For who ever gets food stamps


Dancing Up A Storm
I have to admit...

:confused: .....I'm sorta puzzled over this "Tigger Love Fest" myself. With all that's been conversed upon in this thread, are some of us really that shallow, that we'd come down pretty hard
in one thread, but profess all this love in another adjacent one?

It's as though we didn't really mean a word we said here, or am I just reading it all wrong?

The basic tenets are still there: getting pregnant when it isn't really the smartest thing to do, then maintaining a habit of smoking while pregnant, endangering that baby's life/health, partly, if not all while on SSDI.

Yet some of us turn all touchy-feely in another venue


Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by penncam
:confused: .....I'm sorta puzzled over this "Tigger Love Fest" myself. With all that's been conversed upon in this thread, are some of us really that shallow, that we'd come down pretty hard
in one thread, but profess all this love in another adjacent one?

Hey Penn.... WWJD? I mean that. :wink:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by Kain99
Hey Penn.... WWJD? I mean that. :wink:

Well, I have to say. Many of us on here lived by the "WWJD" (or what would just common decent folk do) only to live to regret it in a big way.

Nothing and No one ever apear as they seem on these boards. :shocking:


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by Kain99
Hey Penn.... WWJD? I mean that. :wink:
I get your point very well Kain, and that thought, or something very close to it has been in the back of my mind, all the time -reading through all these postings.

It is well likely that we do not know the whole story, and for that a little measure of civility is appropriate.

But what kind of message has been sent? Has anything been learned?

Or is it all to be forgotten, with the dawning of another day?

I sincerely hope not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
I fail to see what jelly doughnuts have to do with anything.

And, Penn, I'll tell you why I'm able to have compassion for Tigger:
getting pregnant when it isn't really the smartest thing to do
Did that
then maintaining a habit of smoking while pregnant, endangering that baby's life/health
Did that (and bore healthy children, btw)
while on SSDI
Did that, or it's equivalent, anyway (WIC as an adult and welfare as a kid).

I'm not becoming some bleeding heart liberal - I'm just trying not to be a hypocrite.


Re: Re: Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by penncam
But what kind of message has been sent? Has anything been learned?

Or is it all to be forgotten, with the dawning of another day?

I sincerely hope not.
No way penn... I personally witnessed an incredible learning experience today! I can't speak for those who weren't at lunch but lemme tell ya, those who were, are awesome people!


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
Originally posted by crabcake
It's people who go in and take, take, take and complain then that they don't make enough, get enough, have to work hard, have to go overseas, and God forbid, might have to go to war, etc. that drive me :crazy:
After being in the Army for 6 years, I've seen people like this. More than half were hardship discharged before they were in one year. Two, from my unit, were deployed to Bosnia with us and became "mental" and medicaly discharged. Some don't even make it through Basic/AIT. Believe me, these people won't last long in the military. But they still cost us over $120K for the training they recieved in Basic/AIT.
I understand where your'e comming from. I do, somewhat, feel guilty. We are trying to get ourselvs into a better position. But right now we need all the help that we can get. Yes, it would be better if we weren't having a child now. We could have done something about it beforehand but it's too late now. We are both happy about the baby and will provide him/her a loving home. I am getting some good vibes on a new career for myself. As soon as that happens, we won't have to rely on outside help. We are taking the hand we were delt and doing the best we can.

FYI, the computers and other services I have were from before our current situation. I would get rid of DSL, etc. but it would cost us more because of the freakin' agreements on such services. $125 early termination for Verizon DSL, $175 early termination for Verizon Wireless, etc. Verizon are out for money and they make sure they get it.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by Kain99
No way penn... I personally witnessed an incredible learning experience today! I can't speak for those who weren't at lunch but lemme tell ya, those who were, are awesome people!
:cool: OK, for one thing, it's just an opinion - and like azzholes we all.....uh-huh.

But if something was learned, in the discussion, what more can be asked for?

Vrai, do you consider yourself a very luck woman? I would if you raised two healthy kids - smoking while pregnant.

But it's still a heck of a risk for the kids, in any event.


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have to admit...

Originally posted by penncam

Vrai, do you consider yourself a very luck woman? I would if you raised two healthy kids - smoking while pregnant.

But it's still a heck of a risk for the kids, in any event.

Oh for craps sake, MILLIONS count em MILLIONS of women smoked while pregnant and had healthy kids, just like MILLIONS of women have eaten perfectly, did their exercise, took their vitamins everyday and still had effed up kids, while smokers have had perfectly normal kids. Smokers have also had effed up kids. Can you really blame it on the smoking? :shrug:


b*tch rocket
To add to that, what do you blame it on when "healthy" women have effed up kids? :shrug:

Luck of the draw my friend, tis all it ever is.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm not becoming some bleeding heart liberal - I'm just trying not to be a hypocrite.
"Some bleeding heart liberal"--why the ugly epithet?

Are all liberals bleeding hearts?

When the term "bleeding heart" is used, is it always assumed as an oxymoron; IOW, is it always assumed that the person accused of bleeding heart-hood doesn't possess the organ at all?

From what you know of me, VB, do you consider me to be a "bleeding heart liberal?" Or even "some" BHL, or "just another" BHL? For you've stated you don't understand how I can be liberal at all.

I wish I could say, given that you have a similar background in some ways, that I can't understand how you can be conservative. But that's not why I can't understand it. Believe me, I'd like very much to understand.

BTW, you beat me to the "jelly doughnuts" comment. :cry:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Christy
To add to that, what do you blame it on when "healthy" women have effed up kids? :shrug:

Luck of the draw my friend, tis all it ever is.
:smile: Hey Christy, it's like I said - "JMHO".

BTW, how're the pigs these days?


I smoked 5-10 cigarettes a day during my first pregnancy. My son was 8 pounds and healthy. My second, I quit a year before he was conceived and didn’t start smoking again until he was 5 months old. He was born 9 ½ weeks too early. He was 3 lbs. 5 oz. Sometimes, there are no explanations for why things happen the way they do.

Smokers have healthy babies all the time. Studies have shown that babies born to smokers have a tendency to weight less than those born to non-smokers. The difference is a few ounces, which is cause by the depletion of vitamins in the body by smokers versus non-smokers. Sure, smoking isn’t healthy. If it were, nobody would ever quit or want to quit. Tigger is not going to have a deformed baby because she smokes and 10 cigarettes a day. In reality, 10 cigarettes a day is considered a light smoker.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
"Some bleeding heart liberal"--why the ugly epithet?
I don't consider it ugly. I used it because someone called me that earlier - CHRISTY!!! :neener: :lol:

Originally posted by penncam
Vrai, do you consider yourself a very luck woman? I would if you raised two healthy kids - smoking while pregnant.
No, I just disregard media hype and junk science. Do you know that neither of my birth kids have ever had an ear infection in their lives? Nor do they get colds or flu very often - maybe once every couple of years and it's always pretty mild. They have no allergies at all - their father had several allergies and their grandmother takes some steroid for hers, they're so bad.

I can only go by what I've experienced myself and what I've seen other people experience.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I can only go by what I've experienced myself and what I've seen other people experience.

Soo you're saying I need to take up a new hobby before planning my next baby????:shrug:


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by IM4Change
Smokers have healthy babies all the time. 7

AIDS patients have healthy babies too so does that make AIDS a good thing too???


Of course not TYS, that is like comparing apples and oranges and you know it.

Sure, smoking isn’t healthy.

As you can see, I never said smoking was healthy, just that smokers do have healthy babies. Not all babies born to smokers are domed. Sometimes things just happen for no reason.