For who ever gets food stamps

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by tys_mommy
Bertha said we had no ideas how to fix the system and only sat here and complained.
Forgive me. I didn't know that expressing my regret that I have no answers equaled "complaining." I am very sorry that I have no answers. Do you? Write your congresscritters. Get your views out there if you have answers. More power to you!


What is needed is what is happening right here, right now. Stop boobing and looking the other way. Show some outrage at misuse, the sense of entitlement, the ingratitude. Sure birth control would help, but nothing is going to stop it unless the attitude that welfare in its many forms is not an acceptable alternative to get income to actually working. Yes people get in a pinch, bad things happen, people need help but to use it as a substitute for indepenence and being flippant about it chapps my...


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
Forgive me. I didn't know that expressing my regret that I have no answers equaled "complaining." I am very sorry that I have no answers. Do you? Write your congresscritters. Get your views out there if you have answers. More power to you!

I understand that there are some situations where there are no answers and if I ever need help I hope it's there, although I don't think that day will ever come. I have worked since I was 15 (babysat before that), went to school and made high honors at the same time, working hard for what I have and what I give my child. If for some reason I lost my job, McDonalds and Walmart are alway hiring. I admire those that need the help and seek it as long as they are contributing (working). I thought we were discussing those that abused the system by getting on the dole and then having more kids and milking the system for more, therefore, birthcontrol.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Any thoughts I entertained about Tigger's credibility went right out the window when she said she was getting SSDI instead of SSI. In earlier posts she said SSI.

I used to work for social services. We did not administer either of these benefits b/c they are federal programs, we were state. But these people often came in for food stamps and other things. To the average person, who doesn't get these benefits, they don't know the difference but the people who get SSI know EXACTLY what they are getting and would NEVER mix the two.

For those who don't know, I explained this before in another thread, but I will do so again here. Both programs require a disability as determined by the Social Security Administration. This disability must be severe enough to prevent a person from making a living. SSA is very strict and almost always denies everyone on the first application. Both programs are administered by the SSA. Those are about the only things they have in common.

SSDI is what the average person is familiar with. Everyone who works gets that money taken out of their paycheck to pay for it. It is, as Vrai said, insurance. When you retire that money is supposed to be there. SSDI kicks in when you aren't old enough to retire, but become disabled and cannot work. Anyone who has worked for more than 10 years gets this letter in the mail every year telling them how much they'd get if they became disabled, retired, or how much their dependants would get if they died. You have paid for this all your employed life. When you are eligable for this you are also eligable for medicare because you paid for that too.

SSI is federal welfare. It is for those people who have not worked for the 10 years required to receive SSDI. In general, these people were injured too young to have worked much. In some cases, they were born with disabilities that have prevented them from EVER working. They have not paid into Social Security so this is not insurance. They do not qualify for medicare because they never paid for it. They DO qualify for state Medical Assistance, automatically without even having to apply.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by PFgal
I'm not sure, I mean - I don't think they can cash in the whole independence card amount, ya know. But they probably know whatever amount they get per month for cash, and can withdraw it at stores when making a purchase. That's what I saw in the FL a zillion times. The cashier would say, "Cash back?" and the person would say, "$20" or whatever amount.

The "Independance" card can have both the food stamp allotment on it AND the cash assistance. Recipients can use it to access their cash assistance, just like you use your ATM card to get to your checking account. When FS were paper, cashiers were NOT supposed to give change over $1 in FS, less then $1 they gave change. I don't THINK that has changed.
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Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by tys_mommy
I understand that there are some situations where there are no answers and if I ever need help I hope it's there, although I don't think that day will ever come. I have worked since I was 15 (babysat before that), went to school and made high honors at the same time, working hard for what I have and what I give my child. If for some reason I lost my job, McDonalds and Walmart are alway hiring. I admire those that need the help and seek it as long as they are contributing (working). I thought we were discussing those that abused the system by getting on the dole and then having more kids and milking the system for more, therefore, birthcontrol.
Thanks. Now I understand better what you've been saying.

None of what I wrote had anything to do w/ milking the system by having more children. That's not the kind of welfare fraud I grew up with. Since I'd said nothing about "more kids=more welfare" or about birth control as an answer, I was surprised when you wrote "birth control is not the answer" in response to my post. It was a puzzling non sequitur.

I agree--birth control is not the answer, especially when a portion of our citizenry believes it should be illegal. I'm not talking about abortion; I'm talking about ultra-religious persons who believe just taking the pill equals abortion, and about Catholic persons who are forbidden by their church to practice BC. (I work with a such man whose wife just had their eleventh child. :yikes:)


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Bertha Venation
I agree--birth control is not the answer,

That's not what I meant, I think BC is a great answer to welfare. Don't bite off more than you can chew is a good way to live life, if you can't afford children, then don't have them if you aren't willing to work for them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
I saw a few who had 5 kids and wondered why they were broke when mom didn't work and dad was only an E-4.
Because they went in the military to forge a career - there was nothing for them on the outside and they couldn't support their family with little or no education. Mom didn't work because the cost of daycare was higher than what she'd get paid.

Why have kids if you can't support them? Good question. Neither of my kids were planned. I suppose I could have gotten an abortion but I chose to have my children and make the best of it. Thanks to Uncle Sam, I had that option.

So thank you, all you taxpayers who helped me to keep and feed my children with your tax dollars. You paid my ex-husband's military salary and for part of our housing. You also paid for his uniforms and gave me milk, cereal, eggs and cheese. You picked up my hospital bills when I had my kids and you paid for my wisdom teeth to be extracted. You paid for my son's well-baby checkups.

