French reject EU Constitution

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
czygvtwkr said:
But the French were the ones that started the idea of the EU and the principal authors of the constitution.
The French leaders. The people weren't consulted first.

czygvtwkr said:
The crippling will not be economic but will be due to the lack of anyone able to make a decision, kind of like the UN.
Kind of like the Articles of Confederation we had in the beginning. A fed so weak it couldn't really do anything.


vraiblonde said:
Uh, we're just one country, not a collection of 25 countries.

The US is a collection of 50 states which, when formed 200 or so years ago, was little different then a collection of countries. It’s only through some extremely liberal interpretation of the common good and commerce clauses and some blatant ignoring of the tenth amendment of the constitution, that the federal government has the power it does today.


New Member
Warron said:
The US is a collection of 50 states which, when formed 200 or so years ago, was little different then a collection of countries. It’s only through some extremely liberal interpretation of the common good and commerce clauses and some blatant ignoring of the tenth amendment of the constitution, that the federal government has the power it does today.

Why do you think the Civil War started. The northern states wanted a more powerful federal government while the southern states didn't. and I'm getting off the subject.
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New Member
vraiblonde said:
Just like the Soviet Union! :jet:

You're way off on this. The Soviet Union developed from the Russian Empire. The "member" states were conquered with physical force and then "Russified" by Russian colonizers. The EU like Bustem has stated is more like the Articles of Confederation. The member states here are joining of their free will.Although it may be the will of the governments and not the people in some cases. There are countries waiting in line to join. It contains nations that the U.S. considers more benign or harmless nations such as Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands and Britain and some that Americans think as malignant as the France.
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New Member
Bruzilla said:
Japan started to take it from us and went broke, now it's going to China.

It's not broke it's having economic problems and it is still #2 economically after the U.S. but China IS growing. At the moment they are fighting to be the dominant economic power of the region. China is growing but Japan has trillions invested in SE Asia and in China.
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New Member
Bruzilla said:
Global leadership always move westward, and never backtracks. Europe took it from the Middle East, we took it from Europe, Japan started to take it from us and went broke, now it's going to China. If the world doesn't actually end once power returns to the Middle East, maybe Europe can be the big dog again.

China was more advanced than Europe until the mid 15th century at which point it started to turn inwards instead of out. Before that point China had many countries from Korea to the East coast of Africa either colonized or paying tribute. The Chinese had fleets going to places as the Persian Gulf and as far south as current Mozambique in Africa with dozens of ships and tens of thousands of men. Some of the ships were up to 122 meters long and 50 meters wide. Chinese are believed to have visted Australia according to artifacts found there and according to the tales of the native people.

The various Moslem nations and empires learned much of their more advanced technology from the Chinese and then it was passed to Europe during the time of the Crusades.

To make it very simple

In the most Ancient times the Middle East was the most powerful. Then The Chinese...then the Chinese and the Romans. Then the Chinese once again when the Roman Empire Declined.

Then centuries of wars between the Moslems and the Europeans.
China was the most powerful. Moslems were more powerful than the Europeans but not as powerful as the Chinese. Eventually the Europeans became more powerful than the Moslem nations but still not as much as the Chinese. After the Moslems were mostly defeated, the age of Discovery began and the Europeans in general became the most powerful in the later 15th century.
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curiouser and curiouser

Is the EU an attempt to unite the continent of Europe under one government, or more of a treaty/we-won't-mess-with-you-if-you-don't-mess-with-us type of thing? A united Europe scares me, not only will we be closer to a one world currency, we'd also be a step closer to a one world government, and then the antichrist will take over...I'm only being half serious here, I think I read too many books, but still, isn't it a scary concept?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Nickel said:

Is the EU an attempt to unite the continent of Europe under one government, or more of a treaty/we-won't-mess-with-you-if-you-don't-mess-with-us type of thing? A united Europe scares me, not only will we be closer to a one world currency, we'd also be a step closer to a one world government, and then the antichrist will take over...I'm only being half serious here, I think I read too many books, but still, isn't it a scary concept?
Read the following Preface of the draft of the EU Constitution.

