Finding the perfect man


off the shelf
Lugnut said:

There's a bunch of us perfect guys running around. What's the big deal?

The deal is this....having the perfect woman run into her perfect man and vica-versa

Like I said before....perfection is in the eyes of the beholder


Lugnut said:
Yep, we perfect men are humorous, as well as handsome and charming...


and humble too:cheesy:

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Enjoying the Beach
onebdzee said:
I had the perfect man.. in my eyes anyway.... but his kid was having big problems.. his son asked him to move back home so he did.... i'm sick and heart broken. :bawl: At least I still have loved one around.. my brother and his daughter are moving in with me.


Ecphora said:
I had the perfect man.. in my eyes anyway.... but his kid was having big problems.. his son asked him to move back home so he did.... i'm sick and heart broken. :bawl: At least I still have loved one around.. my brother and his daughter are moving in with me.

So he was married? :ohwell: :confused:


Ecphora said:
His son is mildly autistic... and he was cutting himself and gettting into satanism

OK, but why did you get kicked to the curb? Couldn't he have still dated you? Sounds like it might have been an excuse :shrug: Were there any other signs in the relationship that Mr. Perfect wanted out? Maybe it was a line :shrug:


New Member
dems4me said:
OK, but why did you get kicked to the curb? Couldn't he have still dated you? Sounds like it might have been an excuse :shrug: Were there any other signs in the relationship that Mr. Perfect wanted out? Maybe it was a line :shrug:
Sounds like he was prioritizing. If your child needs help, you owe it to the child to devote your time and attention to him/her, which takes away attention from other people in your life. Sounds like he didn't want to be unfair to her. :shrug:

I really want to believe that they're not all bad. :ohwell:


CandyRain said:
Sounds like he was prioritizing. If your child needs help, you owe it to the child to devote your time and attention to him/her, which takes away attention from other people in your life. Sounds like he didn't want to be unfair to her. :shrug:

I really want to believe that they're not all bad. :ohwell:

Well its not like the child became autistic overnight. Why would he get involved in a relationship if he had his priorities? Only thing different stated was he was getting in Satinism... :shrug: Probably something his son would grow out of :shrug: Not unless he was proud of his son and was into Wicca too and wanted to spend his free time honing his son in his craft :shrug:


Enjoying the Beach
dems4me said:
OK, but why did you get kicked to the curb? Couldn't he have still dated you? Sounds like it might have been an excuse :shrug: Were there any other signs in the relationship that Mr. Perfect wanted out? Maybe it was a line :shrug:
He is back in his house with his ex.. in Falls Church... and he'd be cheating, and I'd be the other woman.. I don't want that... I just gotta move on.


Ecphora said:
He is back in his house with his ex.. in Falls Church... and he'd be cheating, and I'd be the other woman.. I don't want that... I just gotta move on.

Good for you, which reminds me I wanted to get some feed back on this -- if someone is "legally separated" but dating and sleeping around... is that adultry? He's legally separated. Is that a slippery slope? Why doesn't one just get a divorce instead of be legally separated for a few years?


New Member
dems4me said:
Good for you, which reminds me I wanted to get some feed back on this -- if someone is "legally separated" but dating and sleeping around... is that adultry? He's legally separated. Is that a slippery slope? Why doesn't one just get a divorce instead of be legally separated for a few years?
In MD, you only need to be legally separated for one year. Believe me, anyone who wants to be divorced will be filing that paperwork and counting down the days until that year is over. :howdy:

Granted, men are sometimes lazy with this stuff, but if she's not filing it either, sounds a little fishy to me.


Enjoying the Beach
dems4me said:
Well its not like the child became autistic overnight. Why would he get involved in a relationship if he had his priorities? Only thing different stated was he was getting in Satinism... :shrug: Probably something his son would grow out of :shrug: Not unless he was proud of his son and was into Wicca too and wanted to spend his free time honing his son in his craft :shrug:
He will grow out of it.... that family is messed up anyway... he might want to come back some day... i'm pretty sure he will want to... but should I just wait?


Enjoying the Beach
dems4me said:
Good for you, which reminds me I wanted to get some feed back on this -- if someone is "legally separated" but dating and sleeping around... is that adultry? He's legally separated. Is that a slippery slope? Why doesn't one just get a divorce instead of be legally separated for a few years?
He was legally separated