For who ever gets food stamps


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
I don't complain about my job
You are in the distinct minority. You're probably also not working for $1000 a month plus benefits, either.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You're probably also not working for $1000 a month plus benefits, either.

not any more, I don't. when I grew tired of it (military life), I chose to get out and do something different. :bubble:

it's all about choices ...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
it's all about choices ...
Yes, and you CHOSE to take what the military (and us taxpayers) had given you, then ditch it and find other employment. Congratulations on having choices - some people don't.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by crabcake
I don't complain about my job, working long hours if need be, making sacrifices, etc. I do complain about idiots I have to work with though and their apparent lack of common sense. Btw, I was willing to cough up my raise if such a measure would be enacted so that it could go to military members because they needed the additional 2.4% far more than I did.

I also don't complain about my commute; I complain about the idiots on the road who make my commute an hour and a half instead of the normal hour because they chose to put lipstick on while driving and rearend someone on the highway or run a red light and injure someone.

Is that okay? :rolleyes: I don't complain about things I have control over because it is my choice to remain in those situations. I complain about the stupidity displayed by other people.

The righteous wagon is boarding in another thread. :neener:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yes, and you CHOSE to take what the military (and us taxpayers) had given you, then ditch it and find other employment. Congratulations on having choices - some people don't.

Everyone has choices, some are just harder/more unpleasant than others.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
Everyone has choices, some are just harder/more unpleasant than others.

:yeahthat: And by the same token, some don't realize they DO have choices until they're pointed out to them. It's very easy to take the path of least resistance.


Originally posted by jazz lady
Oh, that can be taken in sooooo many different ways. :wink:

There I fixed it. I forgot where I was for a moment and didn't reread it 20 times to see if I left myself open to an assault on my manhood.:roflmao:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yes, and you CHOSE to take what the military (and us taxpayers) had given you, then ditch it and find other employment. Congratulations on having choices - some people don't.

I'm sure this is opening a can of worms, but I gotta bite (but also have to run to a meeting) ... who doesn't have choices? :confused:

I can see someone born lacking in mental capacity to make sound decision for themselves, but who else doesn't have a choice in their life? :confused:

and fyi ... my term of service was up. I served out my contract, decided it wasn't for me, and left. I didn't just "ditch" it like a job at 7-11. I wasn't happy. What should I do, stay there and bit*h about it for the rest of my life? :rolleyes:

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by crabcake
I'm sure this is opening a can of worms, but I gotta bite (but also have to run to a meeting) ... who doesn't have choices? :confused:

I can see someone born lacking in mental capacity to make sound decision for themselves, but who else doesn't have a choice in their life? :confused:
Some people aren't aware that they can choose something different. It's not a matter of saying "I have no choice" -- it's a matter of not reazlizing, of not being aware, that something different is available.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by crabcake
I don't complain about my job, I do complain about my job.

I also don't complain about my commute; I complain about my commute

Is that okay? :rolleyes: I don't complain about things, I complain


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
uh, I don't think you got the jist of what he was trying to say.


Don't you understand that you have to put things in black and white for Tigger?

She's not all that edumacated.


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
Many of you have read my response to Bertha and are now torqued off at me for not jumping on the "Tigger love fest" that is oozing all over the board. Feel free to PM me and I will tell you what to do about it.:burning:

Pete you can come hang in the "everyone hates Olive" corner anytime.

P.S. In case you didn't notice, I find Tigger to be (cannot say because "at risk" of being banned :eek:) and the "Tigger love fest" to be ridiculous.