food poisoning?



I am still doing fine just have a stomach ache no runs or any of that.


loving life
I am still doing fine just have a stomach ache no runs or any of that.

When we got sick, we had ate dinner on a Sunday night, it was about 2am on Tuesday morning that it hit. My first day for high school and I thought I could still go, while getting dressed my mom came and asked me what I thought I was doing? I told her I couldn't miss my first day and she told me to get back in my room, when I turned around I looked like a scene from the Exorist, spewing all over the room:barf:
She did not fine that funny:lmao: We all laugh about it now. I still won't eat at that place:whistle:, even after 20 years.

I hope goes well for you. Ours was from either the shrimp or blue cheese. Never did find out.
I think she may be re-thinking the plastic sheet/sleep in the shower thing.



When we got sick, we had ate dinner on a Sunday night, it was about 2am on Tuesday morning that it hit. My first day for high school and I thought I could still go, while getting dressed my mom came and asked me what I thought I was doing? I told her I couldn't miss my first day and she told me to get back in my room, when I turned around I looked like a scene from the Exorist, spewing all over the room:barf:
She did not fine that funny:lmao: We all laugh about it now. I still won't eat at that place:whistle:, even after 20 years.
I hope goes well for you. Ours was from either the shrimp or blue cheese. Never did find out.

I got it from hotdogs once when camping out in the desert with a group. Someone noticed that they had been left out from the night before and stuck them back in the ice chest the next morning. Several of us had hot dogs for lunch. It hit one guy on the road back to San Diego and the rest of us at about 2 am. I woke up and thought "what am I doing up?" Then I found out. It's hard to believe your stomach can hold that much liquid and expell it with such force and so many times.:barf:


New Member
I dunno what your talking about, I think Petruzzi's has great food, I eat there about 3 times a week, they have a great lunch and dinner buffet. I seriously doubt that you got food poisioning from eating there. Every resturant has a bad day, if u said they fixed it, whats the big deal? U've never gotten frozen fries from McDonalds or sucky service at Outback?


I bowl overhand
U've never gotten frozen fries from McDonalds or sucky service at Outback?

Actually, no I haven't.

I've been to Petruzzi's once. I gave them a chance, and that's all they are getting.

Not one meal we bought was worth the money, the service sucked.. I can get better Italian in the frozen foods section in ANY grocery store for a lot less money (probably where they bought it in the first place)