Ford Trucks at Kentucky Speedway because they don't have chips.


Well-Known Member
A Model 3 that costs 10k more out the door than a Honda or Toyota costs less to own overall. Those maint costs and fuel costs add up.
From what I understand the battery packs cost 20-25,000 to replace? taken care of a car wont cost that much and when they run out of material or be able get the material to make batteries what then? Ill take a combustion engine over EV any day of the week it not going to work and overall its going to be expensive to purchase one,maintain one,and then how much does it cost to charge one and how long does it take to charge IMO I just dont see it working in our time on this earth


Power with Control
But carbs I understood and could rebuild.
EFI not hard to understand, and easier to fix.
From what I understand the battery packs cost 20-25,000 to replace? taken care of a car wont cost that much and when they run out of material or be able get the material to make batteries what then? Ill take a combustion engine over EV any day of the week it not going to work and overall its going to be expensive to purchase one,maintain one,and then how much does it cost to charge one and how long does it take to charge IMO I just dont see it working in our time on this earth

If you even need to replace them. Most people wont, since not many hold vehicles over 300k. And I imagine battery replacement insurance outside of warranty will be lucrative business. Most will buy it and never use it, like trip insurance.

There are lots of materials around for batteries, and the forumlations keep improving and requiring less of the probelmatic ones.

We already covered, it costs far less to maintain one. What are your drivers for maint? Brakes and oil changes, filters and plugs. EVs need none of that, except a cabin filter.

How long to charge? At home, hours and hours, fast charging, usually less than 15-20 minutes depending. Cost, that depends on how smart we are about our grid. Add storage and nuke, and the cost will drop. Lets check in in say three or five years...


PREMO Member
From what I have read, there is NO NEED To Replace a battery pack, then can be repaired ... I'll call Tesla lazy for not wanting to do a ' Repair '



Power with Control
From what I have read, there is NO NEED To Replace a battery pack, then can be repaired ... I'll call Tesla lazy for not wanting to do a ' Repair '

And I agree repairs should be on the table, I understand why not. Tesla should be working with 3rd parties to offer up repair options. They cant do it themselves, too much else on the plate between scaling both vehicle and battery production globally, and installing the worlds largest and best charging network.

But who would that third party be? There's no national auto repair chain they could go to, is there? Maybe NTB? But even though they have battery in the name, not sure they are ready for this work. So, you are Tesla, what do you do? How do you deploy the battery repair capability? Think the whole thing through. End to end, including liability and logistics.


Well-Known Member
Well, we keep asking vehicles to do more.
Who is this "we?" Most people would agree that they just want small comforts and the ability to get from point A to point B in their car. I am confident that "We" didn't ask for breaking camera systems, 12-inch touch screens, etc.
If you even need to replace them. Most people wont, since not many hold vehicles over 300k. And I imagine battery replacement insurance outside of warranty will be lucrative business. Most will buy it and never use it, like trip insurance.
And what is the recycling plan for these unusable batteries? Can they be recycled? Will we be saving the atmosphere from the bad gases and just diverting the problem to the actual Earth via polluted grounds and waters due to buried dead batteries?


Well-Known Member
What is the trade in value of an EV that has a dead battery?
Who ever gave anyone the idea that electric motors last forever with no maintenance.
Has no one ever owned an appliance that the motor went bad in?


Well-Known Member
And cost less and have a far greater MTBF. And reduce wiring system cost and complexity. And enable load shedding at need.

I remember the bitching that EFI was unnecessarily complicated. But it does far more than a carb ever could with far less maint and fewer parts.
I just shake my head at people on youtube, like Puddin's Fab Shop, who not only rip out all of the emission controls, mainly because they don't understand any of it, but eschew EFI for the same reason. They'll take a perfectly good fuel injection system out and stick a carberator on the car or truck, mainly because they can fumble through a carb rebuild, but they're basically ignorant of fuel injection.

My Dyna was 1st full year of EFI, and I loved it. To the point where, if I had the resources, I would put EFI on an older Harley (as blasphemous at that might be).


Well-Known Member
Damn Candy-Asses and their #@&% seat warmers! :cussing:

Back when I was coming up you just sat on the icy vinyl seat and froze your #### off like a man! :tantrum

If you wanted a warm #### you could sit on the hood when you got where you were going.

Damn, pampered yung'ins! :cussing:
Whadoyamean? In my day, we had to build our own seats!


Well-Known Member
In my day we ripped all the seats out and sat on milk crates. Kids road in the trunk or on the dash board.
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Well-Known Member
In my day we ripped all the seats out and sat on milk crates. Kids road in the trunk or on the dash board.
My favorite was my father's Studebaker and the back deck below the window. Sudden stop, kids go flying everywhere. I remember having to go to the local gas station to get seat belts installed.


Well-Known Member
How are car salesman making a living? Aren't their salaries mostly commission?
Oh no, what will the poor car salesman do? Maybe they can go sell radios at circuit city or sell insurance. Or maybe middle-man salespersons are about as necessary as the boil on my asscheek.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
In my day we ripped all the seats out and sat on milk crates. Kids road in the trunk or on the dash board.
I had an old cargo van in the 80s like that. Two milk crates and a 5 gallon bucket in the back for passengers to sit on.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
How did we ever survive child/young adulthood?
Yep. I can’t tell you how many times I went somewhere with a bunch riding in the back of an open pick up.

Hell, one time in high school a bunch of us drove from Chopticon to the school farm, at Sunnyside Road and Route five, on the back of a flatbed.

Of course we also made a quick beverage stop at third base.


Power with Control
Who is this "we?" Most people would agree that they just want small comforts and the ability to get from point A to point B in their car. I am confident that "We" didn't ask for breaking camera systems, 12-inch touch screens, etc.

And what is the recycling plan for these unusable batteries? Can they be recycled? Will we be saving the atmosphere from the bad gases and just diverting the problem to the actual Earth via polluted grounds and waters due to buried dead batteries?

Chicken or egg. The safety stuff, people like not dying. And people survive crashes today that would have been 100% death sentences even 20 years ago. Are the camera systems that bad? Solid state for the most part. Not a lot to go wrong.

Well, you cant build an industry until you have enough of them coming back in that you can start up. But we are at that point now, and the industry is standing up. Like catalytic converters, too much expensive stuff in there not to.

What is the trade in value of an EV that has a dead battery?
Who ever gave anyone the idea that electric motors last forever with no maintenance.
Has no one ever owned an appliance that the motor went bad in?

No idea, but it wont be a trade in. Sold to a scrapper maybe? But why do we keep focussing on the odd one that has a dead battery? And of course, there will be repair options. Like recycling, not enough deployed yet to be economical, but we're rapidly approaching that point.

Nothing runs forever. But you don't need to run forever, just 300-500 thousand miles. Which it looks like is easy to achieve.

Appliance motors a little different. Are any of them actively cooled with really sophisticated management systems? Most likely not.


Just sneakin' around....
Did you cover everything inside with shag carpet?
:lol; yup.

I had a '63 Impala station wagon. On occasion I'd head down to the crick and fill a garbage can full of salt water for my aquarium. On one particular occasion, the can dumped filling the wagon with salt water. I tried drying it out, but it always stunk of seaweed, so I ripped it all out and put in shag.

Wasn't too long before the interior metal started rusting away. At least the inside now looked like the outside... :lol: