Refuting the BullShiat Continues :
All Underlined Items are
When you use Michael Moore as your source of "information" you are bound to run into problems (namely Facts)
Woop-dee-Doo, Hitlary Klinton sat on the Board of Wal-Mart
Your talking points are screwing you up, before you said he was CEO from 1995-2000 now its just 8 Months of work?
So he shouldnt be paid for his work?
Actually thats not what it said, but your going off of Talking Points so we dont expect you to actually find out for yourself
Take a gander from the
Bastion of Conservatism
First you show your ignorance in how Government Contracting works. ALL government contracts run (that is start and end) on a (fiscal) yearly basis,
all of them. But in an effort to streamline how (all) contracts are handled, the Government and the Contracting company reach agreements (typically 3, 5 or 10 years) so that they dont have to go through the Bidding/Procurement process Every Fiscal Year (ends September 30th).
VIRTUALLY all government contracts work this way, its a Win for the Government (they get garrunteed service for a set time, and dont have to go through a Huge Retrain process every year) and a Win for the Contracting Company (garunteed income).
This is how BAE, Titan, Caci and Booz|Allen (and others) have stayed at Pax for as long as they have.
Second Haliburton was awarded the Iraqi Contracts
during the Klinton presidency, 1998 i believe (oops kind sucks to be you). When there was thought that we'd re-invade Iraq (for throwing out the Weapons Inspectors), they went to the company that was Contracted for the Bosnia "issue" and awarded them the contract in the event we went to war (again) with Iraq. when the 2003 Iraq invasion came about, Halliburton was just awarded its existing contract.
Third how many companies (at the time) could do what Halliburton was awarded (in 1998) the contract for? 1 it was a French company, guess you LibTARDs do support outsourcing.
And besides LibTARD pontificators no one has proven otherwise.
have a link?
Our Sons and Daughters, who are
ADULTS and Volunteered, are dying to provide the same freedom of being able to Spout LibTARD BS that you enjoy.
Because Dan Rather, Michael Moore and the Sainted Klintons have harboured an environment where Kooky LibTARDs will believe the Sky is Falling, George Bush's environmental policies caused it, and Halliburton is profitting from it.
You are
supposedy more intelligent than us Truck driving, Whitetrash Red State, Racist conservatives, yet you'll believe the most idiotic vitriol.