Follow up...



Already contacted the mods about the thread to combat a few uncalled for people and ensure my not overstepping things. Best for it to be removed. I have complete faith in their decision to handle things. Sorry if I have offended anyone, but want to make sure people know I am NOT one to mess with!! LOL
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Already contacted the mods about the thread to combat a few uncalled for people and ensure my not overstepping things. Best for it to be removed. I have complete faith in their decision to handle things. Sorry if I have offended anyone, but want to make sure people know I am NOT one to mess with!! LOL
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!!

More pony people drama? :cds:


Horsey people vs. JPC. :jerry:


Um, yeah! Sharon could you please escort JPC out of the Horse fourm. He is way, out of his league here. I'm afraid if he sticks around much longer it might not fare well for him. Not that I really care. When we need a chuckle, we can always visit the Election fourm. :whistle:
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Animal Poor!
Already contacted the mods about the thread to combat a few uncalled for people and ensure my not overstepping things. Best for it to be removed. I have complete faith in their decision to handle things. Sorry if I have offended anyone, but want to make sure people know I am NOT one to mess with!! LOL
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!!

You had it deleted because you looked like a total nut in your posts! :buddies: TYVM

You were called on NOT paying for an ad and posting a thread for something you should have posted an ad for. A couple other peeps stepped in and provided their thoughts and suggestions and the rules for said advertising . Then you went all "Conspiracy Theory" and everyone was ganging up on you from the "Private Horse Forum" and again continue a threatening and aggressive stance that you are not one to be messed with!!!! WTF?? :killingme


Loper... did I not apologize? but you all kept going?? ( you are now too... do you ever stop?) Like I said... MOVE ON.

I will not deal with you all. There is no "consiparcy theory" just facts. You all DO have a group and you DO gang up on people. I simply stated I would not take it and to go "play" with someone else.

As soon as I stand up to you all, you accuse me of being 'crazy' and 'going nuts'. It's called having a BACKBONE, and I am sorry you all do not like people around here who speak up against you all. You don't control everyone here, and others ARE allowed to have an opinion, as they should without being called crazy or nuts.

Calling one names and bashing them because they don't back down to the 'clique' here doesn't fly with me. I could call you a bunch of things, but won't as I do not feel it respectful. You can resort to name calling if that is all you can muster when you can't constructively comment, but not on any of my threads. Capiche?
Have a wonderful day!!
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wouldn't it be easier just to run an ad( and it would have been free ) and then reference the ad in the forum post.....then there would be no argument or drama,or reporting people or deleting posts???I always thought you had to link the ad to the forum then it was OK. JMO


How was that for a guess, it's almost like it's happened before.

I know it has... many times... watched many people on here get the same clique approach... It's sad.

I know what I am treading into... they just don't know who they are dealing with yet LOL. I am one tough cookie! Thing is, I won't resort to their level, calling names, scraping for comebacks throwing the "crazy train" card out there. It's all very expected and typical. They need to find a more mature way to vent their angst against people they "don't like" whom they don't even really know, nor given a chance to. Your not in the 'clique' here, you are pretty much the 'entertainment' to them. Come one... how old are we all???

Agreee to disagree and move on...


wouldn't it be easier just to run an ad( and it would have been free ) and then reference the ad in the forum post.....then there would be no argument or drama,or reporting people or deleting posts???I always thought you had to link the ad to the forum then it was OK. JMO

I PM'ed a mod about an ad with no response- but no one gave me a chance, nor knew what went on.... I just got jumped on, but guess what??... I fight back! this was none of their business, and I personally think the policing should be left to the mods and told them so. Still do think the mods should be the ones to step in. JMO- as I am entitled to.


Obama destroyed America
I PM'ed a mod about an ad with no response- but no one gave me a chance, nor knew what went on.... I just got jumped on, but guess what??... I fight back! this was none of their business, and I personally think the policing should be left to the mods and told them so. Still do think the mods should be the ones to step in. JMO- as I am entitled to.
Are you married to Mr.Steed? You're as big a putz as he is. :geek:

You really think you telling others to move on is going to work? :killingme
Click the red X at the top right of your screen, you can't handle these forums.


WoW... what a mature response Baja.. what are you 3?? How bout you move on too...seems alot of people here can't handle someone with a backbone and an opinion.


Chill.. :coffee:
It's all good!!


New Member
WoW... what a mature response Baja.. what are you 3?? How bout you move on too...seems alot of people here can't handle someone with a backbone and an opinion.


Chill.. :coffee:
It's all good!!

oh oh seems like most of these people posting are not in the "private horse gang forum" :movingalong: :whistle:


oh oh seems like most of these people posting are not in the "private horse gang forum" :movingalong: :whistle:

No way would you catch me being part of that group. I don't agree with those types of hidden groups. Why hide? I feel one should be brave enough to speak open, honestly, and respectfully without nastiness.

I have nothing to hide- EVER and if I feel a certain way about a certain person, I certainly do not need to hide in a private forum to say it. In fact, I feel it best to go right to the person direct to speak my mind- respectfully, and deal with things right away.

Harboring bad, or vengeful feelings about someone, or even gaining an opinion of someone based off of others bad feelings is not away I feel people deserve to be treated- even someone I may have gained a negative opinion of-based off of personal experience. I feel everyone deserves respect.
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Looks like you horsey peeps have been warned! :shocked:

yup!! I can be the nicest person...but when attacked...I don't take it lightly!! LOL

I just don't agree with immature internet clique bashing... a huge pet peeve of mine. As for a few certain individuals (who know who they are) attempts in claiming to innocently "trying to help" and "let me know the rules" - Mods are in place to deal with these sorts of things, and I feel we should let them do their job. I will continue to stand my ground.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
yup!! I can be the nicest person...but when attacked...I don't take it lightly!! LOL

I just don't agree with immature internet clique bashing... a huge pet peeve of mine. As for a few certain individuals (who know who they are) attempts in claiming to innocently "trying to help" and "let me know the rules" - Mods are in place to deal with these sorts of things, and I feel we should let them do their job. I will continue to stand my ground.
Time to give it a rest, you're beginning to sound like the crazy guy who wears the tin foil helmet.


New Member
I think the mods stopped policing the horse forums long ago :killingme This here is the wild wild west.



Obama destroyed America
WoW... what a mature response Baja.. what are you 3?? How bout you move on too...seems alot of people here can't handle someone with a backbone and an opinion.


Chill.. :coffee:
It's all good!!
Yea I'll get right on the movin along... :killingme
How about you kiss my big black ass?? :killingme

Other self proclaimed forum cops have strode in here and had their ass handed to them just like you are. Have fun loser. :poke: :smack: :shutup: