I love my Fords, but wound up buying a 2500HD since we owned a Suburban... I did not get the Diesel - could not justify the extra 8K in price; I have little over 6K miles in 16 months of ownership.
I like the Duramax engine and Allison Tranny

really nice and pulls strong. The Ford's new Diesel has/had problems with the fuel reclamation burn-off thing in the exhaust. Apparently a leaky injector (yes, an injector) caused excessive fuel to collect in this burn-off process, with combination of over-heating, caused fire to shoot out of the tail-pipes
The original fix was to re-flash the computer to have the motor shutdown or de-power (from what I remember) until this area cooled down.
Search at Google for "diesel forums" and you should get a page with all the manufactures diesel forums; there is not one general one. Go and read and listen to the praises and #####es of the owners - not the "Chevy it better than ford or dodge" or "my ford will out pull your chevy"...
Now - I was told that if you are going to truly use the Diesel to tow every week, then the justification to own one if there. Me - I tow a travel trailer about 8 times a year (maybe a bit more)... outside of that it is used for hunting - I myself could not justify the additional expense, plus it does everything I need.
Good Luck!