First Date

Is this persons actions

  • rational & normal

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • rational & normal but a bit inconsiderate

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Self centered & immature

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Self centered ,immature & inconsiderate

    Votes: 87 68.5%
  • Or should I say I'm sorry for not being a real man !

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gumbo your a Tard

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters


aka Mrs. Giant
BuddyLee said:
So then, Gumbo has issues and you should never make a date with Migtig unless you are a woman.:twitch:
Exactly. :love: (but this doesn't in any way connotate that I actually will grab you by your ears and suck face much less go on a date).


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
Exactly. :love: (but this doesn't in any way connotate that I actually will grab you by your ears and suck face much less go on a date).
apparently you didn't read the fine print.....
By looking at this : :smoochy: you have consented to a weekend of debauchery, so loets get to seeing those tats :lol:


aka Mrs. Giant
fttrsbeerwench said:
Mig didn't stand me up..

And I won't devuldge how the night ended..:whistle:

Shiyat - I'll tell - we made a pact and then woke up in a somebody else's bed whom we had thrown out and made sleep in the guest room. :love: Of course this in no way implies that I actually had a date with you. :rolleyes:


migtig said:
Exactly. :love: (but this doesn't in any way connotate that I actually will grab you by your ears and suck face much less go on a date).

:yeahthat: I received a few of those from you too... :roflmao:


aka Mrs. Giant
Midnightrider said:
apparently you didn't read the fine print.....
By looking at this : :smoochy: you have consented to a weekend of debauchery, so loets get to seeing those tats :lol:
dang fine print gets me everytime - if this is the case then I should be pulling a frigging train as many forum memebers I have laid the :smoochy: :love: on. :yikes:


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
dang fine print gets me everytime - if this is the case then I should be pulling a frigging train as many forum memebers I have laid the :smoochy: :love: on. :yikes:
well, i WAS going to let you keep your dignity, but since you brought it up :lol:

BTW, i got dibs on going first!!!!!


professional daydreamer
Ricky Racer said:
Are you really that self centered that you think I give a Rat azz about someone that is so self righteous , that they never admit to being wrong, judgmental, that is clearly psychotic and accuses others of being mental because they don't see your delusions.
Got two words for you


Apparently the majority of a opinion means nothing to the deranged mind of a valley girl Dur da dur da :crazy:
PS are you so self centered that you and your MPD picked Rational and Normal ?



professional daydreamer
migtig said:
I'm a valley girl?! Cool.
Listen I don't give a flying leap what anybody thinks. :shrug: So GFY and have a nice day. :biggrin: Like fur sure

Who the hell you talkin' to? I haven't said boo to or about you.


aka Mrs. Giant
elaine said:
Who the hell you talkin' to? I haven't said boo to or about you.
In regards to the quote you captured - not to you personally. :love: Now you are in on the train too.

However the GFY was a general public directed post for whomever thinks I actully value their opinion. :cheers:


professional daydreamer
migtig said:
In regards to the quote you captured - not to you personally. :love: Now you are in on the train too.

However the GFY was a general public directed post for whomever thinks I actully value their opinion. :cheers:

I don't know what ####in train you're talkin' about, but I'm not interested.


Well-Known Member
Arguing on the net for dummies
step 1 start a flame thread
step 2 log in as your MPD to support your initial position
step 3 VERY IMPORTANT remember that you are logged in as your MPD or log back in as yourself before posting something that obviously only the original poster would say

step 4 delete posts in violation of step 3
step 5 log in and post as self