Follow up...



Sorry.. you needs prayers not police... LOL
I am off to the recording studio for the evening.
Try not to have too much fun without me.


New Member
Sky fairy might be my new favorite term. Thanks :howdy:

GVF, you know what they say about arguing on the internet. And if you don''s offensive so I won't repeat it. At any rate, it's clear that the vultures are circling the horse forums because they see an easy target. They go away if you ignore them :buddies:

And really...didn't "sky fairy" make you laugh? Just a little? Or am I just that bad a person? :whistle:


Obama destroyed America
I'm glad you found something productive to do. :buttkick:

My prays for you. :lol:
Face Mecca when you prays for me... :killingme

Sky fairy might be my new favorite term. Thanks :howdy:

GVF, you know what they say about arguing on the internet. And if you don''s offensive so I won't repeat it. At any rate, it's clear that the vultures are circling the horse forums because they see an easy target. They go away if you ignore them :buddies:

And really...didn't "sky fairy" make you laugh? Just a little? Or am I just that bad a person? :whistle:
You're welcome.

I was a lil bored today and when someone comes along trying to police everyone while acting like their crap doesn't stink well, I just can't resist. :lmao:


New Member
I know it has... many times... watched many people on here get the same clique approach... It's sad.

I know what I am treading into... they just don't know who they are dealing with yet LOL. I am one tough cookie! Thing is, I won't resort to their level, calling names, scraping for comebacks throwing the "crazy train" card out there. It's all very expected and typical. They need to find a more mature way to vent their angst against people they "don't like" whom they don't even really know, nor given a chance to. Your not in the 'clique' here, you are pretty much the 'entertainment' to them. Come one... how old are we all???

Agreee to disagree and move on...

But you did resort to name calling, right off the bat. If you'd left the thread up that would be clear. Bad apple was one, then the rude and selfish remark ending with the Gang reference. I was not at all rude to you, I asked a direct question, you told me to mind my own business. You could have chosen a different approach but you didn't and that makes me the bad guy??


"Sky Fairy"???? ...sorry...not funny - not at all. If you want to laugh at God,go right ahead... I will have no parts of it. Have fun, and I will pray for your soul too. know what you were up to... I've see it done to others here.. you find amusement in it...I don't.
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Obama destroyed America
"Sky Fairy"???? ...sorry...not funny - not at all. If you want to laugh at God,go right ahead... I will have no parts of it. Have fun, and I will pray for your soul too. know what you were up to... I've see it done to others here.. you find amusement in it...I don't.
Ahhhhh.... a hypocrite!! Won't resort to name calling yet you already have. Had to delete a thread didya? :popcorn:
What would your Jesus do with someone like you? :killingme


Ahhhhh.... a hypocrite!! Won't resort to name calling yet you already have. Had to delete a thread didya? :popcorn:
What would your Jesus do with someone like you? :killingme

no... I did not delete it FYI. Please know your facts before you accuse.


New Member
"Sky Fairy"???? ...sorry...not funny - not at all. If you want to laugh at God,go right ahead... I will have no parts of it. Have fun, and I will pray for your soul too. know what you were up to... I've see it done to others here.. you find amusement in it...I don't.

It's apparent what I was up to - pointing out your frequent advertisements masquerading as forum posts. Simple, no ruse to be unearthed. I did not engage in name calling nor was I threatening. I can not say the same for you. You twisted a straight forward post into something to suit yourself. Well, at least we have you posting about something other than positions for barn help and riders! Please continue to engage in forums discussions. We appreciate the activity. :smile:


Animal Poor!
Loper... did I not apologize? but you all kept going?? ( you are now too... do you ever stop?) Like I said... MOVE ON.

I will not deal with you all. There is no "consiparcy theory" just facts. You all DO have a group and you DO gang up on people. I simply stated I would not take it and to go "play" with someone else.

As soon as I stand up to you all, you accuse me of being 'crazy' and 'going nuts'. It's called having a BACKBONE, and I am sorry you all do not like people around here who speak up against you all. You don't control everyone here, and others ARE allowed to have an opinion, as they should without being called crazy or nuts.

Calling one names and bashing them because they don't back down to the 'clique' here doesn't fly with me. I could call you a bunch of things, but won't as I do not feel it respectful. You can resort to name calling if that is all you can muster when you can't constructively comment, but not on any of my threads. Capiche?
Have a wonderful day!!

