do well with large numbers of anything; it's like one of those D&D type of repelling spells. Otherwise, our national debt wouldn't be eleventy-trillion bazillion dollars.

Neck it down to, say, 100 men, for the sake of simplicity.

- the percentage of HOUSEHOLDS in this country that makes over $200K is 20%. So that's 20 men.

- the percentage of men in the US who are over 6 foot (the average is 5'9") is roughly 10% (90th percentile).

The calculator looks at those 20 men who make over $200K, figures out how many of those 10 men who are over 6 foot, overlap the two, and derives a number based on both those (and more) factors. I've never been good at math - okay, I suck at it - but in that overlap, the odds of finding a guy who's both 6 foot tall (or taller) AND who makes over $200K a year seem pretty small.
