food poisoning?



Yes I ate the piece of chicken but that was it...the 2nd piece looked cooked to me (it wasn't pink)


New Member

Foods involved Contaminated poultry meat and meat products, especially stews, gravies and pies.
Main Symptoms Abdominal pain, diarrhoea and nausea.
Onset of Illness 8 to 22 hours, (usually 10 to 12 hours).
Source This organism is found in the waste of animals and man, and often in raw meat and in soil.
It thrives in airless conditions and survives ordinary cooking.

Foods involved Contaminated meat and meat products, especially poultry.
Custard, cream, milk and egg products, and salads.
Main Symptoms Fever, headache, aching limbs, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and sometimes vomiting.
Onset of Illness 6 to 72 hours (usually 12 to 36 hours).
Source Salmonella bacteria are often present in the waste of man and animals, (especially rodents and poultry).
This illness is infectious and can be spread to other people.

Foods involved Contaminated moist protein foods. Meat, eggs and fish products.
Main Symptoms Abdominal pain, severe vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, and sometimes collapse.
Onset of Illness 1 to 6 hours (usually 2 to 4 hours).
Source Staphylococcal bacteria may come from infected sores, nasal secretions and skin (perspiration and hair).
The toxin that causes illness can survive ordinary cooking.

Foods involved Contaminated meat and meat products, especially poultry.
Contaminated water, and raw milk.
Main Symptoms Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
Onset of Illness 1 to 10 days (usually 3 to 5 days).
Source Campylobacter bacteria are often present in the waste of man and animals (especially domestic animals and poultry).
This illness is infectious and can be spread to other people.

Foods involved All foods can be affected; (eg. soap powders/rat poison getting into dry food mixes; garden poison residues in soft drink bottles).
Main Symptoms Abdominal pain, nausea, at times vomiting and diarrhoea. These symptoms may not be present for a lot of poisons-- in these cases often the first symptom is of collapse.
Onset of Illness Usually less than half an hour.

Other food-borne diseases of note are Listeria, Yersinia and Cryptosporidium.

Foods involved Contaminated processed meats and meat products, raw milk, seafood, poultry and vegetables etc (eg coleslaw).
Main Symptoms Normal host Acute/mild fever, influenza-like symptoms.
At risk host Fever, intense headache, nausea, meningeal irritation and vomiting. Infection of the foetus, septicemia, meningitis, and still-birth.
Onset of Illness 3 days to 3 weeks.
Source Listeria bacteria are commonly found in soil, water, vegetation, domestic animals, and man.
The illness, though infectious, is relatively rare.
At Risk Hosts Pregnant women, the elderly, and those with lowered immune systems.

Foods involved Contaminated meat and meat products, especially pork mince and tongue. Contaminated water, seafood and raw milk.
Main Symptoms Under 5 yrs diarrhoea, (sometimes bloody). Over 5yrs abdominal pain (like appendicitis), also fever, joint pain sore throat and rash.
Onset of Illness 12 hrs to 11 days (usually 24 to 48 hours).
Source Yersinia bacteria are often present in the waste of farm animals (especially pigs) and infected pets-(puppies and kittens) and man.
This illness is infectious and can be spread to other people.

Foods involved Contaminated food and water, unpasteurised milk or fruit juices.
Main Symptoms Diarrhoea (often watery), abdominal cramps/pain, and anorexia. Fever, nausea, and vomiting occur less often.
Onset of Illness 1 to 12 days (usually 7 days).
Source Cryptosporidium parasites are often present in the waste of farm animals, poultry, pets and man.
This illness is infectious and can be spread to other people.


Watch it
Today I went out to lunch at petruzzi's and had chicken parm. After I had like 4 of 5 bites i realized somethign wasn't right. I looked at the chicken and it wasn't cooked in the middle it was raw. My question is how long does it take food poisioning from raw meat to hit and what should I watch out for? I have never had food poisoning before in my life.

thanks much.

Usually 24+ hours. If you start vomiting and/or diarrhea, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. I had this in Hawaii and got very dehydrated QUICKLY...ended up with an i.v. and some anti-nausea meds. Normally, you don't have many warning signs- you'll just start vomiting or have a serious upset stomach, depending on the severity of it. Hope you make it through without getting sick. :howdy:


I bowl overhand

Foods involved Contaminated moist protein foods. Meat, eggs and fish products.
Main Symptoms Abdominal pain, severe vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, and sometimes collapse.
Onset of Illness 1 to 6 hours (usually 2 to 4 hours).
Source Stuffdacockal bacteria may come from infected sores, nasal secretions and skin (perspiration and hair).
The toxin that causes illness can survive ordinary cooking.

that's serious stuff right there..


Watch it
Usually 24+ hours. If you start vomiting and/or diarrhea, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. I had this in Hawaii and got very dehydrated QUICKLY...ended up with an i.v. and some anti-nausea meds. Normally, you don't have many warning signs- you'll just start vomiting or have a serious upset stomach, depending on the severity of it. Hope you make it through without getting sick. :howdy:

Oh, and the doc told me it is actually more likely to get sick from contaminated veggies than meat. Don't know how accurate he is, but that's what he said (take that spinach outbreak in the U.S. for example).


I know nothing
Today I went out to lunch at petruzzi's and had chicken parm. After I had like 4 of 5 bites i realized somethign wasn't right. I looked at the chicken and it wasn't cooked in the middle it was raw. My question is how long does it take food poisioning from raw meat to hit and what should I watch out for? I have never had food poisoning before in my life.

thanks much.

My question is why would you go to pertuzzi's in the first place?


My question is why would you go to pertuzzi's in the first place?
To have lunch of course. I hadn't been there in a while and the first time I went the food was good. This time not so. I wont be going back there anytime soon.


My daughters ravioli came out frozen solid once. :lmao:
Uh I guess food has gone downhill from what I am seeing. I don't plan to visit that place again anytime soon. I bet they sooner or later go out of business like everything else has that has been in that place.
Seems to me there was a lot of banter about that place, oh, maybe a year or 2 ago. Same things: undercooked meals, frozen food on the plate... could have been here, could have been RoseRed's comments I remember!! I went there once shortly after they opened, didn't care for the food, never went back.


Uh I guess food has gone downhill from what I am seeing. I don't plan to visit that place again anytime soon. I bet they sooner or later go out of business like everything else has that has been in that place.

Why would you ever go back to a place that served you raw chicken, and:

they were in such a rush to get me out the door.