Football Pool - Week 5


Football addict
Of the three games the Giants played, I picked the other team for the spread twice, and lost both times. I try to separate being a fan from looking at stats, but so far this year it seems like key stats I've looked at turn out meaning little. This isn't just for Giants games, I'm talking about a lot of them. Ergo only one five point pick for me so far... :lol:
To the Skins favor they're facing the 24th ranked pass defense. If I were them I'd run little and pass a lot, especially short.


New Member
Texans 3.5 Colts
Ravens 3 Titans
Dolphins 6.5 Chargers
Panthers -10 Chiefs
Eagles -6 Redskins
Lions 3 Bears
Packers -7 Falcons
Giants -7.5 Seahawks
Broncos -3.5 Buccs
49ers 3 Patriots
Cardinals -1 Bills
Cowboys -14 Bengals
Jaguars -4 Steelers
Saints -3 Vikings

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Texans 3.5 Colts
Ravens 3 Titans
Dolphins 6.5 Chargers
Panthers -10 Chiefs
Eagles -6 Redskins
Lions 3 Bears
Packers -7 Falcons
Giants -7.5 Seahawks
Broncos -3.5 Buccs
49ers 3 Patriots
Cardinals -1 Bills
Cowboys -14 Bengals
Jaguars -4 Steelers
Saints -3 Vikings

Little late there, Andy.:lmao:


Nothing to see here
Texans 3.5 Colts Texans
Ravens 3 Titans Titans
Dolphins 6.5 Chargers Phish
Panthers -10 Chiefs Chiefs
Eagles -6 Redskins Skins ***
Lions 3 Bears Bears
Packers -7 Falcons Falcs
Giants -7.5 Seahawks Hawks
Broncos -3.5 Buccs Bucs
49ers 3 Patriots Pats
Cardinals -1 Bills Bills
Cowboys -14 Bengals Bengals
Jaguars -4 Steelers Steelers
Saints -3 Vikings St's


Larry Gude

Strung Out

The Eagles are #1 at stopping the run. About 2.6 yards per carry.

The Eagles are #1 in sacks this season with 17.

I sure hope I'm wrong about this game.

...let me count the ways.

You, my boy, are NO LONGER #1 Skins fan around here.

For shame...

In case any of you Philly Phans were wondering, it GOES LIKE THIS;

Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!


Larry Gude

Strung Out

That is the only one that matters at the end of the day.

A good runner up would be...

...0 offensive turnovers in 5 weeks. Best in the NFL. attention;

Back in 'the day', there were a number of constants; Low offensive turnovers, numerous offensive players leading in their categories and a KICKER who scored a lot of points.



Current league MVP; Suisham.

In Gibbs I, we got into scoring position, a lot, solid special teams, defense making a play when really needed and took field goals galore because we'd be back for a TD or three later.

This is HOW IT is/was done, so , please, enjoy this!!!