I don't think I saw an apology anywhere in the other thread. I could have missed it... :shrug: I believe you are the ONE who kept it going by starting this thread and having the other deleted.

I still would like to know who was "ganging-up" on you? You got called on NOT placing an ad. You got defensive and started with Fredsaid! Who the heck is "You All" ? What were you SPEAKING up against? You were in the wrong and got all bonkers about it. That is my opinion! Then you tried telling everyone to mind their own business and stay out of your thread. :killingme Duh... that is an open invite (much like this thread) for people to post their own opinions.

Please keep your self righteous, hypocritical prayers away from my soul because I do not want it tainted! TYVM :buddies:


havoc is havoc
Well.. if no policing, then why the worries of "following the rules"? Sort of an oxymoron to me in theory. Yes... I could not agree more....LOL obviously there are some very wild, people here. LOL Guess they are not used to a respectful person who also demands self respect as well. LOL

So then why have laws, if there is not a cop right there then anything goes? Think of this whole thing as a citizens arrest. Community involvement in enforcing the laws of this make believe land we call the internet. If you don't like the rules and refuse to follow them until the "cops" catch you then you are not the person that should be making yourself somehow appear to be the victim. Every crack dealer tries the same tatics in the real world. I suggest you take a step back, a deep breath and just walk away. You and only you have made yourself a target. You have broke one of the societies laws and somehow it is now societies fault? Who needs to grow up? So you got your hand caught in the cookie jar and didn't like it that everyone saw you, so you said things and name called and then wanted to get it deleated. then post again as a god fearing victim that does not warrant what is coming to them. You now want to pray for people, What? Make yourself right with the God of your choosing because you need to before you pass judgements on others. I don't know about your God but the Flying Spaghetti Monster would not approve of your behavior.
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Animal Poor!
It's apparent what I was up to - pointing out your frequent advertisements masquerading as forum posts. Simple, no ruse to be unearthed. I did not engage in name calling nor was I threatening. I can not say the same for you. You twisted a straight forward post into something to suit yourself. Well, at least we have you posting about something other than positions for barn help and riders! Please continue to engage in forums discussions. We appreciate the activity. :smile:

:yeahthat: oh wait.. I am supposed to be one of your minions. :whistle: So I guess this post doesn't count. Unless, you count it as a private horse forum gang banger type by! :killingme




Is there a full moon out?
I still think the heat is getting to you people.

GVF, will all due respect, the future when you apologize, don't end it with an insult,...cause it kinda takes away the intent of an apology.

It would be like God saying, your sins are forgiven you,...sike!

I'm not one for the cliquish behavior either. I think sometimes the younger crowd in here uses words that wouldn’t offend their peers, but is somewhat offensive to the more seasoned folk. JMHO

She referred to you and some other "chick",... and you found that offensive.
Had that been directed to me I might have taken offence too who knows. But I am a big girl and some petty stuff like that is NOTHING, compared the seemingly threatening response you gave in return. JUST SAYING!

In nearly every other post you made after that, you threatened, disrespected others as well as yourself,…you discounted others beliefs as if yours is the only TRUE belief. All while PREACHING how respectful you are to others. That's how it reads to me! I think others read it that way too. :coffee:


Everyone makes choices, good bad or indifferent, and you have to be accountable for your actions.

A lot of people post on here things that seem in the gray area of advertising. I myself am not sure exactly where the line is drawn on some days. Someone needs a horse worked for free vs. someone needs specific work done with a horse for a compensated benefit.

I dunno, what do you think?

If you are Christian, I would think you would want to ALWAYS follow the rules. Isn’t that what the Bible tells you??? Does God excuse those who do not know the rules?

I probably would have been best to post the FREE ad in the classifieds and add the link in your original request for help, even as an after thought. You know,…oops my bad,….here is the link!

Quite frankly this follow up thread is the one that needs to be deleted.


Please don't mistake my post as joining any private horse clique. :killingme


I agree- many people are selfish thinking only of their own veiws on things, and not accepting nor respectful enough to consider others thoughts and views. They feel the need to cruely, and disrepectfully speak their mind, for reasons beyond my understanding. If people learned a bit of respectful constructive critisism, rather than the more common "fun" and rather disheartening literary bashing, the www would be a much kinder place.

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