Flu Near You

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Anyone got the flu? Had it recently? Got the vaccine?

I'm curious, because I don't get the flu shot, and I rarely get sick. However, what I'm seeing fairly regularly is that people who get the vaccine, are still getting the flu. What's the point?

That's because you floss and people who floss don't get sick. Everyone else, non flossing philistines, get what they deserve.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Flossing is the Super Hornet in the body's defense system.


"Say 'poo poo' to the flu-flu with all new, improved Super Hornet Dental Floss! That's right! Sting those germs! Build a nest of protection around YOUR mouth, the gateway to YOUR temple of health, with all new Super Hornet! It's got hornet wax, scientifically proven to be just about the same as bee's wax! Get Super Hornet and 'sting' the flu! Before it 'stings' you!!!" Not safe for those older than 18 or younger than 17, may cause severe depression and thoughts of suicide in some users, other symptoms of side affects include but are not limited to sneezing, projectile vomiting, projectile diarrhea, fever, chills, night sweats, shingles type symptoms and coughing. Consult your physician before using. Not all users feel any real benefit at all buy, hey, you gotta do something, right?



Common sense ain't common
Working with middle school age special education kids, I feel like I should wear a HAZMAT suit just to walk in the door of my school on most days. Got the FluMist back in Oct when it was offered at my school. I have had issues my whole life with my sinuses, even after two surgeries.

Went home (southeastern KY) on Christmas break and was around two sniffly/runny nose/fever running kids on Christmas eve (Overheard one of my husband's cousins tell her son who was running a fever and sneezing/coughing, 'Oh I hope you don't have strep throat again' :twitch:) Been feeling under the weather ever since. Finally broke down and went to the Dr last week. Had to wait a day on meds cause the California Walmart had run out of Z-packs (antibiotic).


Active Member
I get my flu shot every year. Most years I don't get the flu, and when I do have a seasonal illness, it's generally pretty mild and only a few days in duration. Seems like a lot of the people I work with get a lot sicker. Husband won't get the shot, because he says they don't work and he gets laid out every year. But he's smarter than me, so it's all good.

I'm in agreement that too many antibiotics are handed out and I believe the whole premise that we're making superbugs that'll resist more viruses and bacterias, however, I think that we contribute to that by not getting flu shots and then going to the doctors and asking for antibiotics to fight the lil germies.


Active Member
Beta Hemolitic Strep is the most commom of the Streps. It can be passed from mouth, to Genitalia. If untreated, your Kidneys can be effected, or if pregnant, it can cause harm to the Baby. All Women get a Vaginal Culture when they first find out they are pregnant. If positive, the Doctor will give her an antibiotic once she goes in to labor. It can cause serious issues to the unborn!


aka Mrs. Giant
Weird. I go to my doctor. I get asked twice if I want a flu shot. Once by the receptionist and once by the tech. Then I go get some prescriptions filled and get asked twice if I want a flu shot. Once when I drop off the scripts and again when I pick them up. It's odd, because though I've seen signs for flu shots at both these places before in years past, this is the first time I felt like it was pushed on me and that I ever remember being asked. :shrug:


Having Fun!
Monday, I had a kindergartner in the computer lab who sneezed and produce two 2-inch long thick streams of god-knows-what from each nostril. In all my years of teaching I have never seen that before -- one nostril, yes, but two? Never.

Wednesday I phoned the doctor's office to find out if they had the newly-approved non-egg flu shot (I have an egg sensitivity). 30 minutes later, after going through the Anne Arundel county Health Department, the Calvert County Health Department, and the Novartis Customer Service line, I learned that Flucelvax will not be available until the 2013-2014 flu season.

This morning I heard all of the news reports about how the flu season is peaking early this year and is really bad.

This afternoon, after a consultation with my family doctor, I got my first ever flu shot. I have folks with serious health conditions in my home. I did not want to risk bringing home the flu that might be shared with me by one of my loving students who was sent to school sick by their parent in a misguided effort to not have the child miss any school or part of their "education".

Yes, my arm felt really, really weird (numb and tingly) the entire way home from Annapolis but I'm sure that's nothing to do with my egg sensitivity which the doctor decided really wasn't an "allergy" since my throat doesn't close up and I don't get hives.

So, we'll see how it goes...


New Member
If I get the flu I better just put in reservations at the hospital because I end up there every time. I stop getting it a long time ago. I can't afford $600 a day to be sick in the hospital. My kids get vaccinated in school and so far no reaction. I guess I'm just special. :)


New Member
Monday, I had a kindergartner in the computer lab who sneezed and produce two 2-inch long thick streams of god-knows-what from each nostril. In all my years of teaching I have never seen that before -- one nostril, yes, but two? Never.


It's amazing to me that there are some people that can be around so many young children all day every day and don't stay sick all the time. The parents I work with seem like they are always sick.