Let me just point out that a lot of people who would attend this "reunion" were kids at the time they lived in the FlatTops....kids play, kids make friends, kids make the best of what they have/had, and most importantly they can't choose where they live or how much $ their parents make.
I lived in the FlatTops from '84-'94 (I was between 3-13 years old at the time), when my parents were finally able to purchase their first house. I have some very fond memories there, and I'd like to think I turned out just fine...better then fine actually! I am married with beautiful children, a house, a Bachelors degree, etc.
The FlatTops were no all bad, and for many people it was the only option. I did, however, feel very embarrassed growing up and never wanted to invite friends over or to know where I lived because of the stigma people put on it, which is just cruel for a child to have to go through, IMO.