Noting that the European Union was coming to a turning point in its existence, the European Council which met in Laeken, Belgium, on 14 and 15 December 2001 convened the European Convention on the Future of Europe.
The Convention was asked to draw up proposals on three subjects: how to bring citizens closer to the European design and European Institutions; how to organize politics and the European political area in an enlarged Union; and how to develop the Union into a stabilizing factor and a model in the new world order.

The Convention has identified responses to the questions put in the Laeken declaration:
- it proposes a better division of Union and Member State competences;
- it recommends a merger of the Treaties and the attribution of legal personality to the Union;
- it establishes a simplification of the Union’s instruments of action;
- it proposes measures to increase the democracy, transparency and efficiency of the European Union, by developing the contribution of national Parliaments to the legitimacy of the European design, by simplifying the decision-making processes, and by making the functioning of the European Institutions more transparent and comprehensible;
- it establishes the necessary measures to improve the structure and enhance the role of each of the Union's three institutions, taking account, in particular, of the consequences of enlargement.

The Laeken declaration also asked whether the simplification and reorganization of the Treaties should not pave the way for the adoption of a constitutional text. The Convention's proceedings ultimately led to the drawing up of a draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, which achieved a broad consensus at the plenary session on 13 June 2003.
That is the text which it is our privilege to present today, 20 June 2003, to the European Council meeting in Thessaloniki, on behalf of the European Convention, in the hope that it will constitute the foundation of a future Treaty establishing the European Constitution.

For the entire document go here -


New World Order, those words scare me. I can see them changing into the "Fourth Reich" one day.


curiouser and curiouser
czygvtwkr said:
New World Order, those words scare me. I can see them changing into the "Fourth Reich" one day.
:yeahthat: Except when I hear "New World Order" now, I translate it as "Anticrist Takes the Throne"....friggin' Jerry B Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. :ohwell:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I see "New World Order" and I think New Order and then I start singing "Bizarre Love Triangle". :lmao:
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but here goes; Good for the frenchies.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Except when I hear "New World Order" now, I translate it as "Anticrist Takes the Throne"....friggin' Jerry B Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.
That's what I translate it as, too. Illuminati. Bilderberg. Freemasonry. Politics and occult entwined.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I may ask...

Triggerfish said:
Why do you think the Civil War started. The northern states wanted a more powerful federal government while the southern states didn't. and I'm getting off the subject.

...why do you feel that way?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
What's wrong with Freemasons? There have been a few that have become President (George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Gerald Ford).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
What's wrong with Freemasons?
I don't like "secret societies", especially ones that have been tied to the occult throughout history. And I REALLY don't like secret societies that include powerful men in their membership.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I don't like "secret societies", especially ones that have been tied to the occult throughout history. And I REALLY don't like secret societies that include powerful men in their membership.
A secret society is one in which the membership is concealed; the meeting places are kept secret; and knowledge of its organization and principles is unknown to the public.

I have a few relatives that are Freemasons and I will agree that Freemasonry has a few secrets - a part of their ritual, their modes of recognition and the business of the Lodge. A portion of their ritual has been handed down within Freemasonry for centuries and forms a part of their traditions. However, their purposes, ideals and principles may be learned by anyone who inquires. There are numerous books on these subjects available to the public. All printed Masonic information, with the exception of their esoteric work, may be freely discussed in public. They wear lapel pins and Masonic jewelry, march in parades as Masons with the distinctive aprons, advertise the time and place of the meetings, and openly sponsor charities.

But from what I know they can hardly be called a secret society. Yes, they have some secrets, but no more so than most other fraternities or even families.


Getting back to the French issue, and now the Dutch issue, is there anyone but me out there who would love to see Tony Blair step up, champion the One Europe cause, and get the other 13 or signatories who have signed on into a power block that excludes the French and the Dutch? How awesome would that be? The Lithuanians would have more of a say in global events than the French! Just thinking about all of the economic mischief and mayhem that that block could lay on France and The Netherlands just makes me giddy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
advertise the time and place of the meetings, and openly sponsor charities.
Take a look at the calendar. You'll see KoC, Elks and several other lodges advertising their meetings, chicken dinners and charitable events.

Where are the Masons?