French reject EU Constitution

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This part...

Why do you think the Civil War started. The northern states wanted a more powerful federal government while the southern states didn't.

If I read it correctly, you're suggesting the 'war of northern aggression' version of events, yes?


New Member
Larry Gude said:
If I read it correctly, you're suggesting the 'war of northern aggression' version of events, yes?

As opposed to the it was a war about slavery version? Slavery was just one of the things that most of the slave states thought they should choose not the federal government.


Routinely Derailed
Airgasm said:
You know something DJ,

You hit it!

It's about the money! It's always about the money.
That's true, in this case, the money WAS the catalyst. The Euro. Tourists like it, I'm sure. But the drain on the coffers of the more well-to-do countries is quite significant. Taking the next step, to a real EU, is (I think) premature at best and detrimental to the common good. And yes, I see grave danger in the unification effort.


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
Getting back to the French issue, and now the Dutch issue, is there anyone but me out there who would love to see Tony Blair step up, champion the One Europe cause, and get the other 13 or signatories who have signed on into a power block that excludes the French and the Dutch? How awesome would that be? The Lithuanians would have more of a say in global events than the French! Just thinking about all of the economic mischief and mayhem that that block could lay on France and The Netherlands just makes me giddy.
I would hope Mr. Blair has more sense than that. I don't mind excluding the French from anything, but the Dutch are actually pretty loyal friends of ours.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Railroad said:
Taking the next step, to a real EU, is (I think) premature at best and detrimental to the common good.
I agree. When you align with other countries, you're supposed to pick countries that have something to offer - money, power, military might. I will suggest that the only reason these little pissant countries got invited into the club is because they'll be easy to take over and absorb. And they, like good little geeks, will just be happy to be picked for the kickball team, regardless of WHY they were picked.


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
I agree. When you align with other countries, you're supposed to pick countries that have something to offer - money, power, military might. I will suggest that the only reason these little pissant countries got invited into the club is because they'll be easy to take over and absorb. And they, like good little geeks, will just be happy to be picked for the kickball team, regardless of WHY they were picked.
Makes sense. And the economic burden they represent to the others makes for a fine story about why it would be good business to subjugate them. And imagine the propaganda describing the win-win situation, the benefits of being absorbed!


Sorry guys, but I worked with the Dutch government and military for close to three years, and they are both pretty f-ed up organizations. Believe me.. they aren't very far behind the French when it comes to walking about with your nose in air and falling into deep holes.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Take a look at the calendar. You'll see KoC, Elks and several other lodges advertising their meetings, chicken dinners and charitable events.

Where are the Masons?
Hey, I'm not one; I just know that some pretty great Americans have been Freemason. I don't know why they haven't made the choice to advertise here. Maybe they haven’t stumbled onto this paradise yet, I know I didn’t find this site for quite awhile after going cyber. But you raise a valid question and I think you should call them to get your answer. There is a Masonic Temple in Hollywood; phone # is 301-373-2925. Go get the scoop, Snoop.


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
Sorry guys, but I worked with the Dutch government and military for close to three years, and they are both pretty f-ed up organizations. Believe me.. they aren't very far behind the French when it comes to walking about with your nose in air and falling into deep holes.
I've been working with them since 1999, and I still am (though not for much longer, the program will probably die next year). I've got good friends in their Navy. Anyway, although there are some real turds over there, there are many more great people and their military organization, while small, seems to be effective. As for their government, well, that's another kettle of fish...they've made a few bad choices of late.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Go get the scoop, Snoop.
No way. I'm skeered of Masons. And I read Clancy books and know how people "disappear" when they stumble on things they're not supposed to know about. :yikes:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
No way. I'm skeered of Masons. And I read Clancy books and know how people "disappear" when they stumble on things they're not supposed to know about. :yikes:

I got invited to the Mason's once. My Catholic friend freaked out about it saying if I joined I was going to hell and that they all were satanists. :lmao:

They seem nice enough to me. Shriner's raise tons of money for children's hospitals. In fact, all the Mason organizations, I believe, are among the top fundraisers for charity. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
They seem nice enough to me. Shriner's raise tons of money for children's hospitals. In fact, all the Mason organizations, I believe, are among the top fundraisers for charity. :shrug:
Yeah, and John Wayne Gacy used to dress up like a clown to entertain little children. :eek:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
No way. I'm skeered of Masons. And I read Clancy books and know how people "disappear" when they stumble on things they're not supposed to know about. :yikes:
Fear is what give a secret society power!

Haha. Masons are nothing but a fraternal order now like the others. Sure back in the 17 and 1800's they had all that mysterious power and people disapeared but that's done with now. Read the Illuminatus Trilogy and that will wave all your fears from secret societies. You'll laugh at the idea.

Now, Scientologists are the ones to worry about!