Fraudulent election


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You mean the lie that Joe Biden won that election? I completely agree. :yay:
Perhaps no one QUITE got my point. While I do believe the election was stolen, what is probably MORE of a concern to me is that Americans are being sold on the idea that TALKING about it, believing it, discussing it - is verboten, treason, punishable. It's even part of campaign slogans - "they believe in the 'Big Lie' " - a turn of the phrase used by the Nazi government to discredit Jews. NOT Jews to discredit Nazis.

You know what else is punishable by prison or death? Talking or disseminating information about the government slaughter of dissidents in Tiananmen Square. Within days, all non-government sanctioned versions of the event were stricken across all Chinese media, books and Internet. Do you think it's for nothing the Chinese heavily censor all "disinformation" coming into their country? It's shocking when you hear the REASONS given for such.

Not too long ago, a man named Zhang Shijun, who was part of the shutdown, publicly expressed his regret - and was immediately arrested. TREASON. He's just the tip of the iceberg. Top government officials have been arrested or placed under house arrest and not even given the luxury of recanting.

It's practically a law of nature that when an authority demands that "there's nothing to see here" - you can bet there is.


PREMO Member
Perhaps no one QUITE got my point. While I do believe the election was stolen, what is probably MORE of a concern to me is that Americans are being sold on the idea that TALKING about it, believing it, discussing it - is verboten, treason, punishable.

Leftists want to BAN All Decision or opposition ... to Progressive SOLUTIONS For Anything

if you oppose Progressives you are

1. Selfish
2. Too Stupid or Ignorant to understand Progressive Solutions
3. Racist

Progressives Need MOAR Power and Authority t implement The Solutions to Evils oif the World, the make life FAIR FOR EVERYONE

except of course for people who oppose them

Question Global Warming Climte Change
Affirmative Action ...
Oppose The JAB - both the vaccine and mitigation strategies

Progressives wanted you

1. Jailed
2. Fired From Your JOB
3. Banned From Stores
4. Sent to Reeducation Camps
5 Executed because your UNVAAAXXED Status was a dire threat to public health


Well-Known Member
Perhaps no one QUITE got my point. While I do believe the election was stolen, what is probably MORE of a concern to me is that Americans are being sold on the idea that TALKING about it, believing it, discussing it - is verboten, treason, punishable. It's even part of campaign slogans - "they believe in the 'Big Lie' " - a turn of the phrase used by the Nazi government to discredit Jews. NOT Jews to discredit Nazis.

You know what else is punishable by prison or death? Talking or disseminating information about the government slaughter of dissidents in Tiananmen Square. Within days, all non-government sanctioned versions of the event were stricken across all Chinese media, books and Internet. Do you think it's for nothing the Chinese heavily censor all "disinformation" coming into their country? It's shocking when you hear the REASONS given for such.

Not too long ago, a man named Zhang Shijun, who was part of the shutdown, publicly expressed his regret - and was immediately arrested. TREASON. He's just the tip of the iceberg. Top government officials have been arrested or placed under house arrest and not even given the luxury of recanting.

It's practically a law of nature that when an authority demands that "there's nothing to see here" - you can bet there is.

Yeah yeah play the victim. All of you are signing in to this forum from gulags.

What a bunch of whiny babies.

Why can't you just admit you lost? Even four years later. Pathetic
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Well-Known Member
If you weren't morbidly obese i would bet you tried to shimmy through a window at the Capitol on January 6th.
Can you Shimmy through the door at Walmart?

Pink Singing GIF by Global Citizen


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yeah yeah paly the victim. All of you are signing in to this forum from gulags.

What a bunch of whiny babies.

Why can't you jsut admit you lost? even four years later. Pathetic
Do you really not realize you’re the only person on here having an emotional meltdown like a whiny baby?

you might want to see someone about that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The very fact that Democrats want to punish you for even questioning the election results should tell you all you need to know.

Just like they wanted to throw you in jail for questioning covid.
If they weren't doing anything wrong they wouldn't be working so hard to cover it up.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If they weren't doing anything wrong they wouldn't be working so hard to cover it up.


Just like Barry's birth certificate. He should have been able to whip that out the second it was questioned, and yet how long did it take him to actually produce it?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just like Barry's birth certificate. He should have been able to whip that out the second it was questioned, and yet how long did it take him to actually produce it?
Over a year if I remember right.

And it was a cruddy fake.

With that long to make one, you'd think they'd do a better job.



Well-Known Member
And the Hawaiian women who endorsed it was the only one to die in a plane crash.

I also believe that the Communist Frank Marshall Davis was the father and the only black student at college took the rap for it.
The Sr. Obama a drunken lout.
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