Fighting the Ranch Club


New Member
We have been fighting the Chesapeake Ranch Club for the last 5 months to get our driveway fixed.We need a drain ditch put in.All we keep getting from them is the run arounds.I feel that we pay $356.00 dollars a year in Association fees that they can fix my driveway.I have contacted ABC7 on your side and Calvert County Commissioners.I don't know what eles to do.I told them i wasn't paying my dues for this year until my problem was solved and they said that they'll put a lien against my home..I don't know what eles to do.......??????:bawl:


If I remember correctly others have come here complaining about similar problems. Good Luck.
Is there something in writing that makes you think they are responsible for your driveway...:confused: Putting a drainage pipe in will cost way more than $356 and I'm assuming that $356 a year each house pays is supposed to cover neighborhood expenses...:shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by kwillia
Is there something in writing that makes you think they are responsible for your driveway...:confused: Putting a drainage pipe in will cost way more than $356 and I'm assuming that $356 a year each house pays is supposed to cover neighborhood expenses...:shrug:
:yeahthat: Why sould the community pay to fix a problem on YOUR property that was probably existing when you purchased the house.?


New Member
Yes it's there job to put one in.Iam the only one who dosen't have one.All of my neighbors have them.They told me that they have to do it .IAM to the point now that i don't have much of a driveway left.My husband 's side of the driveway is gone.Something needs to be done.Iam tired of fixing it and as soon as we get a heavy rain it washes it out again.I CAN'T KEEP THROWING MONEY AWAY...:crazy:


Don't you guys remember the other person in the RC who was flipping out over a drainage ditch issue?


jack of all trades
hate to tell you, but 'you' as the homeowner are responsible for your driveway and the sidewalk (if you have one. i know CRE doesn't have sidewalks).

that's why you should also try and avoid any "private" roads within a development, because it's like a driveway.
Originally posted by msspeedyg
Yes it's there job to put one in.Iam the only one who dosen't have one.All of my neighbors have them.They told me that they have to do it .IAM to the point now that i don't have much of a driveway left.My husband 's side of the driveway is gone.Something needs to be done.Iam tired of fixing it and as soon as we get a heavy rain it washes it out again.I CAN'T KEEP THROWING MONEY AWAY...:crazy:
Well, with them admitting it is their responsiblity, sounds like you need to get a lawyer involved...:ohwell:


Originally posted by msspeedyg
I have contacted ABC7 on your side and Calvert County Commissioners.
The County will do nothing for you as the Ranch Club is a Private Community and the County doesn't own the Roads. The pipe is your responsibility as it is your property. Know this for a fact because I also live in a private community and have been paying special fees and taxes for 10 years to bring the roads up to county standards. I've got to replace my drain pipe when I get my driveway paved.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
hate to tell you, but 'you' as the homeowner are responsible for your driveway and the sidewalk (if you have one. i know CRE doesn't have sidewalks).

that's why you should also try and avoid any "private" roads within a development, because it's like a driveway.
If that was the case the RC would have simply told her to pound sand. :rolleyes:


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Kain99
If that was the case the RC would have simply told her to pound sand. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: why do you think they are giving the poster a run-around? :dur:

$356 a year to install driveways and sidewalks sounds like bad business practice on the HOA's part. usually it's the responsibility of the builder (pending it's in the contract!) to install a driveway and a sidewalk, once it's installed, it's the homeowner's responsibility.

try going after the builder, maybe the poster means the builder not the HOA.
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PREMO Member
I fought the Ranch club, and did not pay my dues at all. I felt I (and my lawyer) was not part of the Ranch club, due to the Deed and property location. We eventually went to court, I lost.
Sold the house and moved to Leonardtown, with no HOA.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
:rolleyes: why do you think they are giving the poster a run-around? :dur:
Uhhh... I imagine being a business.. If they were not responsible they would simply say so. No need for "the run around."


Originally posted by DoWhat
Sold the house and moved to Leonardtown, with no HOA.
:yeahthat: Get out of the private community as fast as you can. I would sell too, but can't afford to sell and buy again around here and get the house I want. If I sell I'll head south to Florida.


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PREMO Member
Originally posted by msspeedyg
We need a drain ditch put in.

Are you talking about the pipe or the actual ditch? I'd agree that if your builder didn't put in a pipe then it's on you. I put in a 2nd driveway and bought my own pipe (about $80). The ditch was there so we just laid it in.

OTOH anything within 5' from the road is CRE property and they are supposed to maintain it. Don't hold your breath on that though. Spend the money and save the headache if you want it fixed.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Kain99
Uhhh... I imagine being a business.. If they were not responsible they would simply say so. No need for "the run around."

is it possible the poster is talking about the builder not the HOA. if the builder still runs the HOA, it's a different incorporation. the two are mutually exclusive. having problems with the builder doesn't mean you should stop paying the dues, because it can come back and bite you in the a$$ in the form of a lien (like they said).

scour through the contract, plans, and the community plans (that were submitted by the developer) to see what it says about driveways.

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