Friday July 20th


happy to be living
Come on now, I get up every Saturday and head to work at 7:30.
Its doable.

Well I was late last Saturday; sore from dancing on the bar, tired from being pushed in the water and having to doggie paddle until help arrived and hungover to boot from all the festivities of last Friday night.

I would fire myself if I could.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well I was late last Saturday; sore from dancing on the bar, tired from being pushed in the water and having to doggie paddle until help arrived and hungover to boot from all the festivities of last Friday night.

I would fire myself if I could.



In My Opinion
Going to have to call up up the reservation number :yahoo:

Right now we are reserved for 12, but they say I can change that number if needed as long as I give them a couple days notice.

Its set for 5:30 on Friday the 20th.

And this time, I have no reason to be the last to show up.


Jam out with ur clam out
If we can talk BG into going, we'll take you up with us.. You'll just have to entertain the 6 year old in the backseat with ya..


I would have offered....but i may be heading north to make first pickup.. then over to ches. beach for next pu.


Jam out with ur clam out
You have to go that far to find people to hang with you?

no... Im going to be DD... and we are taking my friend suv... cuz i will not squish people in the back of the camaro

she may have her "guy friend"...and my friend is renting a place in CB....

have to go and let the pups out first..and then leave... cuz thats what a good pet owner does... is take care of their pets before they go out...