Football Pool - Week 3


Lem Putt
BS Gal said:
I have the Eagles game on.
Are the announcers on 'ludes? They are just watching, not commenting. They just replayed the 9'ers TD, and they didn't say a word.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
MMDad said:
Are the announcers on 'ludes? They are just watching, not commenting. They just replayed the 9'ers TD, and they didn't say a word.
They were really quiet. Waz up with that. Good choice on your 5 pointer. I should start not betting on my emotions. Oh, and uniform colors. :lmao:


RoseRed said:
I know that, I thought they would be formerly known as... ?
Ok, Houston used to have a football team called the Oilers. They had an oil Derek (SP?) on their helmets and they kinda sucked but they did have a couple good years with a running back named Earl Campbell. His thighs were like 38 inches around, each.

So anyway, the team moved to Tennessee, Nashville to be exact because like I said they sucked and no one came to watch them much and the city wouldn't build them a new super whamo stadium.. Once they got to Tennessee they had a contest to decide what the new team name and logo would be. Well they decided on the Titans, actually I wanted the team to be the "Nashville Nads". GO NADS!

Meanwhile the NFL was looking to expand. So they awarded a franchise to Houston to replace the Titans who moved to Nashville. This new team is the Texans. So to be technically correct, they "weren't" anyone else but the Texans.

If you think this is complicated don't ask about Hockey. They move every 2 or 3 years whether they need to or now.


Lem Putt
BS Gal said:
They were really quiet. Waz up with that. Good choice on your 5 pointer. I should start not betting on my emotions. Oh, and uniform colors. :lmao:
:lmao: Yep, you have to give up on your loyalty if you want to win. I've been a 9'ers fan since 1979, and a Broncos fan since 1976. I have to realize that sometimes they suck, and I can't let my loyalty influence my picks.