Vrai: You know we never agree on anything!

However, we really can't know what would have happened in Vietnam if the U.S. had chosen to bomb the North in a strategic manner. I think we might have won the war if we had done so but we would most likely have been stuck there in much the same manner as we are in Iraq; trying to win the peace. That one is a tougher nut to crack. I think we would have seen the North continue to support the VC in the south and would have had to endure many years of so-called "insurgency" before we would have been able to secure the country, if ever. Again, we'll never know.
Also, the climate in the country changed when it appeared that we had no viable strategy to win the war and the deaths continued to mount. Walter Cronkite and others were indeed instrumental in putting forth the notion that we needed to get out. Like it or not, the ability of a free press to express ideas is part of what our Nation is about. Ultimately, the American people demanded that we extricate ourselves from that mess and eventually we did so. I think we're heading toward a similar fate with this Iraq mess.
As far as "finishing the job" what exactly is that? How long will that take and are American voters willing to stay the course if it takes 10 years and 53,000 lives? I understand that this is a nasty business and that the world changed on 9/11. Maybe I just hope too hard that ultimately John Foster Dulles won't just be the name of an airport and that we can find a way to more or less peacefully coexist. Our other choice is non-existance. I don't think any of us wants that.
Good to hear from you.