Thanks to you taxpayers, I have a son who is gladly helping defend this country and a daughter who is off to college in the fall. Without your help, I would have neither of them.

Oh, I forgot - thank you taxpayers for helping feed me and house me when I was a kid so my Mom didn't have to put me up for adoption.

Is that what you wanted, Crab?


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Is that what you wanted, Crab?

:rolleyes: you obviously missed my point. Of course I wouldn't want someone to abort their unborn child. I'm not heartless contrary to what you might think.

my point (why do people keep missing it when I think I spell it out pretty clear :confused:) is don't have what you can't afford/support -- PERIOD! Things happen, yes ... but for people who keep letting "things happen" that they could prevent, I have little sympathy. Get pregnant unintentionally? Okay, no sweat ... have 5 "unplanned pregnancies"? KMA ... big difference.

But I also have heartburn for people who solely join the military so they can get the benefits (education, health care, etc). That's no different, in my opinion, than someone who rapes the welfare system. Granted, you will go to work (or jail) but to join solely ... SOLELY (to avoid more confusion) for that reason ... and yes, there are people who do it. No, I don't think your ex-H was one of 'em.

Again, I'm a hardass. So what?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
But I also have heartburn for people who solely join the military so they can get the benefits (education, health care, etc). That's no different, in my opinion, than someone who rapes the welfare system.

This I have a BIG problem with. A friend joined the Navy just for those reasons, after growing up dirt poor on a farm. He and his parents couldn't afford college and he wasn't about to become another chicken farmer on the Eastern Shore. Yes, he got an education, health care, etc. but they also got 7 years of service from him. My father also joined the Navy for very similar reasons and served for 20 years.

Were THEY raping the system? I don't think so. It's called a win-win situation. They got what they needed and the United States got good men to serve the nation.

Or did I somehow misconstrue what you said?
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* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Oh geez, anyone remember when the judge would give a guy a choice of jail or the military?


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by jazz lady
This I have a BIG problem with. My husband (long before I met him) joined the Navy just for those reasons, after growing up dirt poor on a farm. He and his parents couldn't afford college and he wasn't about to become another chicken farmer on the Eastern Shore. Yes, he got an education, health care, etc. but they also got 7 years of service from him. My father also joined the Navy for very similar reasons and served for 20 years.

Were THEY raping the system? I don't think so. It's called a win-win situation. They got what they needed and the United States got good men to serve the nation.

Or did I somehow misconstrue what you said?

so you are saying he went in to learn something new ... do something different with his life ... and be able to give back in return? No, I don't have a problem with that. It's people who go in and take, take, take and complain then that they don't make enough, get enough, have to work hard, have to go overseas, and God forbid, might have to go to war, etc. that drive me :crazy:

I am assuming your husband didn't have a wife and 5 kids when he went in ... that he didn't go in so that someone else could take care of them, feed them, clothe them, care for them, etc.? That's the "group" I'm talking about.


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by jazz lady
This I have a BIG problem with. My husband (long before I met him) joined the Navy just for those reasons, after growing up dirt poor on a farm. He and his parents couldn't afford college and he wasn't about to become another chicken farmer on the Eastern Shore. Yes, he got an education, health care, etc. but they also got 7 years of service from him. My father also joined the Navy for very similar reasons and served for 20 years.

Were THEY raping the system? I don't think so. It's called a win-win situation. They got what they needed and the United States got good men to serve the nation.

Or did I somehow misconstrue what you said?

Thank you, jazz!:notworthy

My Dad also came from a very similar situation.....He grew up on a farm, dirt poor, etc, etc. He wanted to better himself with an education and the only way of doing so was by joining the Navy. Again - a win-win situation, as my Dad gave 26 years of his life to our country. I wouldn't ever misconstrue that as "milking" the system.


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by crabcake
so you are saying he went in to learn something new ... do something different with his life ... and be able to give back in return? No, I don't have a problem with that. It's people who go in and take, take, take and complain then that they don't make enough, get enough, have to work hard, have to go overseas, and God forbid, might have to go to war, etc. that drive me :crazy:

I am assuming your husband didn't have a wife and 5 kids when he went in ... that he didn't go in so that someone else could take care of them, feed them, clothe them, care for them, etc.? That's the "group" I'm talking about.

Sorry, cc...didn't see your post until I posted mine!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
It's people who go in and take, take, take and complain then that they don't make enough, get enough, have to work hard, have to go overseas, and God forbid, might have to go to war, etc. that drive me
I take this to mean that you've never complained about your job? That you've willingly and gladly gone along with whatever they wanted you to do? That you've never complained about having to work late or about what you're paid? I mean, after all, they're supporting you with their money, aren't they?

And, if you work for a contractor, you're indirectly taking government (read: taxpayer) money. Why? Because where does the money come from to pay defense contractors so they can pay their employees? Why, out of our defense budget! And where does THAT budget come from? Why, the taxpayers!

What were you saying, Crabcake?


But wait, there's more...
I don't complain about my job, working long hours if need be, making sacrifices, etc. I do complain about idiots I have to work with though and their apparent lack of common sense. Btw, I was willing to cough up my raise if such a measure would be enacted so that it could go to military members because they needed the additional 2.4% far more than I did.

I also don't complain about my commute; I complain about the idiots on the road who make my commute an hour and a half instead of the normal hour because they chose to put lipstick on while driving and rearend someone on the highway or run a red light and injure someone.

Is that okay? :rolleyes: I don't complain about things I have control over because it is my choice to remain in those situations. I complain about the stupidity displayed by other people.