French reject EU Constitution



The EU sounds very scary for well to do nations like the Netherlands and Great Britan but great for nations like Turkey. Can we say 22% unemployment for all of Europe?


Routinely Derailed
I have good friends in the Netherlands and in Norway. My Dutch friend says that the EU has been a great burden on his country, because of the economic load they must share to support the more needy countries. My Norwegian friend is ambivalent, since Norway opted out of the EU (thereby preserving their economy and sovereignty). I sense a little bit of smugness in my Norwegian friend regarding this topic.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
czygvtwkr said:
The EU sounds very scary for well to do nations
I admit I don't know a whole lot about the EU but I think it sounds scary , period. "European Union" conjures up images, to me, of the Soviet Union. It sounds like a good idea at the time -melding political power, economies, whatever...actually that doesn't sound like a good idea at all, it sounds like a stupid idea. Regardless, someone will end up being in charge of this endeavor and that is a little too much power for one person to have, I think.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Regardless, someone will end up being in charge of this endeavor and that is a little too much power for one person to have, I think.
What, like in our country? I think that in the long run it will be good for Europe, but bad for the US. If all of the countries in Europe combine into one political entity it will be more important to care what they think because it will be a large economic power.


I wonder if that means that there will only be one UN vote for "Europe" then.

What the European Union will do is make it even harder for anything to get done regarding Europe as it will be very hard to get every one to agree to anything.

The US President is held very accountable by the US public. If you read that article it eludes to the fact that most Europeans feel disconnected from any decision that their government makes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
What, like in our country?
Uh, we're just one country, not a collection of 25 countries. :rolleyes:

I think that in the long run it will be good for Europe
It will be good for Europe if they want one country instead of multiple sovreign nations. Because that's the next logical step - no more Spain, no more Germany, no more Latvia...just "Europe". The French apparently aren't as stupid as they act because they seem to realize this.

If all of the countries in Europe combine into one political entity it will be more important to care what they think because it will be a large economic power.
Nope - it will cripple them economically because one of the things in the Constitution is Union-wide welfare. Socialism doesn't work. We've seen it throughout history time and time again. Why the EU thinks THEY can make it work is beyond me.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Nope - it will cripple them economically because one of the things in the Constitution is Union-wide welfare. Socialism doesn't work. We've seen it throughout history time and time again. Why the EU thinks THEY can make it work is beyond me.
If you're going to quote me, then quote me correctly.

I said "in the long run". Yes, initially it will cripple them, like it initially crippled Germany to be joined with it's eastern side when the wall fell, but they survived. The same thing would happen with the EU. Initially it would hit hard, but given 50 years, they would be back and probably stronger. Just like Germany.


Bustem' Down said:
If you're going to quote me, then quote me correctly.

I said "in the long run". Yes, initially it will cripple them, like it initially crippled Germany to be joined with it's eastern side when the wall fell, but they survived. The same thing would happen with the EU. Initially it would hit hard, but given 50 years, they would be back and probably stronger. Just like Germany.

Ummm Germany still has double digit unemployment and many people in the former West Germany resent and discriminate against those from the former East Germany. The former East Germany is comparable to the inner city of the US and the former West Germany is comparable to the suburbs.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
czygvtwkr said:
Ummm Germany still has double digit unemployment and many people in the former West Germany resent and discriminate against those from the former East Germany. The former East Germany is comparable to the inner city of the US and the former West Germany is comparable to the suburbs.
But I'd hardly say they're crippled. The French have a habit of avoiding anything that goes along with the group. This is really no different than the Articles of Confederation, several member states with a weak overall fed. The AoC didn't work, but led us to the Constitution. If this one fails for Eurpoe, they'll modify it and try again. I have no doubt though that within 50 to 75 years, we'll see Europe as one entity with many member states.


Well-Known Member
What's going on here?

You have countries in Europe that have been fighting for dominance since history started collecting records.

Why would any of them cave in and offer the olive branch to an all loving EU!


I think that you also have to factor in power and prestige. Europe is showing all of the marks of a culture in decline. There is little initiative, creativity, etc., and they are trying to get by on the achievements of the past. I see the EU as Europe's best-last hope to regain some of the glory and importance that they passed onto the United States, but it's not going to work. Global leadership always move westward, and never backtracks. Europe took it from the Middle East, we took it from Europe, Japan started to take it from us and went broke, now it's going to China. If the world doesn't actually end once power returns to the Middle East, maybe Europe can be the big dog again.


Bustem' Down said:
But I'd hardly say they're crippled. The French have a habit of avoiding anything that goes along with the group.

But the French were the ones that started the idea of the EU and the principal authors of the constitution.

The crippling will not be economic but will be due to the lack of anyone able to make a decision, kind of like the UN.